[][src]Module mpeg2ts_reader::descriptor

Descriptors provide metadata about an element of a Transport Stream.

For example, a descriptor may be used to specify the language of an audio track. Use of specific descriptors is often not mandatory (many streams do not describe the language of their audio).

The syntax of specific PSI tables often allows descriptors to be attached to the table itself, or to entries within the table.


Descriptors are a point of extension, with a range of descriptor types defined by the core standard, and further descriptor types defined by standards based upon transport streams. In order to support this extension, while avoiding allocations (a la dyn Trait), descriptor-related types and methods within this crate have a type-parameter so that calling code which wants to use externally-defined descriptors can supply a type which supports them.

So for example code using PmtSection will need to specify the Descriptor implementation to be produced,

let pmt = PmtSection::from_bytes(&data).unwrap();
// type parameter to descriptors() is inferred from the use of CoreDescriptors below
for d in pmt.descriptors() {
    if let Ok(CoreDescriptors::Registration(reg)) = d {
        println!("registration_descriptor {:#x}", reg.format_identifier());



Support for ISO-639 language code metadata, and audio-type metadata.


Registration descriptor indicates which kind of syntax any 'private data' within the transport stream will be following



Iterator over the descriptor elements in a given byte slice.


Catch-all type for when there is no explicit handling for the given descriptor type.



Default implementation of Descriptor covering descriptor types from ISO/IEC 13818-1.


An error during parsing of a descriptor



Trait allowing users of this trait to supply their own implementation of descriptor parsing.