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MongoDB Cursor Pagination

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This package provides a cursor based pagination using the mongodb driver. Essentially instead of page based pagination you receive cursors to both the start and end of the result set so that you can ensure you get the next item, even if the data changes in between requests. That said, it also provides regular ole’ page based pagination as well. If your options include skip and limit parameters then you’ll do the page based. If you leave skip off or send a cursor, then it will use that instead (and ignore the skip parameter.)

It’s based on the node.js module but written in Rust. You can read more about the concept on their blog post.

So far it only supports count and find. Search and aggregation will come when needed.


The usage is a bit different than the node version. See the examples for more details and a working example.

use mongodb::{options::FindOptions, Client};
use mongodb_cursor_pagination::{CursorDirections, FindResult, PaginatedCursor};
use bson::doc;
use serde::Deserialize;

// Note that your data structure must derive Deserialize
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct MyFruit {
    name: String,
    how_many: i32,

async fn main() {
    let client = Client::with_uri_str("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
        .expect("Failed to initialize client.");
    let db = client.database("mongodb_cursor_pagination");

    let docs = vec![
        doc! { "name": "Apple", "how_many": 5 },
        doc! { "name": "Orange", "how_many": 3 },
        doc! { "name": "Blueberry", "how_many": 25 },
        doc! { "name": "Bananas", "how_many": 8 },
        doc! { "name": "Grapes", "how_many": 12 },

        .insert_many(docs, None)
        .expect("Unable to insert data");

    // query page 1, 2 at a time
    let options = FindOptions::builder()
            .sort(doc! { "name": 1 })

    let mut find_results: FindResult<MyFruit> = PaginatedCursor::new(Some(options.clone()), None, None)
        .find(&db.collection("myfruits"), None)
        .expect("Unable to find data");
    println!("First page: {:?}", find_results);

    // get the second page
    let mut cursor = find_results.page_info.next_cursor;
    find_results = PaginatedCursor::new(Some(options), cursor, Some(CursorDirections::Next))
        .find(&db.collection("myfruits"), None)
        .expect("Unable to find data");
    println!("Second page: {:?}", find_results);


The response FindResult<T> contains page info, cursors and edges (cursors for all of the items in the response).

pub struct PageInfo {
    pub has_next_page: bool,
    pub has_previous_page: bool,
    pub start_cursor: Option<String>,
    pub next_cursor: Option<String>,

pub struct Edge {
    pub cursor: String,

pub struct FindResult<T> {
    pub page_info: PageInfo,
    pub edges: Vec<Edge>,
    pub total_count: i64,
    pub items: Vec<T>,


It has support for graphql (using juniper) if you enable the graphql flag. You can use it by just including the PageInfo into your code.

use mongodb_cursor_pagination::{PageInfo, Edge};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct MyDataConnection {
    page_info: PageInfo,
    edges: Vec<Edge>,
    data: Vec<MyData>,
    total_count: i64,

impl MyDataConnection {
    fn page_info(&self) -> &PageInfo {

    fn edges(&self) -> &Vec<Edge> {



  • Edges are the cursors on all of the items in the return
  • The result of a find method with the items, edges, pagination info, and total count of objects
  • Provides details about if there are more pages and the cursor to the start of the list and end
  • The main entry point for finding documents


  • The direction of the list, ie. you are sending a cursor for the next or previous items. Defaults to Next
