moore-svlog 0.8.0

The SystemVerilog implementation of the moore compiler framework.
// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Fabian Schuiki

use crate::{
    ty::{bit_size_of_type, Domain, Sign, Type, TypeKind},
    ParamEnv, ParamEnvBinding,
use num::{cast::ToPrimitive, BigInt, One, Signed};

/// Determine the type of a node.
pub(crate) fn type_of<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    node_id: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Result<Type<'gcx>> {
    let hir = cx.hir_of(node_id)?;
    match hir {
        HirNode::IntPort(p) => match & {
            Some(data) => cx.map_to_type(data.ty, env),
            None => {
                // Resolve the port to a net/var decl in the module, then use
                // that decl's type.
                let decl_id = cx.resolve_node(node_id, env)?;
                cx.type_of(decl_id, env)
        HirNode::ExtPort(p) => {
            if p.exprs.len() == 1 {
                let expr = &p.exprs[0];
                if !expr.selects.is_empty() {
                        "port{} contains a `[...]` selection; not yet supported in typeck",
                            .map(|n| format!(" `{}`", n))
                let module = match cx.hir_of(p.module)? {
                    HirNode::Module(m) => m,
                    _ => unreachable!(),
                cx.type_of([expr.port].id, env)
            } else {
                    "port{} is a concatenation; not yet supported in typeck",
                        .map(|n| format!(" `{}`", n))
        HirNode::Expr(_) => Ok(cast_type(cx, node_id, env).unwrap().ty),
        HirNode::ValueParam(p) => {
            if is_explicit_type(cx, p.ty)? {
                return cx.map_to_type(p.ty, env);
            let env_data = cx.param_env_data(env);
            match env_data.find_value(node_id) {
                Some(ParamEnvBinding::Indirect(assigned_id)) => {
                    return cx.type_of(, assigned_id.env())
                Some(ParamEnvBinding::Direct(t)) => return Ok(t.ty),
                _ => (),
            if let Some(default) = p.default {
                return cx.type_of(default, env);
                    "{} has implicit type but was not assigned and has no default",
                .add_note("specify a type for the parameter; or")
                .add_note("add a default value for the parameter; or")
                .add_note("override the parameter from outside"),
        HirNode::VarDecl(d) => {
            if is_explicit_type(cx, d.ty)? {
                cx.map_to_type(d.ty, env)
            } else if let Some(init) = d.init {
                cx.type_of(init, env)
            } else if let hir::VarKind::Net { .. } = d.kind {
            } else {
                        "{} has implicit type but is not initialized",
                    .add_note("specify a type for the variable; or")
                    .add_note("add an initial value"),
        HirNode::GenvarDecl(_) => Ok(&ty::INT_TYPE),
        HirNode::EnumVariant(v) => {
            // TODO: This is ultra hacky. The enum itself does not get its own
            // node ID, but rather shares this with the associated array dims.
            // So we nee to unpack those here again. This is horribly ugly and
            // should rather be done differently. E.g. by having the AST be more
            // of an ID-based graph.
            let hir = match cx.hir_of(v.enum_id)? {
                HirNode::Type(hir) => hir,
                _ => unreachable!(),
            let mut kind = &hir.kind;
            loop {
                kind = match kind {
                    hir::TypeKind::PackedArray(ref inner, ..) => inner.as_ref(),
                    _ => break,
            map_type_kind(cx, v.enum_id, env, hir, kind)
        HirNode::Package(_) => Ok(&ty::VOID_TYPE),
        HirNode::Assign(_) => unreachable!("has no type: {:?}", hir),
        _ => {
            error!("{:#?}", hir);
                    "type analysis of {} not implemented",

/// Determine the type of an expression.
fn type_of_expr<'gcx>(cx: &impl Context<'gcx>, expr: &'gcx hir::Expr, env: ParamEnv) -> Type<'gcx> {
    match expr.kind {
        // These expressions are have a fully self-determined type.
        hir::ExprKind::IntConst { .. }
        | hir::ExprKind::TimeConst(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::StringConst(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::Ident(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::Scope(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::Concat(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::Cast(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::CastSign(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::CastSize(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::Inside(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Unsupported)
        | hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Clog2(_))
        | hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Bits(_))
        | hir::ExprKind::Field(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::Index(..) => cx.need_self_determined_type(, env),

        // Unsized constants infer their type from the context if possible, and
        // otherwise fall back to a self-determined mode.
        hir::ExprKind::UnsizedConst(..) => cx
            .type_context(, env)
            .and_then(|x| x.ty().get_simple_bit_vector(cx, env, false))
            .unwrap_or_else(|| cx.need_self_determined_type(, env)),

        // Unary operators either return their internal operation type, or they
        // evaluate to a fully self-determined type.
        hir::ExprKind::Unary(op, _) => {
            match op {
                // Most operators simply evaluate to their operation type.
                | hir::UnaryOp::Pos
                | hir::UnaryOp::BitNot
                | hir::UnaryOp::PreInc
                | hir::UnaryOp::PreDec
                | hir::UnaryOp::PostInc
                | hir::UnaryOp::PostDec => cx.need_operation_type(, env),

                // And some have a fixed return type.
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedAnd
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedOr
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedXor
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedNand
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedNor
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedXnor => cx.need_self_determined_type(, env),

        // Binary operators either return their internal operation type, or they
        // evaluate to a fully self-determined type.
        hir::ExprKind::Binary(op, _, _) => {
            match op {
                // Most operators simply evaluate to their operation type.
                | hir::BinaryOp::Sub
                | hir::BinaryOp::Mul
                | hir::BinaryOp::Div
                | hir::BinaryOp::Mod
                | hir::BinaryOp::Pow
                | hir::BinaryOp::LogicShL
                | hir::BinaryOp::LogicShR
                | hir::BinaryOp::ArithShL
                | hir::BinaryOp::ArithShR
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitAnd
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitNand
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitOr
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitNor
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitXor
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitXnor => cx.need_operation_type(, env),

                // And some have a fixed return type.
                | hir::BinaryOp::Neq
                | hir::BinaryOp::Lt
                | hir::BinaryOp::Leq
                | hir::BinaryOp::Gt
                | hir::BinaryOp::Geq
                | hir::BinaryOp::LogicAnd
                | hir::BinaryOp::LogicOr => cx.need_self_determined_type(, env),

        // Ternary operators return their internal operation type.
        hir::ExprKind::Ternary(..) => cx.need_operation_type(, env),

        // Sign casts "forward" the type of their argument, with the sign
        // replaced.
        hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Signed(arg)) => cx
            .type_of(arg, env)
            .change_sign(cx, Sign::Signed),
        hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Unsigned(arg)) => cx
            .type_of(arg, env)
            .change_sign(cx, Sign::Unsigned),

        // Pattern expressions require a type context.
        | hir::ExprKind::NamedPattern(..)
        | hir::ExprKind::RepeatPattern(..) => cx.need_type_context(, env).ty(),

        // Function calls resolve to the function's return type.
        hir::ExprKind::FunctionCall(target, _) => cx
            .and_then(|hir| {
                let hir = match hir {
                    HirNode::Subroutine(s) => s,
                    _ => unreachable!(),
                match hir.retty {
                    Some(retty_id) => cx.map_to_type(retty_id, env),
                    None => Ok(&ty::VOID_TYPE),

/// Convert a node to a type.
pub(crate) fn map_to_type<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    node_id: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Result<Type<'gcx>> {
    let hir = cx.hir_of(node_id)?;
    match hir {
        HirNode::Type(hir) => map_type_kind(cx, node_id, env, hir, &hir.kind),
        HirNode::TypeParam(param) => {
            let env_data = cx.param_env_data(env);
            match env_data.find_type(node_id) {
                Some(ParamEnvBinding::Indirect(assigned_id)) => {
                    return cx.map_to_type(, assigned_id.env())
                Some(ParamEnvBinding::Direct(t)) => return Ok(t),
                _ => (),
            if let Some(default) = param.default {
                return cx.map_to_type(default, env);
            let d = DiagBuilder2::error(format!(
                "{} not assigned and has no default",
            let contexts = cx.param_env_contexts(env);
            for &context in &contexts {
                        .add_note("parameter declared here:")
            if contexts.is_empty() {
        HirNode::Typedef(def) => cx.map_to_type(def.ty, env),

        // Certain expressions are actually types. In that case we also support
        // a mapping to a type.
        HirNode::Expr(hir) => match hir.kind {
            hir::ExprKind::Ident(name) => {
                let binding = cx.resolve_upwards_or_error(name, node_id)?;
                Ok(cx.mkty_named(name, binding.env(env)))
            hir::ExprKind::Scope(scope_id, name) => {
                let within = cx.resolve_node(scope_id, env)?;
                let binding = cx.resolve_downwards_or_error(name, within)?;
                Ok(cx.mkty_named(name, binding.env(env)))
            _ => {
                error!("{:#?}", hir);
                    DiagBuilder2::error(format!("{} is not a type", hir.desc_full()))
        _ => cx.unimp_msg("conversion to type of", &hir),

/// Check if a type (given by its node id) is explicit.
fn is_explicit_type<'gcx>(cx: &impl Context<'gcx>, node_id: NodeId) -> Result<bool> {
    Ok(match cx.hir_of(node_id)? {
        HirNode::Type(x) => x.is_explicit(),
        _ => false,

/// Map an HIR type into the type system.
/// This essentially converts `hir::TypeKind` to `Type`.
fn map_type_kind<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    node_id: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
    root: &hir::Type,
    kind: &hir::TypeKind,
) -> Result<Type<'gcx>> {
    match *kind {
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::Void) => Ok(cx.mkty_void()),
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::Bit) => Ok(&ty::BIT_TYPE),
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::Logic) => Ok(&ty::LOGIC_TYPE),
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::Byte) => Ok(&ty::BYTE_TYPE),
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::ShortInt) => Ok(&ty::SHORTINT_TYPE),
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::Int) => Ok(&ty::INT_TYPE),
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::Integer) => Ok(&ty::INTEGER_TYPE),
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::LongInt) => Ok(&ty::LONGINT_TYPE),
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::Time) => Ok(&ty::TIME_TYPE),
        hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::String) => {
            Ok(cx.mkty_packed_array(1, &ty::BYTE_TYPE))
        hir::TypeKind::Named(name) => {
            let binding = cx.resolve_upwards_or_error(name, node_id)?;
            Ok(cx.mkty_named(name, binding.env(env)))
        hir::TypeKind::Scope(scope_id, name) => {
            let within = cx.resolve_node(scope_id, env)?;
            let binding = cx.resolve_downwards_or_error(name, within)?;
            Ok(cx.mkty_named(name, binding.env(env)))
        hir::TypeKind::Struct(..) => Ok(cx.mkty_struct(node_id)),
        hir::TypeKind::PackedArray(ref inner, lhs, rhs) => {
            let map_bound = |bound: NodeId| -> Result<&num::BigInt> {
                match cx.constant_value_of(bound, env)?.kind {
                    ValueKind::Int(ref int, ..) => Ok(int),
                    ValueKind::Error => Err(()),
                    _ => {
                        let span = cx.span(bound);
                                "array bound `{}` is not an integer",
                        return Err(());
            let lhs = map_bound(lhs)?;
            let rhs = map_bound(rhs)?;
            let (dir, lo, hi) = if lhs < rhs {
                (ty::RangeDir::Up, lhs, rhs)
            } else {
                (ty::RangeDir::Down, rhs, lhs)
            let size = (hi - lo) + num::BigInt::one();
            let size = match size.to_usize() {
                Some(i) => i,
                None => {
                        DiagBuilder2::error(format!("{} is too large", kind.desc_full()))
                            .add_note(format!("array would contain {} elements", size)),
                    return Err(());
            let offset = lo.to_isize().unwrap();
            match **inner {
                hir::TypeKind::Implicit | hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::Bit) => Ok(cx
                    .intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
                        domain: ty::Domain::TwoValued,
                        sign: ty::Sign::Unsigned,
                        range: ty::Range { size, dir, offset },
                        dubbed: false,
                hir::TypeKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinType::Logic) => {
                    Ok(cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
                        domain: ty::Domain::FourValued,
                        sign: ty::Sign::Unsigned,
                        range: ty::Range { size, dir, offset },
                        dubbed: false,
                _ => {
                    let inner_ty = map_type_kind(cx, node_id, env, root, inner)?;
                    Ok(cx.mkty_packed_array(size, inner_ty))
        hir::TypeKind::Enum(ref variants, repr) => match repr {
            Some(repr) => cx.map_to_type(repr, env),
            None => Ok(cx.mkty_int(variants.len().next_power_of_two().trailing_zeros() as usize)),

        hir::TypeKind::RefExpr(expr) => cx.type_of(expr, env),
        hir::TypeKind::RefType(ty) => cx.map_to_type(ty, env),

        // We should never request mapping of an implicit type. Rather, the
        // actual type should be mapped. Arriving here is a bug in the
        // calling function.
        hir::TypeKind::Implicit => {
            error!("{:#?}", root);
                DiagBuilder2::bug("implicit type not resolved").span(root.span)
        _ => {
            error!("{:#?}", root);
            cx.unimp_msg("type analysis of", root)

/// Get the cast type of a node.
pub(crate) fn cast_type<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    node_id: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Option<CastType<'gcx>> {
    let hir = match cx.hir_of(node_id) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(()) => return Some((&ty::ERROR_TYPE).into()),
    match hir {
        HirNode::Expr(e) => Some(cast_expr_type(cx, e, env)),
        _ => None,

/// Get the cast type of an expression.
fn cast_expr_type<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    expr: &'gcx hir::Expr,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> CastType<'gcx> {
    let cast = cast_expr_type_inner(cx, expr, env);
    if cx.sess().has_verbosity(Verbosity::CASTS) && !cast.is_error() && !cast.casts.is_empty() {
        let mut d =
            DiagBuilder2::note(format!("cast: `{}` to `{}`", cast.init, cast.ty)).span(expr.span);
        for (op, ty) in &cast.casts {
            let msg = match *op {
                CastOp::SimpleBitVector => format!("cast to simple bit vector type `{}`", ty),
                CastOp::Bool => format!("cast to boolean `{}`", ty),
                CastOp::Sign(sign) => format!("sign cast to {} type `{}`", sign, ty),
                CastOp::Range(_, signed) => format!(
                    "{} size cast to `{}`",
                    match signed {
                        true => "sign-extended",
                        false => "zero-extended",
                CastOp::Domain(domain) => format!(
                    "cast to {} `{}`",
                    match domain {
                        ty::Domain::TwoValued => "two-valued",
                        ty::Domain::FourValued => "four-valued",
                CastOp::Struct => format!("unpack as struct `{}`", ty),
                CastOp::Array => format!("unpack as array `{}`", ty),
                CastOp::Transmute => format!("transmute as `{}`", ty),
            d = d.add_note(msg);

/// Get the cast type of an expression.
fn cast_expr_type_inner<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    expr: &'gcx hir::Expr,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> CastType<'gcx> {
        "Computing cast type of `{}` (line {})",

    // Determine the inferred type and type context of the expression.
    let inferred = type_of_expr(cx, expr, env);
    let context = type_context(cx,, env);
    trace!("  Inferred: {}", inferred);
        "  Context:  {}",
            .map(|c| c.to_string())
            .unwrap_or_else(|| "<none>".to_string())

    // No need to cast lvalues.
    if expr_is_lvalue(cx,, env) {
        trace!("  Not casting lvalue");
        return inferred.into();

    // If there is no type context which we have to cast to, return.
    let context = match context {
        Some(c) => c,
        None => return inferred.into(),

    // If any of the inputs are tombstones, return.
    if inferred.is_error() || context.is_error() {
        trace!("  Aborting due to error");
        return inferred.into();

    // If types already match, return.
    if let TypeContext::Type(ty) = context {
        if ty::identical(ty, inferred) {
            return inferred.into();

    // Begin the cast sequence.
    let mut cast = CastType {
        init: inferred,
        ty: inferred,
        casts: vec![],

    // Cast the expression to a simple bit vector type.
    if !cast.ty.is_simple_bit_vector() {
        trace!("  Casting to SBVT");
        match cast.ty.get_simple_bit_vector(cx, env, false) {
            Some(ty) => cast.add_cast(CastOp::SimpleBitVector, ty),
            None => {
                        "cannot cast a value of type `{}` to `{}`",
                        inferred, context
                        "`{}` has no simple bit-vector type representation",
                error!("Cast chain thus far: {}", cast);
                return (&ty::ERROR_TYPE).into();
    if cast.is_error() {
        trace!("  Aborting due to error");
        return cast;

    // Cast the SBVT to a boolean.
    let context = match context {
        TypeContext::Bool => {
            trace!("  Casting to bool ({})", context.ty());
            cast.add_cast(CastOp::Bool, context.ty());
            return cast;
        TypeContext::Type(ty) => ty,

    // Change size.
    let context_sbvt = if context.is_simple_bit_vector() {
    } else {
        context.get_simple_bit_vector(cx, env, false)
    let range = context_sbvt.and_then(|ty| ty.get_range());
    if cast.ty.get_range() != range && range.is_some() {
        let range = range.unwrap();
        let ty = cast.ty.change_range(cx, range);
            "  Casting range from {} to {}",
        cast.add_cast(CastOp::Range(range, cast.ty.is_signed()), ty);
    if cast.is_error() {
        trace!("  Aborting due to error");
        return cast;

    // Cast bit scalars from and to bit vectors.
    match (
        cast.ty.resolve_name(),|ty| ty.resolve_name()),
    ) {
        // Drop a [0:0] when the target is a scalar.
            &TypeKind::BitVector {
                range: ty::Range { size: 1, .. },
                dubbed: _,
            Some(&TypeKind::BitScalar { .. }),
        ) => {
            let ty = cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitScalar { domain, sign });
            cast.add_cast(CastOp::Transmute, ty);
        // Add a [0:0] when the target is such a vector.
            &TypeKind::BitScalar { domain, sign },
            Some(&TypeKind::BitVector {
                range: range @ ty::Range { size: 1, .. },
        ) => {
            let ty = cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
            cast.add_cast(CastOp::Transmute, ty);
        _ => (),

    // Change signs.
    if cast.ty.get_sign() != context.get_sign() && context.get_sign().is_some() {
            "  Casting sign from {:?} to {:?}",
        let sign = context.get_sign().unwrap();
        cast.add_cast(CastOp::Sign(sign), cast.ty.change_sign(cx, sign));
    if cast.is_error() {
        trace!("  Aborting due to error");
        return cast;

    // Change value domain.
    let domain = context_sbvt.and_then(|ty| ty.get_value_domain());
    if cast.ty.get_value_domain() != domain && domain.is_some() {
        let domain = domain.unwrap();
            "  Casting domain from {:?} to {:?}",
            cast.ty.change_value_domain(cx, domain),
    if cast.is_error() {
        trace!("  Aborting due to error");
        return cast;

    // Unpack the simple bit vector as struct or array.
    if context.is_struct() {
        cast.add_cast(CastOp::Struct, context);
    } else if context.is_array() {
        cast.add_cast(CastOp::Array, context);
    if cast.is_error() {
        trace!("  Aborting due to error");
        return cast;

    // If types match now, we're good.
    if ty::identical(context, cast.ty) {
        trace!("  Cast complete");
        return cast;

    // If we arrive here, casting failed.
    let mut d = DiagBuilder2::error(format!(
        "cannot cast a value of type `{}` to `{}`",
        inferred, context
    if !cast.casts.is_empty() {
        d = d.add_note(format!(
            "`{}` can be cast to an intermediate `{}`, but",
            inferred, cast.ty
        d = d.add_note(format!(
            "`{}` cannot be cast to the final `{}`",
            cast.ty, context
    error!("Inferred type: {:?}", inferred);
    error!("Context type: {:?}", context);
    error!("Cast chain thus far: {}", cast);

/// Get the self-determined type of a node.
pub(crate) fn self_determined_type<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    node_id: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Option<Type<'gcx>> {
    let hir = match cx.hir_of(node_id) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(()) => return Some(&ty::ERROR_TYPE),
    match hir {
        HirNode::Expr(e) => self_determined_expr_type(cx, e, env),
        _ => None,

/// Require a node to have a self-determined type.
/// Emits an error if the node has no self-determined type.
pub(crate) fn need_self_determined_type<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    node_id: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Type<'gcx> {
    match cx.self_determined_type(node_id, env) {
        Some(ty) => ty,
        None => {
            let extract = cx.span(node_id).extract();
            let desc = cx
                .map(|x| x.desc_full())
                .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("`{}`", extract));
                DiagBuilder2::error(format!("{} has no self-determined type", desc))
                        "The type of {} must be inferred from \
                         context, but the location where you used it does not \
                         provide such information.",
                    .add_note(format!("Try a cast: `T'({})`", extract)),

/// Get the self-determined type of an expression.
fn self_determined_expr_type<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    expr: &'gcx hir::Expr,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Option<Type<'gcx>> {
    match expr.kind {
        // Unsized constants fall back to their single bit equivalent.
        hir::ExprKind::UnsizedConst(_) => Some(&ty::LOGIC_TYPE),

        // Sized integer constants have a well-defined type.
        // TODO(fschuiki): Inherit signedness from `s` character in base.
        hir::ExprKind::IntConst { width, signed, .. } => {
            Some(cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
                domain: ty::Domain::TwoValued, // TODO(fschuiki): Is this correct?
                sign: if signed {
                } else {
                range: ty::Range {
                    size: width,
                    dir: ty::RangeDir::Down,
                    offset: 0isize,
                dubbed: true,

        // Time constants are of time type.
        hir::ExprKind::TimeConst(_) => Some(cx.mkty_time()),

        // String literals are of string type.
        hir::ExprKind::StringConst(_) => Some(cx.mkty_packed_array(1, &ty::BYTE_TYPE)),

        // Identifiers and scoped identifiers inherit their type from the bound
        // node.
        hir::ExprKind::Ident(_) | hir::ExprKind::Scope(..) => Some(
            cx.resolve_node(, env)
                .and_then(|x| cx.type_of(x, env))

        // Concatenation yields an unsigned logic vector whose bit width is the
        // sum of the simple bit vector types of each argument.
        // See §11.8.1 "Rules for expression types".
        hir::ExprKind::Concat(repeat, ref exprs) => {
            let mut failed = false;

            // Determine the cumulative width of all fields.
            // TODO(fschuiki): Use a more benign function that does not fail,
            // but returns an option which can be used to hint the user at the
            // fact that the concatenation only accepts packable types.
            let mut bit_width = 0;
            for &expr in exprs {
                match cx
                    .type_of(expr, env)
                    .and_then(|ty| bit_size_of_type(cx, ty, env))
                    Ok(w) => bit_width += w,
                    Err(()) => failed = true,

            // Determine the repetition factor.
            let repeat = match|r| cx.constant_int_value_of(r, env)) {
                Some(Ok(r)) => r.to_usize().unwrap(),
                Some(Err(_)) => {
                    failed = true;
                None => 1,

            // Package up the result.
            Some(if failed {
            } else {
                cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
                    sign: Sign::Unsigned,
                    domain: Domain::FourValued,
                    range: ty::Range {
                        size: repeat * bit_width,
                        dir: ty::RangeDir::Down,
                        offset: 0isize,
                    dubbed: false,

        // Casts trivially evaluate to the cast type.
        hir::ExprKind::Cast(ty, _) => Some(cx.map_to_type(ty, env).unwrap_or(&ty::ERROR_TYPE)),

        // Sign casts trivially evaluate to the sign-converted inner type.
        hir::ExprKind::CastSign(sign, arg) => cx
            .self_determined_type(arg, env)
            .map(|x| x.change_sign(cx, sign.value)),
        hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Signed(arg)) => cx
            .self_determined_type(arg, env)
            .map(|x| x.change_sign(cx, Sign::Signed)),
        hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Unsigned(arg)) => cx
            .self_determined_type(arg, env)
            .map(|x| x.change_sign(cx, Sign::Unsigned)),

        // Sign casts trivially evaluate to the size-converted inner type.
        hir::ExprKind::CastSize(size, arg) => {
            let mut failed = false;

            // Determine the actual size.
            let size = match cx.constant_int_value_of(size, env) {
                Ok(r) => r.to_usize().unwrap(),
                Err(_) => {
                    failed = true;

            // Map the inner type to a simple bit vector.
            let inner_ty = cx.need_self_determined_type(arg, env);
            failed |= inner_ty.is_error();

            // Create a new type with the correct size.
            Some(if failed {
            } else {
                cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
                    domain: inner_ty.get_value_domain().unwrap_or(Domain::TwoValued),
                    sign: inner_ty.get_sign().unwrap_or(Sign::Unsigned),
                    range: ty::Range {
                        size: size,
                        dir: ty::RangeDir::Down,
                        offset: 0isize,
                    dubbed: false,

        // The `inside` expression evaluates to a boolean.
        hir::ExprKind::Inside(..) => Some(&ty::LOGIC_TYPE),

        // Most builtin functions evaluate to the integer type.
        | hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Clog2(_))
        | hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Bits(_)) => Some(&ty::INT_TYPE),

        // Member field accesses resolve to the type of the member.
        hir::ExprKind::Field(..) => Some(
            cx.resolve_field_access(, env)
                .and_then(|(_, _, field_id)| cx.type_of(field_id, env))

        // Bit- and part-select expressions
        hir::ExprKind::Index(target, mode) => Some({
            // Determine the width of the accessed slice. `None` indicates a
            // single element access, which needs to be treated differently in
            // some cases.
            let width = || -> Result<_> {
                Ok(match mode {
                    hir::IndexMode::One(..) => None,
                    hir::IndexMode::Many(ast::RangeMode::RelativeUp, _, delta)
                    | hir::IndexMode::Many(ast::RangeMode::RelativeDown, _, delta) => {
                        Some(cx.constant_int_value_of(delta, env)?.to_usize().unwrap())
                    hir::IndexMode::Many(ast::RangeMode::Absolute, lhs, rhs) => {
                        let lhs_int = cx.constant_int_value_of(lhs, env)?;
                        let rhs_int = cx.constant_int_value_of(rhs, env)?;
                        let length = (lhs_int - rhs_int).abs() + BigInt::one();
            let width = match width {
                Ok(w) => w,
                Err(_) => return Some(&ty::ERROR_TYPE),

            // TODO(fschuiki): In case the target type is not something we can
            // directly index into, map it to the equivalent simple bit vector
            // type first.
            let target_ty = cx.type_of(target, env).unwrap_or(&ty::ERROR_TYPE);
            match *target_ty.resolve_name() {
                TypeKind::PackedArray(_, ty) => {
                    if let Some(width) = width {
                        cx.intern_type(TypeKind::PackedArray(width, ty))
                    } else {
                TypeKind::Bit(domain) | TypeKind::Int(_, domain) => {
                    cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
                        sign: Sign::Signed,
                        range: ty::Range {
                            size: width.unwrap_or(1),
                            dir: ty::RangeDir::Down,
                            offset: 0isize,
                        dubbed: false,
                TypeKind::BitScalar { domain, sign } => cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
                    range: ty::Range {
                        size: width.unwrap_or(1),
                        dir: ty::RangeDir::Down,
                        offset: 0isize,
                    dubbed: false,
                TypeKind::BitVector {
                } => cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
                    range: ty::Range {
                        size: width.unwrap_or(1),
                        dir: range.dir,
                        offset: 0isize,
                    dubbed: false,
                TypeKind::Error => (target_ty),
                _ => {
                            "cannot index into a value of type `{}`",
                    error!("Type is {:?}", target_ty);

        // Some unary operators have a fully self-determined type.
        hir::ExprKind::Unary(op, arg) => match op {
            // Handle the self-determined cases.
            hir::UnaryOp::LogicNot => Some(&ty::LOGIC_TYPE),
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedOr
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedXor
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedNand
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedNor
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedXnor => cx.self_determined_type(arg, env).map(|ty| {
                    .map(|dom| dom.bit_type())

            // For all other cases we try to infer the argument's type.
            | hir::UnaryOp::Pos
            | hir::UnaryOp::BitNot
            | hir::UnaryOp::PreInc
            | hir::UnaryOp::PreDec
            | hir::UnaryOp::PostInc
            | hir::UnaryOp::PostDec => {
                unify_operator_types(cx, env, cx.self_determined_type(arg, env).into_iter())

        // Some binary operators have a fully self-determined type.
        hir::ExprKind::Binary(op, lhs, rhs) => match op {
            // Handle the self-determined cases.
            | hir::BinaryOp::Neq
            | hir::BinaryOp::Lt
            | hir::BinaryOp::Leq
            | hir::BinaryOp::Gt
            | hir::BinaryOp::Geq
            | hir::BinaryOp::LogicAnd
            | hir::BinaryOp::LogicOr => Some(&ty::LOGIC_TYPE),

            // For all other cases we try to infer a type based on the maximum
            // over the operand's self-determined types.
            | hir::BinaryOp::Sub
            | hir::BinaryOp::Mul
            | hir::BinaryOp::Div
            | hir::BinaryOp::Mod
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitAnd
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitNand
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitOr
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitNor
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitXor
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitXnor => {
                let tlhs = cx.self_determined_type(lhs, env);
                let trhs = cx.self_determined_type(rhs, env);
                unify_operator_types(cx, env, tlhs.into_iter().chain(trhs.into_iter()))

            // Exponentiation and shifts operate on the left-hand side type.
            | hir::BinaryOp::LogicShL
            | hir::BinaryOp::LogicShR
            | hir::BinaryOp::ArithShL
            | hir::BinaryOp::ArithShR => cx.self_determined_type(lhs, env),

        // Ternary operators infer a type based on the maximum over the
        // operand's self-determined types.
        hir::ExprKind::Ternary(_, lhs, rhs) => {
            let tlhs = cx.self_determined_type(lhs, env);
            let trhs = cx.self_determined_type(rhs, env);
            unify_operator_types(cx, env, tlhs.into_iter().chain(trhs.into_iter()))

        _ => None,

/// Get the operation type of an expression.
pub(crate) fn operation_type<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    node_id: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Option<Type<'gcx>> {
    let hir = match cx.hir_of(node_id) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(_) => return Some(&ty::ERROR_TYPE),
    let expr = match hir {
        HirNode::Expr(x) => x,
        _ => return None,
    match expr.kind {
        // Unary operators all have an inherent operation type.
        hir::ExprKind::Unary(op, arg) => {
            let ty = match op {
                // Most operators operate on the maximum bitwidth given by their
                // argument (self-determined type) and the type context.
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedOr
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedXor
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedNand
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedNor
                | hir::UnaryOp::RedXnor
                | hir::UnaryOp::Neg
                | hir::UnaryOp::Pos
                | hir::UnaryOp::BitNot
                | hir::UnaryOp::PreInc
                | hir::UnaryOp::PreDec
                | hir::UnaryOp::PostInc
                | hir::UnaryOp::PostDec => {
                    let tc = cx.type_context(node_id, env).map(|x| x.ty());
                    let targ = cx.self_determined_type(arg, env);
                    unify_operator_types(cx, env, tc.into_iter().chain(targ.into_iter()))

                // Handle the self-determined cases.
                hir::UnaryOp::LogicNot => Some(&ty::LOGIC_TYPE),
            if ty.is_none() {
                    DiagBuilder2::error(format!("type of {} cannot be inferred", expr.desc_full()))
                            "The operand does not have a self-determined type, \
                             and the type cannot be inferred from the context.",
                        .add_note(format!("Try a cast: `T'({})`", expr.span().extract())),
            } else {

        // Binary operators all have an inherent operation type.
        hir::ExprKind::Binary(op, lhs, rhs) => {
            let ty = match op {
                // Most arithmetic operators and comparisons operate on the
                // maximum bitwidth given by their arguments (self-determined
                // type) and the type context.
                | hir::BinaryOp::Sub
                | hir::BinaryOp::Mul
                | hir::BinaryOp::Div
                | hir::BinaryOp::Mod
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitAnd
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitNand
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitOr
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitNor
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitXor
                | hir::BinaryOp::BitXnor => {
                    let tc = cx.type_context(node_id, env).map(|x| x.ty());
                    let tlhs = cx.self_determined_type(lhs, env);
                    let trhs = cx.self_determined_type(rhs, env);

                // Comparison operations do not consider their type context, but
                // use the maximum bit width of the operands.
                | hir::BinaryOp::Neq
                | hir::BinaryOp::Lt
                | hir::BinaryOp::Leq
                | hir::BinaryOp::Gt
                | hir::BinaryOp::Geq => {
                    let tlhs = cx.self_determined_type(lhs, env);
                    let trhs = cx.self_determined_type(rhs, env);
                    unify_operator_types(cx, env, tlhs.into_iter().chain(trhs.into_iter()))

                // The boolean logic operators simply operate on bits.
                hir::BinaryOp::LogicAnd | hir::BinaryOp::LogicOr => Some(&ty::LOGIC_TYPE),

                // Exponentiation and shifts operate on the left-hand side type.
                | hir::BinaryOp::LogicShL
                | hir::BinaryOp::LogicShR
                | hir::BinaryOp::ArithShL
                | hir::BinaryOp::ArithShR => {
                    let tc = cx.type_context(node_id, env).map(|x| x.ty());
                    let sdt = cx.self_determined_type(lhs, env);
                    unify_operator_types(cx, env, tc.into_iter().chain(sdt.into_iter()))
            if ty.is_none() {
                    DiagBuilder2::error(format!("type of {} cannot be inferred", expr.desc_full()))
                            "Neither of the operands has a self-determined type, \
                             and the type cannot be inferred from the context.",
                        .add_note(format!("Try a cast: `T'({})`", expr.span().extract())),
            } else {

        // Ternary operators operate on the maximum bitwidth given by their
        // arguments (self-determined type) and the type context.
        hir::ExprKind::Ternary(_, lhs, rhs) => {
            let tc = cx.type_context(node_id, env).map(|x| x.ty());
            let tlhs = cx.self_determined_type(lhs, env);
            let trhs = cx.self_determined_type(rhs, env);

        // The inside expression uses an operation type for its comparisons. It
        // is determined in the same way as for comparisons.
        hir::ExprKind::Inside(lhs, ref ranges) => {
            let tlhs = cx.self_determined_type(lhs, env);
            let tranges = ranges.iter().flat_map(|r| {
                let (a, b) = match r.value {
                    hir::InsideRange::Single(rhs) => (cx.self_determined_type(rhs, env), None),
                    hir::InsideRange::Range(lo, hi) => (
                        cx.self_determined_type(lo, env),
                        cx.self_determined_type(hi, env),
            unify_operator_types(cx, env, tlhs.into_iter().chain(tranges))

        _ => None,

/// Determine the bit length, sign, and value domain of the types that influence
/// an expression.
fn unify_operator_types<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    env: ParamEnv,
    types: impl Iterator<Item = Type<'gcx>>,
) -> Option<Type<'gcx>> {
    // Map the iterator to a sequence of sign, domain, and bit width tuples.
    let inner: Vec<_> = types
        .flat_map(|ty| {
            bit_size_of_type(cx, ty, env)
                .map(|w| ((ty.get_sign(), ty.get_value_domain(), ty.is_dubbed(), w)))

    // Determine the maximum width, sign, and domain.
    let width: Option<usize> = inner.iter().map(|&(_, _, _, w)| w).max();
    let sign = match inner.iter().all(|&(s, _, _, _)| s == Some(Sign::Signed)) {
        true => Sign::Signed,
        false => Sign::Unsigned,
    let domain = match inner
        .all(|&(_, d, _, _)| d == Some(Domain::TwoValued))
        true => Domain::TwoValued,
        false => Domain::FourValued,
    let dubbed = inner.iter().all(|&(_, _, d, _)| d);

    // Construct the type.|w| {
        cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitVector {
            range: ty::Range {
                size: w,
                dir: ty::RangeDir::Down,
                offset: 0isize,

/// Require a node to have an operation type.
/// Emits an error if the node has no operation type.
pub(crate) fn need_operation_type<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    node_id: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Type<'gcx> {
    match cx.operation_type(node_id, env) {
        Some(x) => x,
        None => {
            let span = cx.span(node_id);
                DiagBuilder2::bug(format!("`{}` has no operation type", span.extract())).span(span),

/// Get the type context of a node.
pub(crate) fn type_context<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    onto: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Option<TypeContext<'gcx>> {
    let hir = match cx.hir_of(cx.parent_node_id(onto).unwrap()) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(()) => return None,
    match hir {
        HirNode::Expr(e) => type_context_imposed_by_expr(cx, onto, e, env),
        HirNode::Stmt(s) => type_context_imposed_by_stmt(cx, onto, s, env),
        HirNode::Assign(a) => {
            if a.lhs == onto {
                cx.self_determined_type(a.rhs, env).map(Into::into)
            } else if a.rhs == onto {
                cx.self_determined_type(a.lhs, env).map(Into::into)
            } else {
        HirNode::IntPort(hir::IntPort { data: Some(v), .. })
            if v.default == Some(onto) && is_explicit_type(cx, v.ty).unwrap_or(false) =>
            Some(cx.map_to_type(v.ty, env).unwrap_or(&ty::ERROR_TYPE).into())
            if v.init == Some(onto) && is_explicit_type(cx, v.ty).unwrap_or(false) =>
            Some(cx.map_to_type(v.ty, env).unwrap_or(&ty::ERROR_TYPE).into())
            if v.default == Some(onto) && is_explicit_type(cx, v.ty).unwrap_or(false) =>
            Some(cx.map_to_type(v.ty, env).unwrap_or(&ty::ERROR_TYPE).into())
        HirNode::Inst(inst) => {
            let details = cx.inst_details(;
                .and_then(|id| cx.type_of(id, details.inner_env).ok())
        HirNode::InstTarget(inst) => {
            let details = cx.inst_target_details(;
                .and_then(|param_id| cx.type_of(param_id, details.inner_env).ok())
        _ => None,

/// Get the type context of a node.
pub(crate) fn need_type_context<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    node_id: NodeId,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> TypeContext<'gcx> {
    match cx.type_context(node_id, env) {
        Some(ty) => ty,
        None => {
            let extract = cx.span(node_id).extract();
            let desc = cx
                .map(|x| x.desc_full())
                .unwrap_or_else(|_| format!("`{}`", extract));
                DiagBuilder2::error(format!("type of {} cannot be inferred from context", desc))
                        "The type of {} must be inferred from \
                         context, but the location where you used it does not \
                         provide such information.",
                    .add_note(format!("Try a cast: `T'({})`", extract)),

/// A type context imposed by a node's surroundings.
/// This is used to treat things such as assignment-like contexts.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum TypeContext<'a> {
    /// The surroundings impose a regular type.
    /// The surroundings ask for implicit boolean mapping (not truncation).

impl<'a> TypeContext<'a> {
    /// Convert the type context to an actual type.
    /// This resolves implicit boolean casts to the `logic` type.
    pub fn ty(&self) -> Type<'a> {
        match *self {
            TypeContext::Type(t) => t,
            TypeContext::Bool => &ty::LOGIC_TYPE,

    /// Check if the type context is a tombstone.
    pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            TypeContext::Type(t) => t.is_error(),
            TypeContext::Bool => false,

impl<'a> From<Type<'a>> for TypeContext<'a> {
    fn from(ty: Type<'a>) -> Self {

impl std::fmt::Display for TypeContext<'_> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            TypeContext::Type(t) => write!(f, "{}", t),
            TypeContext::Bool => write!(f, "<bool>"),

/// Get the type context imposed by an expression.
/// Determine the type context `expr` imposes on `onto`.
fn type_context_imposed_by_expr<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    onto: NodeId,
    expr: &'gcx hir::Expr,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Option<TypeContext<'gcx>> {
    match expr.kind {
        hir::ExprKind::Unary(op, _) => match op {
            // The unary operators whose output type does not depend on the
            // operands also do not impose a type context on their operands.
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedOr
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedXor
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedNand
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedNor
            | hir::UnaryOp::RedXnor => None,

            // The logic operators require boolean arguments.
            hir::UnaryOp::LogicNot => Some(TypeContext::Bool),

            // For all other cases we impose our self-determined type as
            // context.
            | hir::UnaryOp::Pos
            | hir::UnaryOp::BitNot
            | hir::UnaryOp::PreInc
            | hir::UnaryOp::PreDec
            | hir::UnaryOp::PostInc
            | hir::UnaryOp::PostDec => Some(cx.need_operation_type(, env).into()),

        hir::ExprKind::Binary(op, lhs, _) => match op {
            // The logic operators require boolean arguments.
            hir::BinaryOp::LogicAnd | hir::BinaryOp::LogicOr => Some(TypeContext::Bool),

            // Exponentiation and shifts impose a type context on their left
            // hand side.
            | hir::BinaryOp::LogicShL
            | hir::BinaryOp::LogicShR
            | hir::BinaryOp::ArithShL
            | hir::BinaryOp::ArithShR => {
                if onto == lhs {
                    Some(cx.need_operation_type(, env).into())
                } else {

            // For all other cases we impose the operator type.
            | hir::BinaryOp::Sub
            | hir::BinaryOp::Mul
            | hir::BinaryOp::Div
            | hir::BinaryOp::Mod
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitAnd
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitNand
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitOr
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitNor
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitXor
            | hir::BinaryOp::BitXnor
            | hir::BinaryOp::Eq
            | hir::BinaryOp::Neq
            | hir::BinaryOp::Lt
            | hir::BinaryOp::Leq
            | hir::BinaryOp::Gt
            | hir::BinaryOp::Geq => Some(cx.need_operation_type(, env).into()),

        // The ternary operator imposes its operation type onto the true and
        // false expressions.
        hir::ExprKind::Ternary(_, lhs, rhs) if onto == lhs || onto == rhs => {
            Some(cx.need_operation_type(, env).into())

        // The ternary operator imposes a boolean context on its condition.
        hir::ExprKind::Ternary(cond, _, _) if onto == cond => Some(TypeContext::Bool),

        // Static casts are *not* assignment-like contexts. See §10.8
        // "Assignment-like contexts". We use a trick here to get the implicit
        // casting logic to do the cast for us: we determine the type of the
        // argument after the cast, then impose that as its type context.
        | hir::ExprKind::Builtin(hir::BuiltinCall::Unsigned(arg))
        | hir::ExprKind::Cast(_, arg)
        | hir::ExprKind::CastSign(_, arg)
        | hir::ExprKind::CastSize(_, arg)
            if onto == arg =>
            Some(cx.need_self_determined_type(, env).into())

        // Concatenations require their arguments (including repetition counts)
        // to map to a corresponding SBVT.
        hir::ExprKind::Concat(..) => {
            let ty = cx.need_self_determined_type(onto, env);
            let sbvt = match ty.get_simple_bit_vector(cx, env, false) {
                Some(ty) => ty,
                None => {
                            format!("cannot concatenate a value of type `{}`", ty,),
                            "`{}` has no simple bit-vector type representation",

        // Patterns impose the field types onto their arguments.
        hir::ExprKind::PositionalPattern(ref args) => {
            type_context_imposed_by_positional_pattern(cx, onto, expr, args, 1, env)
        hir::ExprKind::RepeatPattern(count, ref args) if onto != count => {
            // TODO(fschuiki): This is a verbatim copy of code in MIR lowering.
            // This should really go into a pattern analysis struct.
            let const_count = match cx.constant_int_value_of(count, env) {
                Ok(c) => c,
                Err(()) => return Some((&ty::ERROR_TYPE).into()),
            let const_count = match const_count.to_usize() {
                Some(c) => c,
                None => {
                            "repetition count {} is outside copable range",
                    return Some((&ty::ERROR_TYPE).into());
            type_context_imposed_by_positional_pattern(cx, onto, expr, args, const_count, env)

        _ => None,

fn type_context_imposed_by_positional_pattern<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    onto: NodeId,
    expr: &'gcx hir::Expr,
    args: &[NodeId],
    repeat: usize,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Option<TypeContext<'gcx>> {
    let index = args.iter().position(|&n| n == onto)?;
    let ty = cx.need_type_context(, env).ty();
    if ty.is_error() {
        return Some((&ty::ERROR_TYPE).into());
    match *ty.resolve_name() {
        TypeKind::PackedArray(_, elty) => Some(elty.into()),
        TypeKind::BitScalar { .. } => Some(ty.into()),
        TypeKind::BitVector { sign, domain, .. } => {
            Some(cx.intern_type(TypeKind::BitScalar { sign, domain }).into())
        TypeKind::Struct(_) if repeat != 1 => {
                "struct patterns with repeat count other than 1 not supported",
        TypeKind::Struct(def_id) => {
            // TODO: This code shares quite some similarity with the one
            // in HIR lowering. It would be much smarter to create an
            // intermediate struct that distills patterns into proper
            // array/struct mappings, such that misalignments are
            // handled early on, and these type checks become easier.
            let def = match cx.struct_def(def_id) {
                Ok(d) => d,
                Err(()) => return Some((&ty::ERROR_TYPE).into()),
            if args.len() > def.fields.len() {
                        "pattern has {} fields, but type `{}` requires {}",
                cx.map_to_type(def.fields[index].ty, env)
        _ => {
                "type context for field {} of positional pattern with invalid type `{}`",

/// Get the type context imposed by a statement.
/// Determine the type context `stmt` imposes on `onto`.
fn type_context_imposed_by_stmt<'gcx>(
    cx: &impl Context<'gcx>,
    onto: NodeId,
    stmt: &'gcx hir::Stmt,
    env: ParamEnv,
) -> Option<TypeContext<'gcx>> {
    match stmt.kind {
        // Assignments impose the self-determined type of the other operand on
        // an operand, if available.
        hir::StmtKind::Assign { lhs, rhs, .. } => {
            if lhs == onto {
                cx.self_determined_type(rhs, env).map(Into::into)
            } else if rhs == onto {
                cx.self_determined_type(lhs, env).map(Into::into)
            } else {

        // If statements and do/while loops require a boolean condition.
        hir::StmtKind::If { cond, .. } if onto == cond => Some(TypeContext::Bool),

        // Do/while loops require a boolean condition.
        hir::StmtKind::Loop { kind, .. } => {
            match kind {
                hir::LoopKind::Repeat(count) if onto == count => {
                    // TODO: Actually this should require a simple 2-value bit vector type
                | hir::LoopKind::While(cond)
                | hir::LoopKind::For(_, cond, _)
                    if onto == cond =>
                _ => None,

        // Case statements impose the switch expression's self-determined type
        // on  the case arms.
        hir::StmtKind::Case { expr, ref ways, .. } => {
            if ways.iter().flat_map(|(x, _)| x.iter()).any(|&x| x == onto) {
                cx.self_determined_type(expr, env).map(Into::into)
            } else {

        _ => None,

/// A type resulting from a sequence of casts.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct CastType<'a> {
    /// The initial type before casting.
    pub init: Type<'a>,
    /// The final type after casting.
    pub ty: Type<'a>,
    /// The cast operations that lead to the result.
    pub casts: Vec<(CastOp, Type<'a>)>,

/// A cast operation.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum CastOp {
    /// Cast to a simple bit vector type.
    /// Cast to a boolean.
    /// Cast to a different sign.
    /// Cast to a different range. Second argument indicates sign-extension.
    Range(ty::Range, bool),
    /// Cast to a different domain.
    /// Cast to a struct.
    /// Cast to an array.
    /// Cast a scalar from/to 1-element vector.

impl<'a> CastType<'a> {
    /// Check if this cast type is a tombstone.
    pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool {

    /// Add a cast operation.
    pub fn add_cast(&mut self, op: CastOp, ty: Type<'a>) {
        self.casts.push((op, ty));
        self.ty = ty;

impl<'a> From<Type<'a>> for CastType<'a> {
    fn from(ty: Type<'a>) -> CastType<'a> {
        CastType {
            init: ty,
            casts: vec![],

impl std::fmt::Display for CastType<'_> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.init)?;
        for (op, ty) in &self.casts {
            write!(f, " -> {:?} {}", op, ty)?;

/// Check if an expression is in lvalue position.
pub(crate) fn expr_is_lvalue<'gcx>(cx: &impl Context<'gcx>, onto: NodeId, _env: ParamEnv) -> bool {
    let hir = match cx.hir_of(cx.parent_node_id(onto).unwrap()) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(()) => return false,
    match hir {
        HirNode::Expr(e) => match e.kind {
            hir::ExprKind::Unary(op, _) => match op {
                | hir::UnaryOp::PreDec
                | hir::UnaryOp::PostInc
                | hir::UnaryOp::PostDec => true,
                _ => false,
            _ => false,
        HirNode::Stmt(s) => match s.kind {
            hir::StmtKind::Assign { lhs, .. } => lhs == onto,
            _ => false,
        HirNode::Assign(a) => a.lhs == onto,
        _ => false,