moose 0.2.2

Encrypted learning and data processing framework
use super::*;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::execution::{RuntimeSession, Session};
use crate::host::bitarray::BitArrayRepr;
use crate::{Const, Ring, N128, N224, N64};
use aes_prng::AesRng;
use bitvec::prelude::BitVec;
use ndarray::LinalgScalar;
use ndarray::Zip;
use ndarray_linalg::{Inverse, Lapack};
use num_traits::{clamp_min, Float, FromPrimitive, Signed, Zero};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::num::Wrapping;

impl ConstantOp {
    pub(crate) fn kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: Placed>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        value: T,
    ) -> Result<T>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, T>,
        Ok(, value))

impl ConstantOp {
    pub(crate) fn string_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        value: String,
    ) -> Result<HostString> {
        Ok(HostString(value, plc.clone()))

impl ConstantOp {
    pub(crate) fn shape_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        value: RawShape,
    ) -> Result<HostShape> {
        Ok(HostShape(value, plc.clone()))

impl ConstantOp {
    pub(crate) fn prf_key_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        value: RawPrfKey,
    ) -> Result<HostPrfKey> {
        Ok(HostPrfKey(value, plc.clone()))

impl ConstantOp {
    pub(crate) fn seed_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        value: RawSeed,
    ) -> Result<HostSeed> {
        Ok(HostSeed(value, plc.clone()))

impl IdentityOp {
    pub(crate) fn kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(sess: &S, plc: &HostPlacement, x: T) -> Result<T>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, T>,
        let value =, x);

    pub(crate) fn missing_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        _plc: &HostPlacement,
        _x: T,
    ) -> Result<T>
        T: KnownType<S>,
            "missing HostPlacement: PlacementPlace trait implementation for '{}'",
            &<T as KnownType<S>>::TY

impl InputOp {
    pub(crate) fn kernel<S: RuntimeSession, O>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        arg_name: String,
    ) -> Result<O>
        O: TryFrom<Value, Error = Error>,
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, O>,
        let value = sess
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingArgument(arg_name.clone()))?;
        let value =, value.try_into()?);

    pub(crate) fn missing_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, O>(
        _sess: &S,
        _plc: &HostPlacement,
        _arg_name: String,
    ) -> Result<O>
        O: KnownType<S>,
            "missing HostPlacement: PlacementPlace trait implementation for '{}'",
            &<O as KnownType<S>>::TY

    pub(crate) fn host_bitarray64<S: Session, HostBitTensorT>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        arg_name: String,
    ) -> Result<HostBitArray<HostBitTensorT, N64>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementInput<S, HostBitTensorT>,
        // TODO(Morten) ideally we should verify that shape of bit tensor
        let bit_tensor = plc.input(sess, arg_name);
        Ok(HostBitArray(bit_tensor, PhantomData))

    pub(crate) fn host_bitarray128<S: Session, HostBitTensorT>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        arg_name: String,
    ) -> Result<HostBitArray<HostBitTensorT, N128>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementInput<S, HostBitTensorT>,
        // TODO(Morten) ideally we should verify that shape of bit tensor
        let bit_tensor = plc.input(sess, arg_name);
        Ok(HostBitArray(bit_tensor, PhantomData))

    pub(crate) fn host_bitarray224<S: Session, HostBitTensorT>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        arg_name: String,
    ) -> Result<HostBitArray<HostBitTensorT, N224>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementInput<S, HostBitTensorT>,
        // TODO(Morten) ideally we should verify that shape of bit tensor
        let bit_tensor = plc.input(sess, arg_name);
        Ok(HostBitArray(bit_tensor, PhantomData))

impl OutputOp {
    pub(crate) fn kernel<S: RuntimeSession, O>(sess: &S, plc: &HostPlacement, x: O) -> Result<O>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, O>,
        // Output is not doing anything now, it is just a marker on the graph.
        // But it has to return a value because that's how we collect outputs in the old framework
        let x =, x);

    pub(crate) fn non_placing_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, O>(
        _sess: &S,
        _plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: O,
    ) -> Result<O> {
        // Output is not doing anything now, it is just a marker on the graph.
        // But it has to return a value because that's how we collect outputs in the old framework

impl LoadOp {
    pub(crate) fn session_specific_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, O>(
        _sess: &S,
        _plc: &HostPlacement,
        _key: HostString,
        _query: HostString,
    ) -> Result<O>
        O: KnownType<S>,
            "Load kernel for '{}' should be handled specifically by session",
            &<O as KnownType<S>>::TY

impl SaveOp {
    pub(crate) fn session_specific_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, O>(
        _sess: &S,
        _plc: &HostPlacement,
        _key: HostString,
        _x: O,
    ) -> Result<HostUnit>
        O: KnownType<S>,
            "Save kernel for '{}' should be handled specifically by session",
            &<O as KnownType<S>>::TY

impl AbsOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: Signed>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
  |x| T::abs(x)).into_shared(),

impl ReluOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: Clone + Signed + PartialOrd>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
            x.0.mapv(|x| clamp_min(x, T::zero())).into_shared(),

impl AddOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
        y: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        Ok(HostTensor(x.0 + y.0, plc.clone()))

impl SubOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
        y: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        Ok(HostTensor(x.0 - y.0, plc.clone()))

impl MulOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
        y: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        Ok(HostTensor(x.0 * y.0, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
        y: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Mul<Wrapping<T>, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x.0 * y.0, plc.clone()))

impl DivOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
        y: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        match x.0.broadcast(y.0.dim()) {
            Some(x_broadcasted) => Ok(HostTensor::<T>(
                (x_broadcasted.to_owned() / y.0).into_shared(),
            None => Ok(HostTensor::<T>((x.0 / y.0).into_shared(), plc.clone())),

    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
        y: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Div<Wrapping<T>, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x.0 / y.0, plc.clone()))

impl<T> HostTensor<T>
    T: LinalgScalar,
    fn dot(self, other: HostTensor<T>) -> HostTensor<T> {
        match (self.0.ndim(), other.0.ndim()) {
            (1, 1) => {
                let l = self.0.into_dimensionality::<Ix1>().unwrap();
                let r = other.0.into_dimensionality::<Ix1>().unwrap();
                let res = Array::from_elem([],
                HostTensor(res, self.1)
            (1, 2) => {
                let l = self.0.into_dimensionality::<Ix1>().unwrap();
                let r = other.0.into_dimensionality::<Ix2>().unwrap();
                let res = l
                HostTensor(res, self.1)
            (2, 1) => {
                let l = self.0.into_dimensionality::<Ix2>().unwrap();
                let r = other.0.into_dimensionality::<Ix1>().unwrap();
                let res = l
                HostTensor(res, self.1)
            (2, 2) => {
                let l = self.0.into_dimensionality::<Ix2>().unwrap();
                let r = other.0.into_dimensionality::<Ix2>().unwrap();
                let res = l
                HostTensor(res, self.1)
            (self_rank, other_rank) => panic!(
                // TODO: replace with proper error handling
                "Dot<HostTensor> not implemented between tensors of rank {:?} and {:?}.",
                self_rank, other_rank,

impl DotOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
        y: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);
        let y =, y);

impl OnesOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>> {
        let raw_shape = shape.0;
        Ok(HostTensor(ArcArrayD::ones(raw_shape.0), plc.clone()))

impl ZerosOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>> {
        let raw_shape = shape.0;
        Ok(HostTensor(ArcArrayD::zeros(raw_shape.0), plc.clone()))

impl ShapeOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostShape> {
        let raw_shape = RawShape(x.0.shape().into());
        Ok(HostShape(raw_shape, plc.clone()))

impl AtLeast2DOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        to_column_vector: bool,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);
        match x.0.ndim() {
            0 => Ok(HostTensor(x.0.into_shape(IxDyn(&[1, 1])).unwrap(), x.1)),
            1 => {
                let length = x.0.len();
                let newshape = if to_column_vector {
                    IxDyn(&[length, 1])
                } else {
                    IxDyn(&[1, length])
                Ok(HostTensor(x.0.into_shape(newshape).unwrap(), x.1))
            2 => Ok(x),
            otherwise => Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "Tensor input for `at_least_2d` must have rank <= 2, found rank {:?}.",

impl SliceOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_fixed_kernel<S: Session, HostRingT>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        info: SliceInfo,
        x: HostFixedTensor<HostRingT>,
    ) -> Result<HostFixedTensor<HostRingT>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementSlice<S, HostRingT, HostRingT>,
        let tensor = plc.slice(sess, info, &x.tensor);
        Ok(HostFixedTensor::<HostRingT> {
            fractional_precision: x.fractional_precision,
            integral_precision: x.integral_precision,

    pub(crate) fn host_bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        info: SliceInfo,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostBitTensor>,
        let x =, x);

    pub(crate) fn host_generic_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: Clone>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        info: SliceInfo,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        info: SliceInfo,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        T: Clone,
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostRingTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);

    pub(crate) fn shape_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        info: SliceInfo,
        x: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostShape> {
        let slice =
            x.0.slice(info.0[0].start as usize, info.0[0].end.unwrap() as usize);
        Ok(HostShape(slice, plc.clone()))

impl DiagOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>> {
        let diag =
                .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostTensor::<T>(diag, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>> {
        let diag =
                .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor::<T>(diag, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let diag = x.0.into_diag();
        Ok(HostBitTensor(diag, plc.clone()))

impl<T: LinalgScalar> HostTensor<T> {
    fn index_axis(&self, axis: usize, index: usize) -> Result<HostTensor<T>> {
        if axis >= self.0.ndim() {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "axis too large in index axis, used axis {} with dimension {}",
        if index >= self.0.shape()[axis] {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "index too large in index axis, used index {} in shape {:?}",
        let axis = Axis(axis);
        let result = self.0.index_axis(axis, index);
        Ok(HostTensor(result.to_owned().into_shared(), self.1.clone()))

impl<T: Clone> HostTensor<T> {
    fn slice(&self, info: SliceInfo) -> Result<HostTensor<T>> {
        if info.0.len() != self.0.ndim() {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "The input dimension of `info` must match the array to be sliced. Used slice info dim {}, tensor had dim {}",
        let info = ndarray::SliceInfo::<Vec<ndarray::SliceInfoElem>, IxDyn, IxDyn>::from(info);
        let result = self.0.slice(info);
        Ok(HostTensor(result.to_owned().into_shared(), self.1.clone()))

impl<T: Clone> HostRingTensor<T> {
    fn index_axis(self, axis: usize, index: usize) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>> {
        if axis >= self.0.ndim() {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "axis too large in index axis, used axis {} with dimension {}",
        if index >= self.0.shape()[axis] {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "index too large in index axis, used index {} in shape {:?}",
        let axis = Axis(axis);
        let result = self.0.index_axis(axis, index);
        Ok(HostRingTensor(result.to_owned().into_shared(), self.1))

impl<T: Clone> HostRingTensor<T> {
    fn slice(&self, info: SliceInfo) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>> {
        if info.0.len() != self.0.ndim() {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "The input dimension of `info` must match the array to be sliced. Used slice info dim {}, tensor had dim {}",
        let info = ndarray::SliceInfo::<Vec<ndarray::SliceInfoElem>, IxDyn, IxDyn>::from(info);
        let result = self.0.slice(info);

impl HostBitTensor {
    fn index_axis(self, axis: usize, index: usize) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        if axis >= self.0.ndim() {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "axis too large in index axis, used axis {} with dimension {}",
        if index >= self.0.shape()[axis] {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "index too large in index axis, used index {} in shape {:?}",
        let result = self.0.index_axis(axis, index);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(result, self.1))

    fn slice(&self, info: SliceInfo) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        if info.0.len() != self.0.ndim() {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!(
                "The input dimension of `info` must match the array to be sliced. Used slice info dim {}, tensor had dim {}",
        let result = self
            .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostBitTensor(result, self.1.clone()))

impl IndexAxisOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_float_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: usize,
        index: usize,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);
        x.index_axis(axis, index)

    pub(crate) fn host_bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: usize,
        index: usize,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostBitTensor>,
        let x =, x);
        x.index_axis(axis, index)

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: usize,
        index: usize,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        T: Clone,
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostRingTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);
        x.index_axis(axis, index)

impl IndexOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: Session, HostBitT, N>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        index: usize,
        x: HostBitArray<HostBitT, N>,
    ) -> Result<HostBitT>
        HostPlacement: PlacementIndexAxis<S, HostBitT, HostBitT>,
        Ok(plc.index_axis(sess, 0, index, &x.0))

impl ShlDimOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        amount: usize,
        bit_length: usize,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let height = x.0.dim.default_strides()[0];
        let mut data = BitVec::repeat(false, height * amount); // Left portion is zeroes
        let tail = height * (bit_length - amount);
        data.extend_from_bitslice(&[0..tail]); // The rest is just a portion of the input bitarray
        let result = BitArrayRepr {
            data: std::sync::Arc::new(data),
            dim: x.0.dim.clone(),
        Ok(HostBitTensor(result, plc.clone()))

impl BitDecomposeOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_ring64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRing64Tensor> {
        let shape = x.shape();
        let raw_shape = shape.0 .0;
        let ones = ArcArrayD::from_elem(raw_shape, Wrapping(1));

        let bit_rep: Vec<_> = (0..<HostRing64Tensor as Ring>::BitLength::VALUE)
            .map(|i| (&x.0 >> i) & (&ones))
        let bit_rep_view: Vec<_> = bit_rep.iter().map(ArrayView::from).collect();

        // by default we put bits as rows, ie access i'th bit from tensor T is done through index_axis(Axis(0), T)
        // in the current protocols it's easier to reason that the bits are stacked on axis(0)
        let result = ndarray::stack(Axis(0), &bit_rep_view)
            .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(result.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring128_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing128Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRing128Tensor> {
        let shape = x.shape();
        let raw_shape = shape.0 .0;
        let ones = ArcArrayD::from_elem(raw_shape, Wrapping(1));

        let bit_rep: Vec<_> = (0..<HostRing128Tensor as Ring>::BitLength::VALUE)
            .map(|i| (&x.0 >> i) & (&ones))

        let bit_rep_view: Vec<_> = bit_rep.iter().map(ArrayView::from).collect();
        let result = ndarray::stack(Axis(0), &bit_rep_view)
            .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(result.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_bit64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let mut dim = x.0.dim().insert_axis(Axis(0));
        dim.slice_mut()[0] = <HostRing64Tensor as Ring>::BitLength::VALUE;

        let mut data = BitVec::EMPTY;
        for i in 0..<HostRing64Tensor as Ring>::BitLength::VALUE {
            let slice: BitVec<u8, Lsb0> = x.0.iter().map(|ai| ((ai >> i).0 & 1) != 0).collect();

            BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim),

    pub(crate) fn host_bit128_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing128Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let mut dim = x.0.dim().insert_axis(Axis(0));
        dim.slice_mut()[0] = <HostRing128Tensor as Ring>::BitLength::VALUE;

        let mut data = BitVec::EMPTY;
        for i in 0..<HostRing128Tensor as Ring>::BitLength::VALUE {
            let slice: BitVec<u8, Lsb0> = x.0.iter().map(|ai| ((ai >> i).0 & 1) != 0).collect();

            BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim),

impl MeanOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: Option<u32>,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        match axis {
            Some(i) => {
                let reduced: Option<ArrayD<T>> = x.0.mean_axis(Axis(i as usize));
                if reduced.is_none() {
                    return Err(Error::KernelError(
                        "MeanOp cannot reduce over an empty axis.".to_string(),
                Ok(HostTensor::place(plc, reduced.unwrap().into_shared()))
            None => {
                let mean = x.0.mean();
                if mean.is_none() {
                    return Err(Error::KernelError(
                        "MeanOp cannot reduce over an empty tensor.".to_string(),
                let out = Array::from_elem([], mean.unwrap())
                    .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                Ok(HostTensor::place(plc, out.into_shared()))

impl SqrtOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: 'static + Float>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x_sqrt = x.0.mapv(T::sqrt);
        Ok(HostTensor::place(plc, x_sqrt.into_shared()))

impl SigmoidOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: 'static + Float>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let ones = ArcArrayD::ones(x.0.shape());
        let neg_e_x = x.0.mapv(|x| T::exp(-x));
        let sigmoid_x = ones.clone() / (ones + neg_e_x);
        Ok(HostTensor::place(plc, sigmoid_x.into_shared()))

impl SoftmaxOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: 'static + Float>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: usize,
        _upmost_index: usize,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        T: ndarray::ScalarOperand + std::cmp::PartialOrd,
        let mut x_max = x.0.map_axis(ndarray::Axis(axis), |vx| {
                    // will only panic if encounters an uncomparable element, e.g. f64::NAN
                    // TODO error handle this case with e.g. ok_or and result collecting
                    |x, y| x.partial_cmp(y).unwrap(),
                .unwrap() // unwrap ok here because vx.iter() cannot ever be empty
        let x_normalized = x.0.into_owned() - x_max;
        let x_exp = x_normalized.mapv(T::exp);
        let mut x_exp_sum = x_exp.sum_axis(ndarray::Axis(axis));
        use std::ops::Div;
        let softmax = x_exp.div(x_exp_sum);
        Ok(HostTensor::place(plc, softmax.into_shared()))

impl<T: LinalgScalar> HostTensor<T> {
    fn sum(self, axis: Option<usize>) -> Result<Self> {
        if let Some(i) = axis {
        } else {
            let out = Array::from_elem([], self.0.sum())
                .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
            Ok(HostTensor::<T>(out.into_shared(), self.1))

impl SumOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_float_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: Option<usize>,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let axis =|a| a as usize);
        let x =, x);

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: Option<usize>,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        T: FromPrimitive + Zero,
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Add<Wrapping<T>, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostRingTensor<T>>,
        let axis =|a| a as usize);
        let x =, x);

impl AddNOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        xs: &[HostRingTensor<T>],
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        T: Clone + LinalgScalar,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Add<Wrapping<T>, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        if xs.is_empty() {
                "cannot reduce on empty array of tensors".to_string(),
        } else {
            let base = xs[0].0.clone();
            let sum = xs[1..].iter().fold(base, |acc, item| acc + &item.0);
            Ok(HostRingTensor(sum, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_float_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        xs: &[HostTensor<T>],
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        T: Clone + LinalgScalar,
        if xs.is_empty() {
                "cannot reduce on empty array of tensors".to_string(),
        } else {
            let base = xs[0].0.clone();
            let sum = xs[1..].iter().fold(base, |acc, item| acc + &item.0);
            Ok(HostTensor(sum, plc.clone()))

// TODO(Morten) inline
impl<T: LinalgScalar> HostTensor<T> {
    fn expand_dims(self, mut axis: Vec<usize>) -> Self {
        let plc = self.1.clone();
        axis.sort_by_key(|ax| Reverse(*ax));
        let newshape = self.shape().0.extend_singletons(axis);
        self.reshape(HostShape(newshape, plc))

impl ExpandDimsOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_int_float_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: Vec<usize>,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>> {
        let x =, x);

    pub(crate) fn host_bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: Vec<usize>,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let x =, x);

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: Vec<usize>,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>> {
        let x =, x);

impl SqueezeOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: Option<usize>,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);
        let newshape = HostShape(x.shape().0.squeeze(axis), plc.clone());

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: Option<usize>,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostRingTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);
        let newshape = HostShape(x.shape().0.squeeze(axis), plc.clone());

    pub(crate) fn host_bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: Option<usize>,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostBitTensor>,
        let x =, x);
        let newshape = HostShape(x.shape().0.squeeze(axis), plc.clone());

impl ConcatOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: Session, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: u32,
        xs: &[HostTensor<T>],
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>> {
        use ndarray::IxDynImpl;
        use ndarray::ViewRepr;
        let ax = Axis(axis as usize);
        let arr: Vec<ArrayBase<ViewRepr<&T>, Dim<IxDynImpl>>> =
            xs.iter().map(|x| x.0.view()).collect();

        let c = ndarray::concatenate(ax, &arr).map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostTensor(c.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: Session, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: u32,
        xs: &[HostRingTensor<T>],
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        T: Clone,
        use ndarray::IxDynImpl;
        use ndarray::ViewRepr;
        let arr: Vec<ArrayBase<ViewRepr<&std::num::Wrapping<T>>, Dim<IxDynImpl>>> =
            xs.iter().map(|x| x.0.view()).collect();
        let ax = Axis(axis as usize);
        let concatenated =
            ndarray::concatenate(ax, &arr).map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(concatenated.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn bit_kernel<S: Session>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: u32,
        xs: &[HostBitTensor],
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let mut data = BitVec::<u8, Lsb0>::EMPTY;
        for x in xs {
        // Computing the dimension
        let mut res_dim = xs[0].0.shape().to_vec();
        let stacked_dim: usize = xs.iter().fold(0, |acc, a| acc + a.0.shape()[axis as usize]);
        res_dim[axis as usize] = stacked_dim;

            BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, IxDyn(&res_dim)),

impl TransposeOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>> {
        let raw_tensor = x.0.reversed_axes();
        Ok(HostTensor(raw_tensor, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>> {
        let raw_tensor = x.0.reversed_axes();
        Ok(HostRingTensor(raw_tensor, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let raw_tensor =
                .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostBitTensor(raw_tensor, plc.clone()))

impl InverseOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive + Lapack>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);
        // TODO(Morten) better error handling below
        let x_inv = match x.0.ndim() {
            2 => {
                let two_dim: ndarray::ArcArray2<T> = x.0.into_dimensionality::<Ix2>().unwrap();
            other_rank => panic!(
                "Inverse only defined for rank 2 matrices, not rank {:?}",

impl LogOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: num_traits::Float>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);
        Ok(HostTensor::<T>(|e| e.ln()).into_shared(), x.1))

impl Log2Op {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: num_traits::Float>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);
        Ok(HostTensor::<T>(|e| e.log2()).into_shared(), x.1))

impl RingFixedpointEncodeOp {
    pub(crate) fn float32_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        scaling_base: u64,
        scaling_exp: u32,
        x: HostFloat32Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRing64Tensor> {
        let scaling_factor = u64::pow(scaling_base, scaling_exp);
        let x_upshifted = &x.0 * (scaling_factor as f32);
        let x_converted: ArrayD<Wrapping<u64>> =
            x_upshifted.mapv(|el| Wrapping((el as i64) as u64));
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x_converted.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn float64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        scaling_base: u64,
        scaling_exp: u32,
        x: HostFloat64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRing128Tensor> {
        let scaling_factor = u128::pow(scaling_base as u128, scaling_exp);
        let x_upshifted = &x.0 * (scaling_factor as f64);
        let x_converted: ArrayD<Wrapping<u128>> =
            x_upshifted.mapv(|el| Wrapping((el as i128) as u128));
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x_converted.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

impl RingFixedpointDecodeOp {
    pub(crate) fn float32_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        _plc: &HostPlacement,
        _scaling_base: u64,
        _scaling_exp: u32,
        _x: HostRing64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostFloat32Tensor> {

    pub(crate) fn float64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        scaling_base: u64,
        scaling_exp: u32,
        x: HostRing128Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostFloat64Tensor> {
        let scaling_factor = u128::pow(scaling_base as u128, scaling_exp);
        let x_upshifted: ArrayD<i128> = x.0.mapv(|xi| xi.0 as i128);
        let x_converted = x_upshifted.mapv(|el| el as f64);
            (x_converted / scaling_factor as f64).into_shared(),

impl SignOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRing64Tensor> {
        let sign = x.0.mapv(|Wrapping(item)| {
            let s = item as i64;
            if s < 0 {
                Wrapping(-1_i64 as u64)
            } else {
        Ok(HostRingTensor::<u64>(sign.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn ring128_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing128Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRing128Tensor> {
        let sign = x.0.mapv(|Wrapping(item)| {
            let s = item as i128;
            if s < 0 {
                Wrapping(-1_i128 as u128)
            } else {
        Ok(HostRingTensor::<u128>(sign.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

impl ShapeOp {
    pub(crate) fn bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostShape> {
        let raw_shape = RawShape(x.0.shape().into());
        Ok(HostShape(raw_shape, plc.clone()))

impl ReshapeOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let res =
            x.0.into_shape(shape.0 .0)
                .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostTensor::<T>(res, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostBitTensor,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let res = BitArrayRepr {
            dim: std::sync::Arc::new(IxDyn(&shape.0 .0)),
        Ok(HostBitTensor(res, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>> {
        let res =
            x.0.into_shape(shape.0 .0)
                .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor::<T>(res, plc.clone()))

impl XorOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostBitTensor,
        y: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let arr = &x.0 ^ &y.0;
        Ok(HostBitTensor(arr, plc.clone()))

impl NegOp {
    pub(crate) fn bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let arr = !(&x.0);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(arr, plc.clone()))

impl AndOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostBitTensor,
        y: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let arr = &x.0 & &y.0;
        Ok(HostBitTensor(arr, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
        y: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::BitAnd<Wrapping<T>, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x.0 & y.0, plc.clone()))

impl OrOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostBitTensor,
        y: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let arr = &x.0 | &y.0;
        Ok(HostBitTensor(arr, plc.clone()))

impl BitExtractOp {
    pub(crate) fn kernel64<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        bit_idx: usize,
        x: HostRing64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let dim = x.0.dim();
        let data = x.0.iter().map(|ai| ((ai >> bit_idx).0 & 1) != 0).collect();
            BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim),

    pub(crate) fn kernel128<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        bit_idx: usize,
        x: HostRing128Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let dim = x.0.dim();
        let data = x.0.iter().map(|ai| ((ai >> bit_idx).0 & 1) != 0).collect();
            BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim),

impl RingInjectOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        bit_idx: usize,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        T: From<u8>,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Shl<usize, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        let values: Vec<_> =
                .map(|ai| {
                    let bit = if *ai { 1 } else { 0 };
                    Wrapping(T::from(bit)) << bit_idx
        let ix = IxDyn(x.0.shape());
        let arr =
            Array::from_shape_vec(ix, values).map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(arr.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

impl FillOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        value: u8,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let raw_tensor = BitArrayRepr::from_elem(&shape.0, value);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(raw_tensor, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        value: u64,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostRing64Tensor> {
        let raw_shape = shape.0 .0;
        let raw_tensor = ArcArrayD::from_elem(raw_shape.as_ref(), Wrapping(value));
        Ok(HostRingTensor(raw_tensor, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring128_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        value: u128,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostRing128Tensor> {
        let raw_shape = shape.0 .0;
        let raw_tensor = ArcArrayD::from_elem(raw_shape.as_ref(), Wrapping(value));
        Ok(HostRingTensor(raw_tensor, plc.clone()))

impl ShapeOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostShape> {
        let raw_shape = RawShape(x.0.shape().into());
        Ok(HostShape(raw_shape, plc.clone()))

impl BroadcastOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: Clone + std::fmt::Debug>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        s: HostShape,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>> {
        match x.0.broadcast(s.clone().0 .0) {
            Some(y) => Ok(HostRingTensor(y.to_owned().into_shared(), plc.clone())),
            None => Err(Error::KernelError(format!(
                "Tensor {:?} not broadcastable to shape {:?}.",
                x, s

    pub(crate) fn host_bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        s: HostShape,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let dim = IxDyn(&s.0 .0);
        let old_len = x.0.dim.size();
        let new_len = dim.size();
        if new_len < old_len || new_len % old_len != 0 {
            return Err(Error::KernelError(format!(
                "Tensor {:?} not broadcastable to shape {:?}.",
                x, s
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let mut data = BitVec::EMPTY;
        for _ in 0..(new_len / old_len) {
            BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim),

impl AddOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
        y: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Add<Wrapping<T>, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x.0 + y.0, plc.clone()))

impl SubOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
        y: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Sub<Wrapping<T>, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x.0 - y.0, plc.clone()))

impl NegOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Neg<Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        use std::ops::Neg;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x.0.neg(), plc.clone()))

impl<T> HostRingTensor<T>
    Wrapping<T>: LinalgScalar,
    fn dot(self, rhs: HostRingTensor<T>) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>> {
        match self.0.ndim() {
            1 => match rhs.0.ndim() {
                1 => {
                    let l = self
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    let r = rhs
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    let res = Array::from_elem([],
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    Ok(HostRingTensor(res.into_shared(), self.1))
                2 => {
                    let l = self
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    let r = rhs
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    let res = l
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    Ok(HostRingTensor(res.into_shared(), self.1))
                other => Err(Error::KernelError(format!(
                    "Dot<HostRingTensor> cannot handle argument of rank {:?} ",
            2 => match rhs.0.ndim() {
                1 => {
                    let l = self
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    let r = rhs
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    let res = l
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    Ok(HostRingTensor(res.into_shared(), self.1))
                2 => {
                    let l = self
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    let r = rhs
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    let res = l
                        .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
                    Ok(HostRingTensor(res.into_shared(), self.1))
                other => Err(Error::KernelError(format!(
                    "Dot<HostRingTensor> cannot handle argument of rank {:?} ",
            other => Err(Error::KernelError(format!(
                "Dot<HostRingTensor> not implemented for tensors of rank {:?}",

impl DotOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
        y: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Mul<Wrapping<T>, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Wrapping<T>: LinalgScalar,
        let dot =;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(dot.0, plc.clone()))

impl ShlOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        amount: usize,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Shl<usize, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x.0 << amount, plc.clone()))

impl ShrOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        amount: usize,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Shr<usize, Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Ok(HostRingTensor(x.0 >> amount, plc.clone()))

impl SampleOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        max_value: Option<u64>,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostRing64Tensor> {
        let mut rng = AesRng::from_random_seed();
        let size = shape.0 .0.iter().product();
        let element_sampler: Box<dyn FnMut(_) -> _> = match max_value {
            None => Box::new(|_| Wrapping(rng.next_u64())),
            Some(x) => {
                if x == 1 {
                    Box::new(|_| Wrapping(rng.get_bit() as u64))
                } else {
                    return Err(Error::UnimplementedOperator(
                        "SampleOp for HostRingTensor @ HostPlacement does not yet support max_value != 1".to_string()
        let values: Vec<_> = (0..size).map(element_sampler).collect();
        let ix = IxDyn(shape.0 .0.as_ref());
        let raw_array =
            Array::from_shape_vec(ix, values).map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(raw_array.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn ring128_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        max_value: Option<u64>,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostRing128Tensor> {
        let mut rng = AesRng::from_random_seed();
        let size = shape.0 .0.iter().product();
        let element_sampler: Box<dyn FnMut(_) -> _> = match max_value {
            None => {
                Box::new(|_| Wrapping(((rng.next_u64() as u128) << 64) + rng.next_u64() as u128))
            Some(x) => {
                if x == 1 {
                    Box::new(|_| Wrapping(rng.get_bit() as u128))
                } else {
                    return Err(Error::UnimplementedOperator(
                        "SampleOp for HostRingTensor @ HostPlacement does not yet support max_value != 1".to_string()
        let values: Vec<_> = (0..size).map(element_sampler).collect();
        let ix = IxDyn(shape.0 .0.as_ref());
        let arr =
            Array::from_shape_vec(ix, values).map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(arr.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        max_value: Option<u64>,
        shape: HostShape,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        if max_value.is_some() {
            return Err(Error::UnimplementedOperator(
                "SampleOp for HostBitTensor @ HostPlacement does not support max_value".to_string(),
        let mut rng = AesRng::from_random_seed();
        let size = shape.0 .0.iter().product();
        let values: Vec<_> = (0..size).map(|_| rng.get_bit()).collect();
        let arr = BitArrayRepr::from_vec(values, &shape.0);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(arr, plc.clone()))

impl SampleSeededOp {
    pub(crate) fn ring64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        max_value: Option<u64>,
        shape: HostShape,
        seed: HostSeed,
    ) -> Result<HostRing64Tensor> {
        let mut rng = AesRng::from_seed(seed.0 .0);
        let size = shape.0 .0.iter().product();
        let element_sampler: Box<dyn FnMut(_) -> _> = match max_value {
            None => Box::new(|_| Wrapping(rng.next_u64())),
            Some(x) => {
                if x == 1 {
                    Box::new(|_| Wrapping(rng.get_bit() as u64))
                } else {
                    return Err(Error::UnimplementedOperator(
                        "SampleOp for HostRingTensor @ HostPlacement does not yet support max_value != 1".to_string()
        let values: Vec<_> = (0..size).map(element_sampler).collect();
        let ix = IxDyn(shape.0 .0.as_ref());
        let raw_array =
            Array::from_shape_vec(ix, values).map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(raw_array.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn ring128_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        max_value: Option<u64>,
        shape: HostShape,
        seed: HostSeed,
    ) -> Result<HostRing128Tensor> {
        let mut rng = AesRng::from_seed(seed.0 .0);
        let size = shape.0 .0.iter().product();
        let element_sampler: Box<dyn FnMut(_) -> _> = match max_value {
            None => {
                Box::new(|_| Wrapping(((rng.next_u64() as u128) << 64) + rng.next_u64() as u128))
            Some(x) => {
                if x == 1 {
                    Box::new(|_| Wrapping(rng.get_bit() as u128))
                } else {
                    return Err(Error::UnimplementedOperator(
                        "SampleOp for HostRingTensor @ HostPlacement does not yet support max_value != 1".to_string()
        let values: Vec<_> = (0..size).map(element_sampler).collect();
        let ix = IxDyn(shape.0 .0.as_ref());
        let arr =
            Array::from_shape_vec(ix, values).map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        Ok(HostRingTensor(arr.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn bit_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        max_value: Option<u64>,
        shape: HostShape,
        seed: HostSeed,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        if max_value.is_some() {
            return Err(Error::UnimplementedOperator(
                "SampleOp for HostBitTensor @ HostPlacement does not support max_value".to_string(),
        let mut rng = AesRng::from_seed(seed.0 .0);
        let size = shape.0 .0.iter().product();
        let values: Vec<_> = (0..size).map(|_| rng.get_bit()).collect();
        let res = BitArrayRepr::from_vec(values, &shape.0);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(res, plc.clone()))

impl LessOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_fixed_kernel<S: Session, HostRingT, HostBitT>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostFixedTensor<HostRingT>,
        y: HostFixedTensor<HostRingT>,
    ) -> Result<HostBitT>
        HostPlacement: PlacementLess<S, HostRingT, HostRingT, HostBitT>,
        Ok(plc.less(sess, &x.tensor, &y.tensor))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring64_kernel<S: Session>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing64Tensor,
        y: HostRing64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let dim = x.0.dim();
        let data: BitVec<u8, Lsb0> = (x.0 - y.0)
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::KernelError("Failed to get tensor's slice".to_string()))?
            .map(|&Wrapping(item)| (item as i64) < 0)
        let result = BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(result, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring128_kernel<S: Session>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing128Tensor,
        y: HostRing128Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let dim = x.0.dim();
        let data: BitVec<u8, Lsb0> = (x.0 - y.0)
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::KernelError("Failed to get tensor's slice".to_string()))?
            .map(|&Wrapping(item)| (item as i128) < 0)
        let result = BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(result, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_float_kernel<S: Session, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
        y: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor>
        T: std::cmp::PartialOrd + Zero,
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let dim = x.0.dim();
        let data: BitVec<u8, Lsb0> = (x.0 - y.0)
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::KernelError("Failed to get tensor's slice".to_string()))?
            .map(|&item| item < T::zero())
        let result = BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(result, plc.clone()))

impl GreaterOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_fixed_kernel<S: Session, HostRingT, HostBitT>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostFixedTensor<HostRingT>,
        y: HostFixedTensor<HostRingT>,
    ) -> Result<HostBitT>
        HostPlacement: PlacementGreater<S, HostRingT, HostRingT, HostBitT>,
        Ok(plc.greater(sess, &x.tensor, &y.tensor))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring64_kernel<S: Session>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing64Tensor,
        y: HostRing64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let dim = x.0.dim();
        let data: BitVec<u8, Lsb0> = (x.0 - y.0)
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::KernelError("Failed to get tensor's slice".to_string()))?
            .map(|&Wrapping(item)| (item as i64) > 0)
        let result = BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(result, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring128_kernel<S: Session>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing128Tensor,
        y: HostRing128Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let dim = x.0.dim();
        let data: BitVec<u8, Lsb0> = (x.0 - y.0)
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::KernelError("Failed to get tensor's slice".to_string()))?
            .map(|&Wrapping(item)| (item as i128) > 0)
        let result = BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(result, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_float_kernel<S: Session, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
        y: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor>
        T: std::cmp::PartialOrd + Zero,
        use bitvec::prelude::*;
        let dim = x.0.dim();
        let data: BitVec<u8, Lsb0> = (x.0 - y.0)
            .ok_or_else(|| Error::KernelError("Failed to get tensor's slice".to_string()))?
            .map(|&item| item > T::zero())
        let result = BitArrayRepr::from_raw(data, dim);
        Ok(HostBitTensor(result, plc.clone()))

impl IdentityOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: Session, HostRingT>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostFixedTensor<HostRingT>,
    ) -> Result<HostFixedTensor<HostRingT>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementIdentity<S, HostRingT, HostRingT>,
        let tensor = plc.identity(sess, &x.tensor);
        Ok(HostFixedTensor::<HostRingT> {
            fractional_precision: x.fractional_precision,
            integral_precision: x.integral_precision,

impl MuxOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_float_int_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        s: HostBitTensor,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
        y: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        T: From<u8>,
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        // Seems to be the right approach for now but in the future this
        // expression could be implemented at the HostPlacement level
        // (Add, Sub & Mul) instead of ndarray
        // [s] * ([x] - [y]) + [y] <=> if s=1 choose x, otherwise y
        let s_t: ArrayD<T> =
                .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?;
        let res = s_t * (x.0 - y.0.clone()) + y.0;
        Ok(HostTensor::<T>(res.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        s: HostBitTensor,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
        y: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        T: LinalgScalar + FromPrimitive,
        T: From<u8>,
        Wrapping<T>: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Add<Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Sub<Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        Wrapping<T>: std::ops::Mul<Output = Wrapping<T>>,
        // Seems to be the right approach for now but in the future this
        // expression could be implemented at the HostPlacement level
        // (Add, Sub & Mul) instead of ndarray
        // [s] * ([x] - [y]) + [y] <=> if s=1 choose x, otherwise y
        let s_t: ArrayD<Wrapping<T>> =
                .map_err(|e| Error::KernelError(e.to_string()))?
                .mapv(|item| Wrapping(item));
        let res = s_t * (x.0 - y.0.clone()) + y.0;
        Ok(HostRingTensor::<T>(res.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

impl CastOp {
    pub(crate) fn no_op_reduction_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRingTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostRingTensor<T>>,
        let x =, x);

    pub(crate) fn hr64_hu64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<u64>> {
        let unwrapped = x.0.mapv(|item| item.0);
        Ok(HostTensor(unwrapped.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn ring_reduction_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostRing128Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRing64Tensor> {
        let x_downshifted: ArrayD<Wrapping<u64>> = x.0.mapv(|el| {
            let reduced = el.0 % ((1_u128) << 64);
            Wrapping(reduced as u64)

        Ok(HostRingTensor(x_downshifted.into_shared(), plc.clone()))

    // standard casts
    pub(crate) fn standard_host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T1, T2>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T1>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T2>>
        T1: num_traits::NumCast + Debug + Copy,
        T2: num_traits::NumCast,
        HostTensor<T2>: KnownType<S>,
        let i = Array::from_vec(
                .map(|v| {
                    num_traits::cast(*v).ok_or_else(|| {
                            "Conversion error from tensor {:?} into type {}",
                            <HostTensor::<T2> as KnownType<S>>::TY
        .unwrap(); // the error case is impossible
        Ok(HostTensor::<T2>(i.into(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn from_bool_host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostBitTensor,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        T: From<u8>,
        let std_ndarray: ArrayD<T> = x.0.into_array().map_err(|e| {
                "Could not convert BitArrayRepr into ndarray: {:?}",
        Ok(HostTensor::<T>(std_ndarray.into(), plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn f32_bool_host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<f32>,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let x_shape = IxDyn(x.0.shape());
        let x_raw: BitVec<u8> = x.0.iter().map(|x| (*x != 0.0)).collect();
            BitArrayRepr::from_raw(x_raw, x_shape),

    pub(crate) fn f64_bool_host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<f64>,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let x_shape = IxDyn(x.0.shape());
        let x_raw: BitVec<u8> = x.0.iter().map(|x| (*x != 0.0)).collect();
            BitArrayRepr::from_raw(x_raw, x_shape),

    pub(crate) fn u64_bool_host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<u64>,
    ) -> Result<HostBitTensor> {
        let x_shape = IxDyn(x.0.shape());
        let x_raw: BitVec<u8> = x.0.iter().map(|x| (*x != 0)).collect();
            BitArrayRepr::from_raw(x_raw, x_shape),

impl RingFixedpointArgmaxOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_ring64_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: usize,
        _upmost_index: usize,
        x: HostRing64Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRing64Tensor> {
        let axis = Axis(axis);
        let signed_tensor = x.0.mapv(|entry| entry.0 as i64);

        let mut current_max = signed_tensor.index_axis(axis, 0).to_owned();
        let mut current_pattern_max = current_max.mapv(|_x| 0_u64);

        for (index, subview) in signed_tensor.axis_iter(axis).enumerate() {
            let index = index as u64;
            Zip::from(&mut current_max)
                .and(&mut current_pattern_max)
                .for_each(|max_entry, pattern_entry, &subview_entry| {
                    if *max_entry < subview_entry {
                        *max_entry = subview_entry;
                        *pattern_entry = index;

    pub(crate) fn host_ring128_kernel<S: RuntimeSession>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: usize,
        _upmost_index: usize,
        x: HostRing128Tensor,
    ) -> Result<HostRing64Tensor> {
        let axis = Axis(axis);
        let signed_tensor = x.0.mapv(|entry| entry.0 as i128);

        let mut current_max = signed_tensor.index_axis(axis, 0).to_owned();
        let mut current_pattern_max = current_max.mapv(|_x| 0_u64);

        for (index, subview) in signed_tensor.axis_iter(axis).enumerate() {
            let index = index as u64;
            Zip::from(&mut current_max)
                .and(&mut current_pattern_max)
                .for_each(|max_entry, pattern_entry, &subview_entry| {
                    if *max_entry < subview_entry {
                        *max_entry = subview_entry;
                        *pattern_entry = index;

impl ArgmaxOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_fixed_uint_kernel<S: Session, HostRingT, HostRingT2>(
        sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        axis: usize,
        upmost_index: usize,
        x: HostFixedTensor<HostRingT>,
    ) -> Result<m!(HostUint64Tensor)>
        HostUint64Tensor: KnownType<S>,
        HostPlacement: PlacementArgmax<S, HostRingT, HostRingT2>,
        HostPlacement: PlacementCast<S, HostRingT2, m!(HostUint64Tensor)>,
        let arg_out = plc.argmax(sess, axis, upmost_index, &x.tensor);
        Ok(plc.cast(sess, &arg_out))

impl MaximumOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: Session, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        xs: &[HostTensor<T>],
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        T: Clone + std::cmp::PartialOrd + Copy,
        if xs.is_empty() {
                "cannot reduce on empty array of tensors".to_string(),
        } else {
            let mut init = xs[0].0.clone();
            for item in xs.iter() {
                Zip::from(&mut init).and(&item.0).for_each(|a, &b| {
                    if *a < b {
                        *a = b
            Ok(HostTensor(init, plc.clone()))

    pub(crate) fn host_ring_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        xs: &[HostRingTensor<T>],
    ) -> Result<HostRingTensor<T>>
        T: Clone,
        Wrapping<T>: std::cmp::PartialOrd + Copy,
        if xs.is_empty() {
                "cannot reduce on empty array of tensors".to_string(),
        } else {
            let mut init = xs[0].0.clone();
            for item in xs.iter() {
                Zip::from(&mut init).and(&item.0).for_each(|a, &b| {
                    if *a < b {
                        *a = b
            Ok(HostRingTensor(init, plc.clone()))

impl ExpOp {
    pub(crate) fn host_kernel<S: RuntimeSession, T: 'static + Float>(
        _sess: &S,
        plc: &HostPlacement,
        x: HostTensor<T>,
    ) -> Result<HostTensor<T>>
        HostPlacement: PlacementPlace<S, HostTensor<T>>,
        let x_exp = x.0.mapv(T::exp);
        Ok(HostTensor::place(plc, x_exp.into_shared()))