Function mpstthree::functionmpst::fork::fork_mpst[][src]

pub fn fork_mpst<S0, S1, S2, R0, R1, R2, N0, N1, N2, F0, F1, F2>(
    f0: F0,
    f1: F1,
    f2: F2
) -> (JoinHandle<()>, JoinHandle<()>, JoinHandle<()>) where
    S0: Session + 'static,
    S1: Session + 'static,
    S2: Session + 'static,
    R0: Role + 'static,
    R1: Role + 'static,
    R2: Role + 'static,
    N0: Role + 'static,
    N1: Role + 'static,
    N2: Role + 'static,
    F0: FnOnce(MeshedChannels<S0, S1, R0, N0>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> + Send + 'static,
    F1: FnOnce(MeshedChannels<<S0 as Session>::Dual, S2, R1, N1>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> + Send + 'static,
    F2: FnOnce(MeshedChannels<<S1 as Session>::Dual, <S2 as Session>::Dual, R2, N2>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> + Send + 'static, 
Expand description

Creates and returns a tuple of three child processes for three MeshedChannels linked together.


use std::error::Error;

use mpstthree::binary::struct_trait::{end::End, recv::Recv, send::Send, session::Session};
use mpstthree::functionmpst::fork::fork_mpst;
use mpstthree::meshedchannels::MeshedChannels;

use mpstthree::functionmpst::close::close_mpst;

use mpstthree::role::a::RoleA;
use mpstthree::role::b::RoleB;
use mpstthree::role::c::RoleC;
use mpstthree::role::end::RoleEnd;

use mpstthree::functionmpst::recv::recv_mpst_a_from_c;
use mpstthree::functionmpst::recv::recv_mpst_b_from_a;
use mpstthree::functionmpst::recv::recv_mpst_c_from_b;

use mpstthree::functionmpst::send::send_mpst_a_to_b;
use mpstthree::functionmpst::send::send_mpst_b_to_c;
use mpstthree::functionmpst::send::send_mpst_c_to_a;

type AtoB<N> = Send<N, End>;
type AtoC<N> = Recv<N, End>;

type BtoA<N> = <AtoB<N> as Session>::Dual;
type BtoC<N> = Send<N, End>;

type CtoA<N> = <AtoC<N> as Session>::Dual;
type CtoB<N> = <BtoC<N> as Session>::Dual;

type StackA = RoleB<RoleC<RoleEnd>>;
type StackB = RoleA<RoleC<RoleEnd>>;
type StackC = RoleA<RoleB<RoleEnd>>;

type EndpointA<N> = MeshedChannels<AtoB<N>, AtoC<N>, StackA, RoleA<RoleEnd>>;
type EndpointB<N> = MeshedChannels<BtoA<N>, BtoC<N>, StackB, RoleB<RoleEnd>>;
type EndpointC<N> = MeshedChannels<CtoA<N>, CtoB<N>, StackC, RoleC<RoleEnd>>;

fn endpoint_a(s: EndpointA<i32>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let s = send_mpst_a_to_b(1, s);
    let (_x, s) = recv_mpst_a_from_c(s)?;

/// Single test for B
fn endpoint_b(s: EndpointB<i32>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let (_x, s) = recv_mpst_b_from_a(s)?;
    let s = send_mpst_b_to_c(2, s);

/// Single test for C
fn endpoint_c(s: EndpointC<i32>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let s = send_mpst_c_to_a(3, s);
    let (_x, s) = recv_mpst_c_from_b(s)?;
let (thread_a, thread_b, thread_c) = fork_mpst(endpoint_a, endpoint_b, endpoint_c);


Creates 3 pairs of endpoints, each pair of type S and S::Dual. Creates 3 Role for each stack. Creates 3 MeshedChannels, linked together with the pairs of endpoints, and get the related child processes.