[][src]Type Definition mongodb_h2co3::Client

type Client = Arc<ClientInner>;

Trait Implementations

impl ThreadedClient for Client

Creates a new Client directly connected to a single MongoDB server.

Creates a new Client directly connected to a single MongoDB server with options.

Creates a new Client connected to a complex topology, such as a replica set or sharded cluster. Read more

Creates a new Client connected to a complex topology, such as a replica set or sharded cluster, with options. Read more

Create a new Client with manual connection configurations. connect and with_uri should generally be used as higher-level constructors. Read more

Creates a database representation.

Creates a database representation with custom read and write controls.

Acquires a connection stream from the pool, along with slave_ok and should_send_read_pref.

Acquires a connection stream from the pool for write operations.

Returns a unique operational request id.

Returns a list of all database names that exist on the server.

Drops the database defined by db_name.

Reports whether this instance is a primary, master, mongos, or standalone mongod instance.

Sets a function to be run every time a command starts.

Sets a function to be run every time a command completes.