monument 0.13.4

A fast and flexible composing engine.
//! Representation of a [`Composition`] generated by Monument.

use std::{collections::HashMap, hash::Hash, sync::Arc};

use bellframe::{Block, Row, RowBuf};

use crate::{
    builder::{CallDisplayStyle, MethodId, MusicTypeId},
    query::{CallIdx, MethodIdx, MethodVec, Query},
        lengths::{PerPartLength, TotalLength},

#[allow(unused_imports)] // Used by doc comments
use crate::{
    builder::{Method, MusicType, SearchBuilder},

/// A [`Composition`] generated by Monument.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Composition {
    pub(crate) path: Vec<PathElem>,

    pub(crate) length: TotalLength,
    pub(crate) part_head: PartHead,
    /// The total score generated by this composition, accumulated from music, calls, coursing
    /// patterns, etc.
    pub(crate) total_score: Score,
    /// The number of rows generated of each method
    pub(crate) method_counts: Counts,
    /// The number of counts generated of each [`MusicType`]
    pub(crate) music_counts: HashMap<MusicTypeId, usize>,
    pub(crate) contiguous_duffer_lengths: Vec<PerPartLength>,
    pub(crate) total_duffer: TotalLength,

    /// The [`Query`] which generated this [`Composition`]
    pub(crate) query: Arc<Query>,

impl Composition {
    /// The number of [`Row`]s in this composition.
    pub fn length(&self) -> usize {

    /// Generate a human-friendly [`String`] summarising the calling of this composition.  For
    /// example, [this composition]( would have a
    /// `call_string` of `D[B]BL[W]N[M]SE[sH]NCYW[sH]`.
    pub fn call_string(&self) -> String {
        let needs_brackets = self.query.is_spliced()
            || self.query.call_display_style == CallDisplayStyle::Positional;
        let is_snap_start = self.path[0].start_sub_lead_idx > 0;
        let is_snap_finish = self.path.last().unwrap().end_sub_lead_idx(&self.query) > 0;
        let part_head = self.part_head();

        let mut path_iter = self.path.iter().peekable();

        let mut s = String::new();
        if self.query.call_display_style == CallDisplayStyle::Positional {
        s.push_str(if is_snap_start { "<" } else { "" });
        while let Some(path_elem) = {
            // Method text
            if self.query.is_spliced()
                || self.query.call_display_style == CallDisplayStyle::Positional
                // Add one shorthand for every lead *covered* (not number of lead heads reached)
                // TODO: Deal with half-lead spliced
                let method = &self.query.methods[path_elem.method];
                let num_leads_covered = num_leads_covered(
                for _ in 0..num_leads_covered {
            // Call text
            if let Some(call_idx) = {
                let call = &self.query.calls[call_idx];

                s.push_str(if needs_brackets { "[" } else { "" });
                // Call position
                match self.query.call_display_style {
                    CallDisplayStyle::CallingPositions(calling_bell) => {
                        let row_after_call = path_iter
                            .map_or(part_head, |path_elem| &path_elem.start_row);
                        let place_of_calling_bell = row_after_call.place_of(calling_bell).unwrap();
                        let calling_position = &call.calling_positions[place_of_calling_bell];
                    // TODO: Compute actual counts for positional calls
                    CallDisplayStyle::Positional => s.push_str(&call.symbol),
                s.push_str(if needs_brackets { "]" } else { "" });
        s.push_str(if is_snap_finish { ">" } else { "" });


    /// The [`Row`] reached at the end of the first part.  If this is a 1-part, then this will be
    /// [`rounds`](Row::is_rounds).
    pub fn part_head(&self) -> &Row {

    /// Return a [`Block`] containing the [`Row`]s in this composition.  Each [`Row`] is annotated
    /// with a `(method index, index within a lead)` pair.  For example, splicing a lead of Bastow
    /// into Cambridge Major would create a [`Block`] which starts like:
    /// ```text
    /// Block {
    ///     12345678: (<ID of Bastow>, 0),
    ///     21436587: (<ID of Bastow>, 1),
    ///     21345678: (<ID of Bastow>, 2),
    ///     12436587: (<ID of Bastow>, 3),
    ///     14263857: (<ID of Cambridge>, 0),
    ///     41628375: (<ID of Cambridge>, 1),
    ///     14682735: (<ID of Cambridge>, 2),
    ///     41867253: (<ID of Cambridge>, 3),
    ///     48162735: (<ID of Cambridge>, 4),
    ///        ...
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn rows(&self) -> Block<(MethodId, usize)> {
        // Generate plain courses for each method
        let plain_courses = self
            .map(|(index, m)| {
                    .map_annots(|a| (MethodId { index }, a.sub_lead_idx))

        // Generate the first part
        let mut first_part = Block::with_leftover_row(self.query.start_row.clone());
        for elem in &self.path {
            assert_eq!(first_part.leftover_row(), elem.start_row.as_row());
            let plain_course = &plain_courses[elem.method];
            // Add this elem to the first part
            let start_idx = elem.start_sub_lead_idx;
            let end_idx = start_idx + elem.length.as_usize();
            if end_idx > plain_course.len() {
                // `elem` wraps over the course head, so copy it in two pieces
                    .extend_range(plain_course, start_idx..)
                    .expect("All path elems should have the same stage");
                    .extend_range(plain_course, ..end_idx - plain_course.len())
                    .expect("All path elems should have the same stage");
            } else {
                // `elem` doesn't wrap over the course head, so copy it in one piece
                    .extend_range(plain_course, start_idx..end_idx)
                    .expect("All path elems should have the same stage");
            // If this PathElem ends in a call, then change the `leftover_row` to suit
            if let Some(call_idx) = {
                let last_non_leftover_row = first_part.rows().next_back().unwrap();
                let new_leftover_row = last_non_leftover_row
                    * self.query.calls[call_idx].place_notation.transposition();

        // Generate the other parts from the first
        let part_len = first_part.len();
        let mut comp = first_part;
        for _ in 0..self.query.num_parts() - 1 {
        assert_eq!(comp.len(), self.length());
        assert_eq!(comp.leftover_row(), self.query.end_row.as_row());

    /// The total score generated by this composition from all the different weights (music, calls,
    /// changes of method, handbell coursing, etc.).
    pub fn total_score(&self) -> f32 {

    /// The average score generated by each [`Row`] in this composition.  This is equal to
    /// `self.total_score() / self.length() as f32`.
    pub fn average_score(&self) -> f32 {
        self.total_score() / self.length() as f32

    /// Score generated by just the [`MusicType`]s (not including calls, changes of methods,
    /// etc.).
    pub fn music_score(&self) -> f32 {
            .map(|(id, count)| f32::from(self.query.music_types[id.index].weight) * *count as f32)

    /// A slice containing the number of [`Row`]s generated for each [`Method`] used in the
    /// [`Search`].  These are stored in the same order as the [`Method`]s.
    pub fn method_counts(&self) -> &[usize] {

    /// The number of *instances* of each [`MusicType`] in the [`Search`].
    pub fn music_counts(&self) -> &HashMap<MusicTypeId, usize> {

    /// Return an [`Iterator`] over the number of [`Row`]s in each transition between
    /// [`non_duffer_courses`](SearchBuilder::non_duffer_courses).
    pub fn contiguous_duffer_lengths(&self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = usize> + '_ {
        self.contiguous_duffer_lengths.iter().map(|l| l.as_usize())

    /// Returns the total number of [`Row`]s of duffer courses (i.e. those not in
    /// [`SearchBuilder::non_duffer_courses`]) present in this composition.
    pub fn total_duffer(&self) -> usize {

/// A piece of a [`Composition`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub(crate) struct PathElem {
    pub start_row: RowBuf,
    pub method: MethodIdx,
    pub start_sub_lead_idx: usize,
    pub length: PerPartLength,
    pub call: Option<CallIdx>,

impl PathElem {
    pub(crate) fn ends_with_plain(&self) -> bool {

    pub(crate) fn end_sub_lead_idx(&self, query: &Query) -> usize {
        query.methods[self.method].add_sub_lead_idx(self.start_sub_lead_idx, self.length)

/// A way to display a [`Composition`] by pairing it with a [`Query`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct DisplayComposition<'a>(pub &'a Composition, pub &'a Query);

impl std::fmt::Display for DisplayComposition<'_> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let DisplayComposition(comp, query) = self;

        write!(f, "len: {}, ", comp.length)?;
        // Method counts for spliced
        if query.is_spliced() {
            write!(f, "ms: {:>3?}, ", comp.method_counts.as_slice())?;
        // Part heads if multi-part with >2 parts (2-part compositions only have one possible part
        // head)
        if query.num_parts() > 2 {
            write!(f, "PH: {}, ", comp.part_head())?;
            "music: {:>6.2?}, avg score: {:.6}, str: {}",

// UTILS //

/// Return the number of leads covered by some [`Chunk`]
fn num_leads_covered(lead_len: usize, start_sub_lead_idx: usize, length: PerPartLength) -> usize {
    assert_ne!(length, PerPartLength::ZERO); // 0-length chunks shouldn't exist
    let dist_to_end_of_first_lead = lead_len - start_sub_lead_idx;
    let rows_after_end_of_first_lead = length.as_usize().saturating_sub(dist_to_end_of_first_lead);
    // `+ 1` for the first lead
    crate::utils::div_rounding_up(rows_after_end_of_first_lead, lead_len) + 1

mod tests {
    use crate::utils::lengths::PerPartLength;

    fn num_leads_covered() {
        assert_eq!(super::num_leads_covered(32, 0, PerPartLength::new(32)), 1);
        assert_eq!(super::num_leads_covered(32, 2, PerPartLength::new(32)), 2);
        assert_eq!(super::num_leads_covered(32, 2, PerPartLength::new(30)), 1);
        assert_eq!(super::num_leads_covered(32, 0, PerPartLength::new(2)), 1);
        assert_eq!(super::num_leads_covered(32, 16, PerPartLength::new(24)), 2);