mostro 0.11.4

Lightning Network peer-to-peer nostr platform
# path to tls.cert file
lnd_cert_file = '/home/user/.polar/networks/1/volumes/lnd/alice/tls.cert'
# path to macaroon file
lnd_macaroon_file = '/home/user/.polar/networks/1/volumes/lnd/alice/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
lnd_grpc_port = 10001
lnd_grpc_host = ''
# lightning invoices sent by the buyer to Mostro should have at least
# this expiration time in seconds
invoice_expiration_window = 3600
# Hold invoice cltv delta (expiration time in blocks)
hold_invoice_cltv_delta = 144
# This is the time that a taker has to pay the invoice (seller) or 
# to add a new invoice (buyer), in seconds
hold_invoice_expiration_window = 300
# Retries for failed payments
payment_attempts = 3
# Retries interval for failed payments
payment_retries_interval = 60

nsec_privkey = 'nsec1...'
relays = ['ws://localhost:7000']

# Mostro Fee
fee = 0
# Max routing fee that we want to pay to the network, 0.001 = 0.1%
max_routing_fee = 0.001
# Max order amount (sats)
max_order_amount = 1000000
# Minimum amount for a payment in satoshis
min_payment_amount = 100
# Expiration order hours
expiration_hours = 24
# Max expiration days for an order
max_expiration_days = 15
# Expiration of pending orders
expiration_seconds = 900
# User rate events scheduled time interval
user_rates_sent_interval_seconds = 3600

url = "sqlite://mostro.db"