morton 0.2.0

morton iterator for rust

name = "morton"

version = "0.2.0"

authors = ["Reinier Maas <>"]


description = "morton iterator for rust"

documentation = ""

homepage = ""

repository = ""

readme = ""

keywords = ["morton", "iterator", "cache-coherence", "spatial-locality", "data-locality"]

categories = ["algorithms", "caching", "data-structures", "game-engines", "memory-management"]

license = "MIT"

# Optional specification of badges to be displayed on The badges

# currently available are Travis CI and Appveyor latest build status, specified

# using the following parameters:

# [badges]

# Travis CI: `repository` is required. `branch` is optional; default is `master`

# travis-ci = { repository = "...", branch = "master" }

# Appveyor: `repository` is required. `branch` is optional; default is `master`

# `service` is optional; valid values are `github` (default), `bitbucket`, and

# `gitlab`.

# appveyor = { repository = "...", branch = "master", service = "github" }


# The development profile, used for `cargo build | run`.


opt-level = 0

debug = true

debug-assertions = true

# The release profile, used for `cargo build | run --release`.


opt-level = 3

lto = true

# The testing profile, used for `cargo test`.


opt-level = 0

debug = true

debug-assertions = true

# The benchmarking profile, used for `cargo bench`.


opt-level = 3

lto = true



rand = "0.3.15"