mosquitto-client-wrapper 0.2.0

Rust interface to the Mosquitto MQTT broker client. This is a fork of
/// this file is mainly inspired by the great c library integration from

fn main() {

const MOSQUITTO_DIR: &str = "mosquitto";
const MOSQUITTO_GIT_URL: &str = "";
const MOSQUITTO_VERSION: &str = "2.0.4";

#[cfg(feature = "build_bindgen")]
mod bindings {
    use std::{env, fs};
    use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

    pub fn place_bindings(inc_dir: &Path) {
        let inc_search = format!("-I{}", inc_dir.display());

        // The bindgen::Builder is the main entry point
        // to bindgen, and lets you build up options for
        // the resulting bindings.
        let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
            // Older clang versions (~v3.6) improperly mangle the functions.
            // We shouldn't require mangling for straight C library. I think.
            // The input header we would like to generate
            // bindings for.
            // Finish the builder and generate the bindings.
            // Unwrap the Result and panic on failure.
            .expect("Unable to generate bindings");

        // Write the bindings to the $OUT_DIR/ file.
        let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
        let out_path = out_dir.join("");

            .expect("Couldn't write bindings!");

        // Save a copy of the bindings file into the bindings/ dir
        // with version and target name, if it doesn't already exist

        let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
        println!("debug:Target: {}", target);

        let bindings = format!("bindings/bindings_mosquitto_{}-{}.rs",
                               MOSQUITTO_VERSION, target);

        if !Path::new(&bindings).exists() {
            if let Err(err) = fs::copy(out_path, &bindings) {
                println!("debug:Error copying new binding file: {}", err);
            } else {
                println!("debug:Created new bindings file {}", bindings)

#[cfg(feature = "bundled")]
mod bundled {
    use std::process::Command;
    use super::*;
    use std::path::Path;
    use std::process;
    use std::env;
    use std::fs;
    use std::str;

    extern crate anyhow;
    extern crate cmake;

    use self::anyhow::Result;

    pub fn main() {
        println!("Running the bundled build");

        if let Err(e) = execute() {
            panic!("failed to build bundled library: {:?}", e)

    fn execute() -> Result<()> {

    fn bundle_lib() -> Result<()> {
        let mut cmk_cfg = cmake::Config::new("mosquitto");
        let cmk = cmk_cfg.define("WITH_BUNDLED_DEPS", "on")
            .define("WITH_EC", "off")
            .define("WITH_TLS", "off")
            .define("WITH_TLS_PSK", "off")
            .define("WITH_APPS", "off")
            .define("WITH_PLUGINS", "off")
            .define("DOCUMENTATION", "off")
            .define("WITH_CJSON", "off")

        let lib_path = if cmk.join("lib").exists() {
        } else {
            panic!("Unknown library directory.")

        let lib_dir = cmk.join(lib_path);

        let library_name = "mosquitto";
        let link_file = format!("lib{}.so.1", library_name);

        let lib = lib_dir.join(Path::new(&link_file));
        println!("debug:Using mosquitto C library at: {}", lib.display());

        if !lib.exists() {
            println!("Error building mosquitto C library: '{}'", lib.display());

        // Get bundled bindings or regenerate
        let inc_dir = cmk.join("include");

        // we add the folder where all the libraries are built to the path search
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", lib_dir.display());
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", "mosquitto");

    fn checkout_lib() -> Result<()> {
        let git_path = Path::new(MOSQUITTO_DIR);
        if git_path.is_dir() {

        let args = vec![

        if let Err(e) = Command::new("git").args(&args).status() {
            panic!("failed to clone the git repo: {:?}", e);

        let hash = env::var("MOSQUITTO_GIT_HASH");
        if let Ok(hash) = hash.as_ref() {
            if let Err(e) = Command::new("git").current_dir(MOSQUITTO_DIR).args(&["fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", hash.as_str()]).status() {
                panic!("failed to fetch the git hash: {:?}", e);
            if let Err(e) = Command::new("git").current_dir(MOSQUITTO_DIR).args(&["checkout", hash.as_str()]).status() {
                panic!("failed to checkout the git hash: {:?}", e);

        let output = Command::new("git").current_dir(MOSQUITTO_DIR).args(&["rev-parse", "HEAD"]).output()?;
        let output = str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)?;
        if let Ok(hash) = hash.as_ref() {
            if!("{}\n", hash).as_str()) {
                panic!("was not able to get correct hash: found {}, expected {}", output, hash);
            } else {
                println!("debug:Hash: {}", output);
        } else {
            println!("debug:Hash: {}", output);