mpu9250 0.7.2

no_std driver for the MPU9250 & onboard AK8963 (accelerometer + gyroscope + magnetometer IMU)

no_std driver for the MPU9250 & onboard AK8963 (accelerometer + gyroscope + magnetometer IMU)


  • NCS
  • SCL = SCK
  • SDA = SDI = MOSI
  • AD0 = SDO = MISO


Use embedded-hal implementation to get SPI, NCS, and delay, then create mpu handle

// to create sensor with mag support and default configuration:
let mut mpu = Mpu9250::marg_default(spi, ncs, &mut delay)?;
// to create sensor without mag support and default configuration:
let mut mpu = Mpu9250::imu_default(spi, ncs, &mut delay)?;
// to get all supported measurements:
let all = mpu.all()?;
println!("{:?}", all);
// One can also use conf module to supply configuration:
let mut mpu = Mpu9250::marg(spi, ncs, &mut delay,

More examples (for stm32) in [Proving ground] repo.
