moxie 0.2.3

Declarative, asynchronous, incremental UI runtime.
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    <title>moxie, rust UI tools</title>
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    <div class="content">
        <header class="header">
            <img src="assets/logo.png" alt="moxie logo" height="150" />
            <p>a lightweight platform-agnostic declarative UI runtime, written in rust</p>
                <a href="#web">web</a> |
                <a href="#xplat">xplat</a> |
                <a href="#book">book</a> |
                <a href="#repo">repo</a> |
                <a href="#related">related</a> |
                <a href="#chat">chat</a>

        <h5 align="middle" id="web">web crates</h5>

            <a href="target/doc/moxie_dom/index.html">
                <img src="" alt="moxie-dom master branch docs badge"

                    align="right" />
            <a href="">
                <img src="" alt="moxie-dom docs badge" align="right" />
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                <img src="" alt="moxie-dom version badge"

                    align="right" />
            a WebAssembly-based library for describing the web's DOM using moxie

        <h3>(toy) examples</h3>
            <li><a href="dom/examples/hacking/index.html">DOM hacking</a></li>
            <li><a href="dom/examples/todo/index.html">TodoMVC</a></li>
                <a href="">
                    server-side rendering

            <a href="target/doc/augdom/index.html">
                <img src="" alt="augdom master branch docs badge"

                    align="right" />
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                <img src="" alt="augdom docs badge" align="right" />
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            provides an "augmented DOM" implementation that can run almost anywhere Rust can.
            compiles as either a thin wrapper around web-sys or a DOM emulation layer written in
            pure Rust which can be used for testing or to render HTML strings.

            <a href="target/doc/raf/index.html">
                <img src="" alt="raf master branch docs badge"

                    align="right" />
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                <img src="" alt="raf docs badge" align="right" />
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                <img src="" alt="raf version badge" align="right" />
            runs an event loop in the browser using requestAnimationFrame

        <h5 align="middle" id="xplat">platform-agnostic crates</h5>
            <a href="target/doc/moxie/index.html">
                <img src="" alt="moxie master branch docs badge"

                    align="right" />
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            offers memoization and runtime-coordinated mutable state for presenting interactive
            interfaces. no platform framework dependencies.

            includes the <code>mox!</code> macro, a Mockery Of XML. express nested function calls
            and builder instantiation using XML-lite syntax

            <a href="target/doc/topo/index.html">
                <img src="" alt="topo master branch docs badge"

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                <img src="" alt="topo docs badge" align="right" />
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                <img src="" alt="topo version badge"

                    align="right" />
            create trees of stable identifiers for repeated nested function invocations. allows
            later calls to "rendezvous" with the results of previous calls at the same location in
            the tree.

            <a href="target/doc/illicit/index.html">
                <img src="" alt="illicit master branch docs badge"

                    align="right" />
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                <img src="" alt="illicit docs badge" align="right" />
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                <img src="" alt="illicit version badge"

                    align="right" />
        <p>type-indexed scoped-singletons, implicitly propagated as nested environments</p>

        <hr />

        <h2 id="book">book</h2>

            the <strong><a href="book/pkg/index.html">book</a></strong> covers project values,
            general concepts, information for contributors, etc.
        <p>it's a work in progress and very incomplete today.</p>

        <h2 id="repo">
            <img src="" alt="license badge" />

            the project is <a href="">hosted on github</a>. both the
            repo and the project chat (below) are covered by an actively enforced
            <a href="">code of

        <h2 id="related">related projects</h2>

        <h3><a href="">moxie-native</a></h3>
            from the repo: "Warning: This is a work in progress and not yet usable for nontrivial
            a "webrender-based UI framework with a moxie frontend" which features a "relatively
            small footprint" and is "targeted towards real world desktop applications."

        <h2 id="chat">chat</h2>

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