mproxy-forward 0.1.8

MPROXY: Forwarding Proxy. Forward TLS/TCP, UDP, or Multicast to a downstream UDP socket address.
name = "mproxy-forward"
version = "0.1.8"
edition = "2021"

license = "MIT"
readme = "../"
repository = ""
description = "MPROXY: Forwarding Proxy. Forward TLS/TCP, UDP, or Multicast to a downstream UDP socket address."
documentation = ""

tls = ["dep:rustls", "dep:webpki-roots"]

mproxy-client = {path = "../client", version = "0.1.8"}
mproxy-server = {path = "../server", version = "0.1.8"}

rustls = {version = "0.20", optional = true}
webpki-roots = {version = "0.22", optional = true}

version = "0.5.0"
features = [ "eq-separator",]

mproxy-client = {path = "../client"}
mproxy-server = {path = "../server"}
testconfig = {path = "../testconfig"}