mqtt-analyzer 0.2.0

Help analyzing MQTT messages

MQTT Analyzer

This is a command line tool that helps you analyze MQTT messages.


Now it is a simpler version of mosquitto_pub, with similar parameters.

    mqtt-analyzer [OPTIONS]

        --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --id <ID>                The id to use for this client
        --format <FORMAT>        The format to use to show payload. If text is non valid utf8, it falls back to hex.
                                 [possible values: hex, base64, text]
    -h, --host <HOSTNAME>        Specify the host to connect to [default: localhost]
    -P, --pw <PASSWORD>          Provide a password to be used for authenticating with the broker. See also the
                                 --username option
    -p, --port <PORT>            Connect to the port specified [default: 1883]
    -t, --topic <TOPIC>...       The MQTT topic to subscribe to
    -u, --username <USERNAME>    Provide a username to be used for authenticating with the broker. See also the --pw

Future developement

  • rich terminal user interface
  • different format for topic (base16, base64, raw, hybrid)
  • statistics (occurrences, frequency, etc...)
  • regular expression filter on payload
  • extensible custom formatting
  • tree navigation on topics