mpdpopm 0.3.0

Maintain ratings & playcounts for your mpd server
name = "mpdpopm"
version = "0.3.0"
authors = ["Michael Herstine <>"]
edition = "2018"
license-file = "../LICENSE"
description = "Maintain ratings & playcounts for your mpd server"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["mpd", "music", "daemon"]
categories = ["multimedia", "network-programming", "database"]
exclude = ["", "Cargo.toml.orig", "Makefile", "", "", "rusty-tags.emacs", "src/", "src/", "", "*.log"]

lalrpop = { version = "0.19", features = ["lexer"] }

async-trait = "0.1.31"
boolinator = "2.4.0"
chrono = "0.4.19"
clap = "=3.0.0-beta.1"
errno = "0.2.6"
futures = "0.3.5"
lalrpop-util = "0.19"
libc = "0.2.74"
log = "0.4.8"
log4rs = "0.10.0"
os_str_bytes = "2.3.1"
pin-project = "0.4.17"
regex = "1.3.6"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde-lexpr = "0.1.1"
snafu = { version = "0.6.7", features = ["backtraces"] }
tokio = { version = "0.2.22", features = ["dns", "io-util", "macros", "process", "rt-threaded", "signal", "tcp", "time", "uds"] }

maintainer = "Michael Herstine <>"
copyright = "Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Michael Herstine <>"
extended-description = """
mpdpopm provides a companion daemon to mpd <>/ \
for maintaining play counts, ratings and last-played timestamps, \
along with an associated CLI for talking to the daemon. Similar to \
mpdfav <>, but written in \
Rust (which I prefer to Go), it will maintain this information in \
your sticker database. Along the lines of mpdcron \
<>, it will also allow you to keep that \
information up-to-date in your tags by invoking external \
(user-provided & -configured) commands."""
section = "Sound"
priority = "optional"
# If I use "$auto", cargo-deb will choose a fairly recent version of
# libc6 (2.31); I've verified on the debian:slim-latest Docker package
# that it only needs 2.28-10 (and possibly much older). I'm going to
# roll the dice & just specify no version.
depends = "libc6"
maintainer-scripts = "../admin/deb-maintainer-scripts"
assets = [
       ["target/release/mppopm", "usr/local/bin/", "755"],
       ["target/release/mppopmd", "usr/local/bin/", "755"],
       ["", "usr/local/share/doc/mpdpopm/README", "644"],
       ["mppopmd.conf", "usr/local/share/doc/mpdpopm/examples/mppopmd.conf", "644"],
       ["mppopmd.service", "usr/local/lib/systemd/user/mppopmd.service", "644"],
       ["mppopmd.service", "usr/local/lib/systemd/system/mppopmd.service", "644"],
       ["../doc/", "usr/local/share/info/", "644"],