mphf_benchmark 0.1.1

The program for benchmarking Minimal Perfect Hash Functions
mphf_benchmark-0.1.1 is not a library.

mphf_benchmark is the program (by Piotr Beling) for benchmarking Minimal Perfect Hash Functions.

It can test the algorithms included in the following creates:

  • ph,
  • boomphf,
  • cmph-sys (only if compiled with cmph-sys feature, and supports only CHD algorithm).


mphf_benchmark can be compiled and installed from sources. To do this, a Rust compiler is needed. The easiest way to obtain the compiler along with other necessary tools (like cargo) is to use rustup.

Please follow the instructions at and (as mphf_benchmark requires Rust Nightly) select "Customize installation" and "nightly" as "Default toolchain" (for all other options the default values can be left).

In case Rust stable is already installed on the computer, it can be switched to nightly by executing:

rustup default nightly

Once Rust Nightly is installed, just execute to install mphf_benchmark:

cargo install mphf_benchmark