mpstthree 0.1.14

A library implementing Multiparty Session Types for 2 or more participants

use mpstthree::binary::struct_trait::{end::End, recv::Recv, send::Send};
use mpstthree::bundle_impl_with_enum_and_cancel;
use mpstthree::role::broadcast::RoleBroadcast;
use mpstthree::role::end::RoleEnd;

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

use std::error::Error;
use std::marker;

// See the folder scribble_protocols for the related Scribble protocol

// Create new MeshedChannels for two participants
bundle_impl_with_enum_and_cancel!(MeshedChannelsTwo, Controller, Logs);

// Names
type NameRoleController = RoleController<RoleEnd>;
type NameRoleLogs = RoleLogs<RoleEnd>;

// RoleController
enum Branching0fromLtoC<N: marker::Send> {
            Recv<N, Recurs0fromCtoL<N>>,
        MeshedChannelsTwo<Recv<N, Choose1fromCtoL<N>>, RoleLogs<RoleBroadcast>, NameRoleController>,

type Recurs0fromCtoL<N> = Recv<Branching0fromLtoC<N>, End>;

type Choose1fromCtoL<N> = Send<Branching1fromCtoL<N>, End>;

// RoleLogs
type Choose0fromLtoC<N> = Send<Branching0fromLtoC<N>, End>;

enum Branching1fromCtoL<N: marker::Send> {
        MeshedChannelsTwo<Recv<N, Choose0fromLtoC<N>>, RoleController<RoleBroadcast>, NameRoleLogs>,
    Stop(MeshedChannelsTwo<Recv<N, End>, RoleController<RoleEnd>, NameRoleLogs>),

type Recurs1fromLtoC<N> = Recv<Branching1fromCtoL<N>, End>;

// Creating the MP sessions
// RoleController
type EndpointController1Stop<N> =
    MeshedChannelsTwo<Send<N, End>, RoleLogs<RoleEnd>, NameRoleController>;
type EndpointController1Restart<N> =
    MeshedChannelsTwo<Send<N, Recurs0fromCtoL<N>>, RoleLogs<RoleLogs<RoleEnd>>, NameRoleController>;
type EndpointController0<N> =
    MeshedChannelsTwo<Recurs0fromCtoL<N>, RoleLogs<RoleEnd>, NameRoleController>;
type EndpointController1<N> =
    MeshedChannelsTwo<Choose1fromCtoL<N>, RoleBroadcast, NameRoleController>;
type EndpointControllerInit<N> =
    MeshedChannelsTwo<Send<N, Recurs0fromCtoL<N>>, RoleLogs<RoleLogs<RoleEnd>>, NameRoleController>;
// RoleLogs
type EndpointLogs0Success<N> =
    MeshedChannelsTwo<Send<N, Choose0fromLtoC<N>>, RoleController<RoleBroadcast>, NameRoleLogs>;
type EndpointLogs0Failure<N> = MeshedChannelsTwo<
    Send<N, Recurs1fromLtoC<N>>,
type EndpointLogs0<N> = MeshedChannelsTwo<Choose0fromLtoC<N>, RoleBroadcast, NameRoleLogs>;
type EndpointLogs1<N> =
    MeshedChannelsTwo<Recurs1fromLtoC<N>, RoleController<RoleEnd>, NameRoleLogs>;
type EndpointLogsInit<N> =
    MeshedChannelsTwo<Recv<N, Choose0fromLtoC<N>>, RoleController<RoleBroadcast>, NameRoleLogs>;

fn endpoint_controller(s: EndpointControllerInit<i32>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let start = thread_rng().gen_range(5..100);

    let s = s.send(start)?;

    recurs_0_controller(s, start)

fn recurs_0_controller(s: EndpointController0<i32>, loops: i32) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    offer_mpst!(s, {
        Branching0fromLtoC::Success(s) => {

            let (_, s) = s.recv()?;

            recurs_0_controller(s, loops)
        Branching0fromLtoC::Failure(s) => {

            let (_, s) = s.recv()?;

            recurs_1_controller(s, loops)

fn recurs_1_controller(s: EndpointController1<i32>, loops: i32) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    match loops {
        i if i <= 0 => {
            // Stop
            let s: EndpointController1Stop<i32> =
                choose_mpst_controller_to_all!(s, Branching1fromCtoL::Stop);

            let s = s.send(loops - 1)?;

        _ => {
            // Restart
            let s: EndpointController1Restart<i32> =
                choose_mpst_controller_to_all!(s, Branching1fromCtoL::Restart);

            let s = s.send(loops - 1)?;

            recurs_0_controller(s, loops - 1)

fn endpoint_logs(s: EndpointLogsInit<i32>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let (status, s) = s.recv()?;
    recurs_0_logs(s, status)

fn recurs_0_logs(s: EndpointLogs0<i32>, loops: i32) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    match loops {
        i if i % 2 == 0 && i > 0 => {
            // Success
            let s: EndpointLogs0Success<i32> =
                choose_mpst_logs_to_all!(s, Branching0fromLtoC::Success);

            let s = s.send(loops - 1)?;

            recurs_0_logs(s, loops - 1)
        _ => {
            // Failure
            let s: EndpointLogs0Failure<i32> =
                choose_mpst_logs_to_all!(s, Branching0fromLtoC::Failure);

            let s = s.send(loops - 1)?;


fn recurs_1_logs(s: EndpointLogs1<i32>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    offer_mpst!(s, {
        Branching1fromCtoL::Restart(s) => {

            let (loops, s) = s.recv()?;

            recurs_0_logs(s, loops - 1)
        Branching1fromCtoL::Stop(s) => {

            let (_, s) = s.recv()?;



fn main() {
    let (thread_controller, thread_logs) = fork_mpst(endpoint_controller, endpoint_logs);
