mown 0.1.0

Maybe owned values. Wrappers for values that can be either owned or borrowed.

Maybe Owned values

This crate provides two simple wrappers Mown and MownMut for values that can be either owned or borrowed. The type Mown is an simple enum type with two constructors:

pub enum Mown<'a, T> {
	Borrowed(&'a T)

The mutable version MownMut follows the same definition with a mutable reference. This is very similar to the standard Cow type, except that it is not possible to transform a borrowed value into an owned one.

Basic Usage

One basic use case for the Mown type is the situation where one wants to reuse some input borrowed value under some condition, or then use a custom owned value.

use mown::Mown;

fn function(input_value: &T) {
	let value = if condition {
	} else {
		let custom_value: T = ... ;

	// do something with `value`.


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