molt 0.1.1

Embeddable TCL interpreter for Rust applications
# molt -- An Embeddable Tcl Interpreter for Rust

Molt is an embeddable TCL interpreter for Rust.  Applications can define new TCL
commands in Rust and execute TCL scripts and strings.  For example,

use molt::Interp;
let mut interp = Interp::new();

let four = interp.eval("expr {2 + 2}")?;
assert_eq!(four.as_int(), 4);

A new command is defined like so:

use molt::check_args;
use molt::MoltResult;
use molt::Value;
use molt::Interp;
use molt::molt_ok;

/// # square *x*
/// Computes the square of a value
pub fn cmd_square(_interp: &mut Interp, argv: &[Value]) -> MoltResult {
    // Correct number of arguments?
    check_args(1, argv, 2, 2, "x")?;

    // Get x, if it's an integer
    let x = argv[1].as_int()?;

    // Return the result.
    molt_ok!(x * x)

and installed like so:

use molt::Interp;
let mut interp = Interp::new();
interp.add_command("square", cmd_square);

let num = interp.eval("square 5")?;
assert_eq!(num.as_int(), 25);

Values are represented by the `Value` type, which can be converted to and from any type consistent
with the value's string representation: integers, floats, lists, and any type that defines the
`MoltAny` trait.

Molt is still a work in progress.  The basic TCL language is in place, but many TCL commands
remain to be implemented.  See the Molt Book for details.

The [`molt-sample` repo]( contains a sample Molt
extension, including a shell application and a library create, both of which define new
Molt commands.

See my [blog]( for news,
[The Molt Book]( for details, and
the [GitHub Repo]( for issue tracking, etc.