moneymarket 0.1.0

Common helpers for other moneymarket specs
use cosmwasm_bignumber::Decimal256;
use cosmwasm_std::testing::{MockApi, MockQuerier, MockStorage, MOCK_CONTRACT_ADDR};
use cosmwasm_std::{
    from_binary, from_slice, to_binary, Api, Coin, Decimal, Extern, HumanAddr, Querier,
    QuerierResult, QueryRequest, SystemError, Uint128, WasmQuery,
use std::collections::HashMap;

use crate::oracle::{PriceResponse, QueryMsg as OracleQueryMsg};

use terra_cosmwasm::{TaxCapResponse, TaxRateResponse, TerraQuery, TerraQueryWrapper, TerraRoute};

/// mock_dependencies is a drop-in replacement for cosmwasm_std::testing::mock_dependencies
/// this uses our CustomQuerier.
pub fn mock_dependencies(
    canonical_length: usize,
    contract_balance: &[Coin],
) -> Extern<MockStorage, MockApi, WasmMockQuerier> {
    let contract_addr = HumanAddr::from(MOCK_CONTRACT_ADDR);
    let custom_querier: WasmMockQuerier = WasmMockQuerier::new(
        MockQuerier::new(&[(&contract_addr, contract_balance)]),

    Extern {
        storage: MockStorage::default(),
        api: MockApi::new(canonical_length),
        querier: custom_querier,

pub struct WasmMockQuerier {
    base: MockQuerier<TerraQueryWrapper>,
    tax_querier: TaxQuerier,
    oracle_price_querier: OraclePriceQuerier,

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct TaxQuerier {
    rate: Decimal,
    // this lets us iterate over all pairs that match the first string
    caps: HashMap<String, Uint128>,

impl TaxQuerier {
    pub fn new(rate: Decimal, caps: &[(&String, &Uint128)]) -> Self {
        TaxQuerier {
            caps: caps_to_map(caps),

pub(crate) fn caps_to_map(caps: &[(&String, &Uint128)]) -> HashMap<String, Uint128> {
    let mut owner_map: HashMap<String, Uint128> = HashMap::new();
    for (denom, cap) in caps.iter() {
        owner_map.insert(denom.to_string(), **cap);

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct OraclePriceQuerier {
    // this lets us iterate over all pairs that match the first string
    oracle_price: HashMap<(String, String), (Decimal256, u64, u64)>,

impl OraclePriceQuerier {
    pub fn new(oracle_price: &[(&(String, String), &(Decimal256, u64, u64))]) -> Self {
        OraclePriceQuerier {
            oracle_price: oracle_price_to_map(oracle_price),

pub(crate) fn oracle_price_to_map(
    oracle_price: &[(&(String, String), &(Decimal256, u64, u64))],
) -> HashMap<(String, String), (Decimal256, u64, u64)> {
    let mut oracle_price_map: HashMap<(String, String), (Decimal256, u64, u64)> = HashMap::new();
    for (base_quote, oracle_price) in oracle_price.iter() {
        oracle_price_map.insert((*base_quote).clone(), **oracle_price);


impl Querier for WasmMockQuerier {
    fn raw_query(&self, bin_request: &[u8]) -> QuerierResult {
        // MockQuerier doesn't support Custom, so we ignore it completely here
        let request: QueryRequest<TerraQueryWrapper> = match from_slice(bin_request) {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(e) => {
                return Err(SystemError::InvalidRequest {
                    error: format!("Parsing query request: {}", e),
                    request: bin_request.into(),

impl WasmMockQuerier {
    pub fn handle_query(&self, request: &QueryRequest<TerraQueryWrapper>) -> QuerierResult {
        match &request {
            QueryRequest::Custom(TerraQueryWrapper { route, query_data }) => {
                if &TerraRoute::Treasury == route {
                    match query_data {
                        TerraQuery::TaxRate {} => {
                            let res = TaxRateResponse {
                                rate: self.tax_querier.rate,
                        TerraQuery::TaxCap { denom } => {
                            let cap = self
                            let res = TaxCapResponse { cap };
                        _ => panic!("DO NOT ENTER HERE"),
                } else {
                    panic!("DO NOT ENTER HERE")
            QueryRequest::Wasm(WasmQuery::Smart {
                contract_addr: _,
            }) => match from_binary(&msg).unwrap() {
                OracleQueryMsg::Price { base, quote } => {
                    match self.oracle_price_querier.oracle_price.get(&(base, quote)) {
                        Some(v) => Ok(to_binary(&PriceResponse {
                            rate: v.0,
                            last_updated_base: v.1,
                            last_updated_quote: v.2,
                        None => Err(SystemError::InvalidRequest {
                            error: "No oracle price exists".to_string(),
                            request: msg.as_slice().into(),
                _ => panic!("DO NOT ENTER HERE"),
            _ => self.base.handle_query(request),

impl WasmMockQuerier {
    pub fn new<A: Api>(base: MockQuerier<TerraQueryWrapper>, _api: A) -> Self {
        WasmMockQuerier {
            tax_querier: TaxQuerier::default(),
            oracle_price_querier: OraclePriceQuerier::default(),

    // configure the tax mock querier
    pub fn with_tax(&mut self, rate: Decimal, caps: &[(&String, &Uint128)]) {
        self.tax_querier = TaxQuerier::new(rate, caps);

    pub fn with_oracle_price(
        &mut self,
        oracle_price: &[(&(String, String), &(Decimal256, u64, u64))],
    ) {
        self.oracle_price_querier = OraclePriceQuerier::new(oracle_price);