moore-vhdl 0.1.0

The VHDL implementation of the moore compiler framework.
// Copyright (c) 2018 Fabian Schuiki

//! An implementation of lazy compiler passes.

// #![deny(missing_docs)]

use std;
use std::fmt;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;

use moore_common::NodeId;
use moore_common::score::{NodeStorage, Result};
use score::{ScoreBoard, ScoreContext};
use hir;
use typeck::TypeckContext;
use score::*;
use ty::Ty;

/// A lazily evaluated node.
pub enum LazyNode<F> {
	/// Evaluation is currently running.
	/// The callback which will provide the desired output.

impl<F> fmt::Debug for LazyNode<F> {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
		match *self {
			LazyNode::Running => write!(f, "running"),
			LazyNode::Pending(_) => write!(f, "pending"),

/// A table of lazy compiler phases.
pub struct LazyPhaseTable<'sb, 'ast: 'sb, 'ctx: 'sb> {
	/// The score board.
	pub sb: &'sb ScoreBoard<'ast, 'ctx>,
	/// The lazy HIR table.
	pub hir: LazyPhase<LazyHirTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx>>,
	/// The lazy typeck table.
	pub typeck: RefCell<LazyTypeckTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx>>,
	/// The lazy typeval table.
	pub typeval: RefCell<LazyTypevalTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx>>,

impl <'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> LazyPhaseTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> {
    /// Create a new phase table.
    pub fn new(sb: &'sb ScoreBoard<'ast, 'ctx>) -> LazyPhaseTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> {
        LazyPhaseTable {
            sb: sb,
            hir: LazyPhase::new(),
            typeck: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
            typeval: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),

/// A table of tasks needed to perform a compiler phase.
pub struct LazyPhase<T> {
	pub table: RefCell<T>,

impl<T: Default> LazyPhase<T> where T: Default {
	/// Create a new lazy phase.
	pub fn new() -> LazyPhase<T> {
		LazyPhase {
			table: RefCell::new(Default::default()),

	/// Schedule a task to be lazily executed.
	pub fn schedule<I,F>(&self, id: I, f: F)
		where T: NodeStorage<I, Node=LazyNode<F>>
		self.table.borrow_mut().set(id, LazyNode::Pending(f));

	/// Run a task.
	pub fn run<'lazy, 'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, I, R>(&self, id: I, ctx: &ScoreContext<'lazy, 'sb, 'ast, 'ctx>) -> Result<R>
		I: Copy + fmt::Debug,
		T: NodeStorage<I, Node=LazyNode<Box<for<'a,'b> Fn(&'a ScoreContext<'b, 'sb, 'ast, 'ctx>) -> Result<R> + 'sb>>>
		let task = self.table.borrow_mut().set(id, LazyNode::Running);
		match task {
			Some(LazyNode::Pending(f)) => f(ctx),
			Some(LazyNode::Running) => panic!("recursion when running task for {:?}", id),
			None => panic!("no task scheduled for {:?}", id),

/// A callback to lazily lower a node to HIR.
pub type LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, R> = Box<for<'a,'b> Fn(&'a ScoreContext<'b, 'sb, 'ast, 'ctx>) -> Result<R> + 'sb>;

/// A callback to lazily typeck a node.
pub type LazyTypeck<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> = Box<for<'a,'b,'c> Fn(&'a TypeckContext<'b, 'c, 'sb, 'ast, 'ctx>) -> Result<()> + 'sb>;

/// A callback to lazily evaluate the type of a node.
pub type LazyTypeval<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> = Box<for<'a,'b,'c> Fn(&'a TypeckContext<'b, 'c, 'sb, 'ast, 'ctx>) -> Result<&'ctx Ty> + 'sb>;

/// A table of pending or running HIR lowerings.
node_storage!(LazyHirTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> where ('ast: 'sb, 'ctx: 'sb):
	// Miscellaneous
	subtype_inds:     SubtypeIndRef    => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::SubtypeInd>>,

	// Expressions
	exprs:            ExprRef          => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Expr>>,
	aggregates:       AggregateRef     => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Aggregate>>,

	// Declarations
	const_decls:      ConstDeclRef     => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Decl<hir::ConstDecl>>>,
	signal_decls:     SignalDeclRef    => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Decl<hir::SignalDecl>>>,
	var_decls:        VarDeclRef       => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Decl<hir::VarDecl>>>,
	file_decls:       FileDeclRef      => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Decl<hir::FileDecl>>>,

	// Sequential statements
	wait_stmts:       WaitStmtRef      => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::WaitStmt>>>,
	assert_stmts:     AssertStmtRef    => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::AssertStmt>>>,
	report_stmts:     ReportStmtRef    => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::ReportStmt>>>,
	sig_assign_stmts: SigAssignStmtRef => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::SigAssignStmt>>>,
	var_assign_stmts: VarAssignStmtRef => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::VarAssignStmt>>>,
	call_stmt:        CallStmtRef      => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::CallStmt>>>,
	if_stmt:          IfStmtRef        => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::IfStmt>>>,
	case_stmt:        CaseStmtRef      => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::CaseStmt>>>,
	loop_stmt:        LoopStmtRef      => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::LoopStmt>>>,
	nexit_stmt:       NexitStmtRef     => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::NexitStmt>>>,
	return_stmt:      ReturnStmtRef    => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::ReturnStmt>>>,
	null_stmt:        NullStmtRef      => LazyNode<LazyHir<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx, hir::Stmt<hir::NullStmt>>>,

impl<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> Default for LazyHirTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> {
	fn default() -> LazyHirTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> {

/// A table of pending or running type checks.
pub type LazyTypeckTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> = HashMap<
	NodeId, LazyNode<LazyTypeck<'sb, 'ast ,'ctx>>

/// A table of pending or running type evaluations.
pub type LazyTypevalTable<'sb, 'ast, 'ctx> = HashMap<
	NodeId, LazyNode<LazyTypeval<'sb, 'ast ,'ctx>>