morphism 0.4.0

A structure for suspended closure composition in Rust

A structure for suspended closure composition in Rust

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The motivation for Morphism is to provide a means of composing and evaluating an unbounded (within heap constraints) number of closures without blowing the stack. In other words, Morphism is one way to work around the lack of tail-call optimization in Rust.

Because Morphism implements the Fn trait, it is callable like a normal closure and can even be passed around as if it were a closure. See the second example below for an instance of using Morphism with iterators.


  • Compose Morphism with closures or another Morphism:
let mut f = Morphism::new::<u64>();
for _ in range(0u64, 100000u64) {
    f = f.tail(|x| x + 42u64);

let mut g = Morphism::new::<Option<u64>>();
for _ in range(0u64,  99999u64) {
    g = g.tail(|x||y| y - 42u64));

// type becomes Morphism<u64, (Option<u64>, bool, String)> so rebind g
let g = g
    .tail(|x| (|y| y + 1000u64), String::from_str("welp")))
    .tail(|(l, r)| (|y| y + 42u64), r))
    .tail(|(l, r)| (l, l.is_some(), r))
    .head(|x| Some(x));

let h = f.then(g);

assert_eq!(h(0u64), (Some(1084), true, String::from_str("welp")));
assert_eq!(h(1000u64), (Some(2084), true, String::from_str("welp")));
  • Use Morphism in place of a closure when a Fn-like is expected:
use std::iter::AdditiveIterator;

let mut f = Morphism::new::<u64>();
for _ in range(0u64, 10000) {
    f = f.tail(|x| x + 42);

// ::map treats f like any other Fn
let res = range(0u64, 100).map(f).sum();

assert_eq!(res, 42004950);


See the API documentation here.


  1. Rust
  2. Cargo

You can install both with the following:

$ curl -s | sudo sh

See Installing Rust for further details.


$ cargo build       ## build library and binary
$ cargo test        ## run tests in ./tests
$ cargo bench       ## run benchmarks in ./benches


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