moore 0.12.0

A compiler for hardware description languages.
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## Unreleased

## 0.12.0 - 2021-01-09
### Added
- Add `--output` option to optionally specify output file
- Add `--format` option to optionally specify output format (LLHD or MLIR)

### Changed
- Update VHDL crate to same `llhd` version as SystemVerilog
- Increase minimum rustc version to 1.43.
- Update `llhd` to 0.15

### Fixed
- Fix procedural assignments to concatenations, e.g. `{a,b} = c` (#185)
- Fix bit-/part-selects into ranges with non-zero offse, e.g. `x[1]` into `logic [8:1] x` (#194)

### Removed
- Remove the inlined salsa crate

## 0.11.0 - 2020-09-05
### Added
- Add support for `x**y` with power-of-two `x` or constant `y` (#193)
- Add limited support for `$countones`, `$onehot`, `$onehot0`, `$isunknown`, `$left`, `$right`, `$low`, `$high`, `$increment`, `$size` (#204)
- Add emission of string literals (#161)
- Add constant casts between `string` and bit vectors (#161)
- Add constant string equality comparison (#161)

### Changed
- Make unsupported system task an error (#206)
- Update `llhd` to 0.14.1

### Fixed
- Fix implementation of assignment expressions (#172, #190)
- Fix emission of shadow variables for read-write variables in processes
- Fix assignments generating code multiple times
- Fix `reg` being a proper alias of `logic` (#189)
- Fix genvar initialization in for-generate (#192)
- Fix assignment operators in genvar steps
- Fix casting between vectors of different directions (#188)
- Fix precedence issue with dimensions of named types
- Fix interface arrays not implicitly picking modport
- Fix struct member access not honoring parameters
- Ignore empty file names (e.g. `""`) rather than emitting a warning
- Omit superfluous prb/drv for trivial signal connections in instances (#205)
- Fix modport selection on interface instances (#199)
- Fix wire declarations requiring default assignment to be constant (#198)
- Fix `@(...)` statements not re-sampling signals after `wait` (#197)

## 0.10.0 - 2020-06-15
### Added
- Add support for interfaces (#145)

### Changed
- Overhaul type system to support unpacked types (#146)

### Fixed
- Fix type context inference for array/struct pattern fields (#166)

## 0.9.0 - 2020-05-30
### Added
- Add parsing support for `this`, `null`, `$` expressions

### Changed
- Scope checking and name resolution is now performed upfront
- Increase quality of AST data structure (#130)

### Fixed
- Allow names to resolve to foreach-loop indices (#175)
- Allow names to resolve to instances (#177)
- Fix scoping of generate blocks (#176)
- Fix scope and name resolution to support large designs (#171)
- Fix expressions in instance port lists forgetting parameter bindings

## 0.8.0 - 2020-05-23
### Added
- Add parsing support for `assert final` assertions (#139)
- Add parsing support for `default disable` statements (#140)
- Add codegen support for case/wildcard equality operators (#147)
- Add parsing support for `implements` in classs declarations
- Add `moore-derive` crate
- Add `-Vconsts` and `-Vinsts` verbosity option
- Executable honors the `MOORE_LOG` verbosity environment variable
- Accept types in associative arrays
- Add support for `type(...)` type references

### Changed
- Update `llhd` to 0.13 (#135)
- Change default optimization level to `-O1` (#163)
- Improve handling of macro argument defaults

### Fixed
- Fix sign casts (#138)
- Fix parsing of import declarations in module headers (#136)
- Fix non-constant initial expressions in variabel declarations
- Fix parsing of `new` expression without argument

### Removed
- Remove `rustc-serialize` dependency (#157)
- Remove `-v` and `-t` logging controls

## 0.7.0 - 2020-04-30
### Added
- Add the `--syntax` option to only syntax-check input files.
- Add support for `__FILE__` and `__LINE__` directives.
- Add support for `resetall` directive.
- Add support for `celldefine` and `endcelldefine` directives.
- Add support for `default_nettype` directive.
- Add support for `begin_keywords` and `end_keywords` directives.
- Add support for `line` directive.
- Add support for `unconnected_drive` and `nounconnected_drive` directives.
- Add full support for ANSI and non-ANSI port lists. ([#128]
- Add the `-Vports` verbosity option.

### Fixed
- Fix parsing of keywords `implements`, `interconnect`, `nettype`, `soft`.

## 0.6.0 - 2020-01-26
### Added
- Add bit-vec dependency.
- Add support for `x` and `z` bits in literals.
- Add support for `casex` and `casez` statements.
- Add shadow variables for blocking assignments.
- Interpret `reg` type as `logic`.

### Changed
- Improved output of `-Vtypes` verbosity option.
- Improve type checking quality with separate queries.

### Fixed
- Parent relationship of HIR nodes lowered from AST.
- Type of part-selects now reflects length of selection.
- Use operation type for comparisons and inside expressions.
- Don't consider type context for comparison operations.
- Fix implicit boolean casts in if, for, while, do/while, and event statements.
- Fix `$unsigned` and `$signed` type checking.
- Fix right-hand side casting in assignments.
- Fix implicit array unpacking.
- Fix code generated for concatenation.
- Fix nested `ifdef` in preprocessor.
- Fix parsing of delays on net declarations.
- Fix parsing of unparenthesized identifiers as delay value (following `#`).
- Fix parsing of DPI imports.
- Fix parsing of elaboration system tasks.
- Fix implicitly-typed variables.

## 0.5.0 - 2019-10-24
### Added
- Parsing of `timeunit` and `timeprecision` statements. ([#92]
- Parsing of `inside` expressions. ([#93]
- Support for the `**` operators. ([#94]
- Support for the `::` operator.
- Support for the `case` statement.
- Parse cast expressions.
- Accept ``` `` ```, `` `\ ``, and `` `" `` in preprocessor.
- Parse optional lifetime specifiers after `task` or `function`.
- Support for enum types. ([#79]
- Support for package declarations.
- Support for the `$signed` and `$unsigned` builtin functions.
- Support auto-connected and unconnected ports.
- Support for the `{...}` concatenation and `{N{...}}` repetition operators.
- Add `-On` switch to control optimization level.
- Add MIR for rvalues and lvalues. ([#104]
- Support for the ``` `undef ``` and ``` `undefineall ``` directives.
- Inline the [salsa] crate.

### Changed
- Update llhd to v0.9.0.
- Support for the `ty'(expr)` cast expression.
- Increase minimum rustc version to 1.36.

### Fixed
- Continuous assignments resolve in epsilon time. ([#89]
- Ternary operator now also supported at entitiy-level.
- Fix underscores in preprocessor macros.
- Fix parsing of size cast expressions, e.g. `32'(x)`. ([#113]
- Recognize `*.vh` files as verilog source code.

## 0.4.0 - 2019-02-19
### Added
- Support for variable declarations. ([#70]
- Support for struct types. ([#76]
- Support for packed arrays. ([#75]
- Support for the `*`, `/`, `%`, `<<`, `<<<`, `>>`, and `>>>` operators.
- Support for the `$clog2` and `$bits` builtin functions. ([#81], [#88]
- Support for non-blocking assignments with and without delay. ([#82]
- Support for based integer literals, and `'0`, and `'1`. ([#84]
- Support for the ternary operator in processes and functions. ([#83]
- Support for the unary `+`, `-`, `&`, `~&`, `|`, `~|`, `^`, and `^~` operators. ([#86]
- Support for `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `&=`, `|=`, `^=`, `<<=`, `<<<=`, `>>=`, and `>>>=` assignments. ([#87]

### Fixed
- Fix blocking assignments, making them actually block. ([#78]
- Fix variables with implicit types failing to infer their type.
- Fix error when parameters or genvars are used in process. ([#85]

### Changed
- Update llhd to v0.5.0.
- Make emitted process names more descriptive.

### Removed
- Remove obsolete code in the svlog syntax crate. ([#80]

## 0.3.0 - 2019-02-01
### Added
- Support for parameter declarations. ([#71]
- Support for typedefs. ([#74]
- Support for port assignments in instantiations. ([#77]
- Support for continuous assignments in modules.
- Support for bitwise logic operators.

### Fixed
- Fix assigning values to output ports.
- Fix semantics of `always_comb` blocks; they are now run once at startup and then implicitly when an input changes.

### Changed
- The first verbosity level (`-v`) does no longer print info lines.

### Fixed
- Fix code generated by `repeat` statement.

## 0.2.0 - 2019-01-24
### Added
- Support for if-generate and for-generate blocks. ([#72], [#73]
- Support for value and type parameters.
- Support for module instantiations and processes.
- Support for signal declarations.

### Changed
- Use [salsa] to implement SystemVerilog queries.
- Add usage example to README, plus some cleanup.
- Switch to dual-licensing.
- Update llhd to v0.3.0.
- Improve command line help page.

## 0.1.0 - 2018-02-27
### Added
- Initial release
- Basic SystemVerilog and VHDL parsing