monosodium 0.1.0-pre.1

Plain bindings to libsodium


These are bindings to libsodium. Unlike its namesake, monosodium is rather plain and boring.

Other than the direct bindings to libsodium, the only other abstractions in this crate are in the util module and are centered around a CryptoBuf type for wrapping sensitive bytes; this is described below.


util::CryptoBuf is a simple wrapper struct around an inner Vec<u8> buffer. util::CryptoBuf implements PartialEq and Eq (using libsodium's constant-time comparison function sodium_memcmp), implements Drop by zeroing its inner Vec<u8> buffer (using sodium_memzero), and has constructors that initialize its inner buffer with zero-valued bytes or random bytes (using randombytes_buf).


There is a related struct, util::HashCryptoBuf, that additionally implements Hash.


A public/secret pair of key buffers is encapsulated in a util::KeyPair. This is also the return type of gen_sign_keypair, which is the wrapper around libsodium's crypto_sign_keypair.