moka 0.9.6

A fast and concurrent cache library inspired by Java Caffeine
use super::{cache::Cache, CacheBuilder, ConcurrentCacheExt};
use crate::{
    common::concurrent::{housekeeper, Weigher},
    notification::{self, EvictionListener},
    sync_base::iter::{Iter, ScanningGet},
    Policy, PredicateError,

use std::{
    hash::{BuildHasher, Hash, Hasher},

/// A thread-safe concurrent in-memory cache, with multiple internal segments.
/// `SegmentedCache` has multiple internal [`Cache`][cache-struct] instances for
/// increased concurrent update performance. However, it has little overheads on
/// retrievals and updates for managing these segments.
/// For usage examples, see the document of the [`Cache`][cache-struct].
/// [cache-struct]: ./struct.Cache.html
pub struct SegmentedCache<K, V, S = RandomState> {
    inner: Arc<Inner<K, V, S>>,

// TODO:
unsafe impl<K, V, S> Send for SegmentedCache<K, V, S>
    K: Send + Sync,
    V: Send + Sync,
    S: Send,

unsafe impl<K, V, S> Sync for SegmentedCache<K, V, S>
    K: Send + Sync,
    V: Send + Sync,
    S: Sync,

impl<K, V, S> Clone for SegmentedCache<K, V, S> {
    /// Makes a clone of this shared cache.
    /// This operation is cheap as it only creates thread-safe reference counted
    /// pointers to the shared internal data structures.
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: Arc::clone(&self.inner),

impl<K, V, S> fmt::Debug for SegmentedCache<K, V, S>
    K: fmt::Debug + Eq + Hash + Send + Sync + 'static,
    V: fmt::Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    // TODO: Remove these bounds from S.
    S: BuildHasher + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let mut d_map = f.debug_map();

        for (k, v) in self.iter() {
            d_map.entry(&k, &v);


impl<K, V> SegmentedCache<K, V, RandomState>
    K: Hash + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static,
    V: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// Constructs a new `SegmentedCache<K, V>` that has multiple internal
    /// segments and will store up to the `max_capacity`.
    /// To adjust various configuration knobs such as `initial_capacity` or
    /// `time_to_live`, use the [`CacheBuilder`][builder-struct].
    /// [builder-struct]: ./struct.CacheBuilder.html
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `num_segments` is 0.
    pub fn new(max_capacity: u64, num_segments: usize) -> Self {
        let build_hasher = RandomState::default();

    /// Returns a [`CacheBuilder`][builder-struct], which can builds a
    /// `SegmentedCache` with various configuration knobs.
    /// [builder-struct]: ./struct.CacheBuilder.html
    pub fn builder(num_segments: usize) -> CacheBuilder<K, V, SegmentedCache<K, V, RandomState>> {

impl<K, V, S> SegmentedCache<K, V, S> {
    /// Returns cache’s name.
    pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&str> {

    /// Returns a read-only cache policy of this cache.
    /// At this time, cache policy cannot be modified after cache creation.
    /// A future version may support to modify it.
    pub fn policy(&self) -> Policy {
        let mut policy = self.inner.segments[0].policy();

    /// Returns an approximate number of entries in this cache.
    /// The value returned is _an estimate_; the actual count may differ if there are
    /// concurrent insertions or removals, or if some entries are pending removal due
    /// to expiration. This inaccuracy can be mitigated by performing a `sync()`
    /// first.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use moka::sync::SegmentedCache;
    /// let cache = SegmentedCache::new(10, 4);
    /// cache.insert('n', "Netherland Dwarf");
    /// cache.insert('l', "Lop Eared");
    /// cache.insert('d', "Dutch");
    /// // Ensure an entry exists.
    /// assert!(cache.contains_key(&'n'));
    /// // However, followings may print stale number zeros instead of threes.
    /// println!("{}", cache.entry_count());   // -> 0
    /// println!("{}", cache.weighted_size()); // -> 0
    /// // To mitigate the inaccuracy, bring `ConcurrentCacheExt` trait to
    /// // the scope so we can use `sync` method.
    /// use moka::sync::ConcurrentCacheExt;
    /// // Call `sync` to run pending internal tasks.
    /// cache.sync();
    /// // Followings will print the actual numbers.
    /// println!("{}", cache.entry_count());   // -> 3
    /// println!("{}", cache.weighted_size()); // -> 3
    /// ```
    pub fn entry_count(&self) -> u64 {
            .map(|seg| seg.entry_count())

    /// Returns an approximate total weighted size of entries in this cache.
    /// The value returned is _an estimate_; the actual size may differ if there are
    /// concurrent insertions or removals, or if some entries are pending removal due
    /// to expiration. This inaccuracy can be mitigated by performing a `sync()`
    /// first. See [`entry_count`](#method.entry_count) for a sample code.
    pub fn weighted_size(&self) -> u64 {
            .map(|seg| seg.weighted_size())

impl<K, V, S> SegmentedCache<K, V, S>
    K: Hash + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static,
    V: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: BuildHasher + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `num_segments` is 0.
    pub(crate) fn with_everything(
        name: Option<String>,
        max_capacity: Option<u64>,
        initial_capacity: Option<usize>,
        num_segments: usize,
        build_hasher: S,
        weigher: Option<Weigher<K, V>>,
        eviction_listener: Option<EvictionListener<K, V>>,
        eviction_listener_conf: Option<notification::Configuration>,
        time_to_live: Option<Duration>,
        time_to_idle: Option<Duration>,
        invalidator_enabled: bool,
        housekeeper_conf: housekeeper::Configuration,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: Arc::new(Inner::new(

    /// Returns `true` if the cache contains a value for the key.
    /// Unlike the `get` method, this method is not considered a cache read operation,
    /// so it does not update the historic popularity estimator or reset the idle
    /// timer for the key.
    /// The key may be any borrowed form of the cache's key type, but `Hash` and `Eq`
    /// on the borrowed form _must_ match those for the key type.
    pub fn contains_key<Q>(&self, key: &Q) -> bool
        K: Borrow<Q>,
        Q: Hash + Eq + ?Sized,
        let hash = self.inner.hash(key);, hash)

    /// Returns a _clone_ of the value corresponding to the key.
    /// If you want to store values that will be expensive to clone, wrap them by
    /// `std::sync::Arc` before storing in a cache. [`Arc`][rustdoc-std-arc] is a
    /// thread-safe reference-counted pointer and its `clone()` method is cheap.
    /// The key may be any borrowed form of the cache's key type, but `Hash` and `Eq`
    /// on the borrowed form _must_ match those for the key type.
    /// [rustdoc-std-arc]:
    pub fn get<Q>(&self, key: &Q) -> Option<V>
        K: Borrow<Q>,
        Q: Hash + Eq + ?Sized,
        let hash = self.inner.hash(key);, hash)

    /// Deprecated, replaced with [`get_with`](#method.get_with)
    #[deprecated(since = "0.8.0", note = "Replaced with `get_with`")]
    pub fn get_or_insert_with(&self, key: K, init: impl FnOnce() -> V) -> V {
        self.get_with(key, init)

    /// Deprecated, replaced with [`try_get_with`](#method.try_get_with)
    #[deprecated(since = "0.8.0", note = "Replaced with `try_get_with`")]
    pub fn get_or_try_insert_with<F, E>(&self, key: K, init: F) -> Result<V, Arc<E>>
        F: FnOnce() -> Result<V, E>,
        E: Send + Sync + 'static,
        self.try_get_with(key, init)

    /// Returns a _clone_ of the value corresponding to the key. If the value does
    /// not exist, evaluates the `init` closure and inserts the output.
    /// # Concurrent calls on the same key
    /// This method guarantees that concurrent calls on the same not-existing key are
    /// coalesced into one evaluation of the `init` closure. Only one of the calls
    /// evaluates its closure, and other calls wait for that closure to complete. See
    /// [`Cache::get_with`][get-with-method] for more details.
    /// [get-with-method]: ./struct.Cache.html#method.get_with
    pub fn get_with(&self, key: K, init: impl FnOnce() -> V) -> V {
        let hash = self.inner.hash(&key);
        let key = Arc::new(key);
        let replace_if = None as Option<fn(&V) -> bool>;
            .get_or_insert_with_hash_and_fun(key, hash, init, replace_if)

    /// Similar to [`get_with`](#method.get_with), but instead of passing an owned
    /// key, you can pass a reference to the key. If the key does not exist in the
    /// cache, the key will be cloned to create new entry in the cache.
    pub fn get_with_by_ref<Q>(&self, key: &Q, init: impl FnOnce() -> V) -> V
        K: Borrow<Q>,
        Q: ToOwned<Owned = K> + Hash + Eq + ?Sized,
        let hash = self.inner.hash(key);
        let replace_if = None as Option<fn(&V) -> bool>;
            .get_or_insert_with_hash_by_ref_and_fun(key, hash, init, replace_if)

    /// Works like [`get_with`](#method.get_with), but takes an additional
    /// `replace_if` closure.
    /// This method will evaluate the `init` closure and insert the output to the
    /// cache when:
    /// - The key does not exist.
    /// - Or, `replace_if` closure returns `true`.
    pub fn get_with_if(
        key: K,
        init: impl FnOnce() -> V,
        replace_if: impl FnMut(&V) -> bool,
    ) -> V {
        let hash = self.inner.hash(&key);
        let key = Arc::new(key);
            .get_or_insert_with_hash_and_fun(key, hash, init, Some(replace_if))

    // We will provide this API under the new `entry` API.
    // /// Similar to [`get_with_if`](#method.get_with_if), but instead of passing an
    // /// owned key, you can pass a reference to the key. If the key does not exist in
    // /// the cache, the key will be cloned to create new entry in the cache.
    // pub fn get_with_if_by_ref<Q>(
    //     &self,
    //     key: &Q,
    //     init: impl FnOnce() -> V,
    //     replace_if: impl FnMut(&V) -> bool,
    // ) -> V
    // where
    //     K: Borrow<Q>,
    //     Q: ToOwned<Owned = K> + Hash + Eq + ?Sized,
    // {
    //     let hash = self.inner.hash(key);
    //     self.inner
    //         .select(hash)
    //         .get_or_insert_with_hash_by_ref_and_fun(key, hash, init, Some(replace_if))
    // }

    /// Returns a _clone_ of the value corresponding to the key. If the value does
    /// not exist, evaluates the `init` closure, and inserts the value if
    /// `Some(value)` was returned. If `None` was returned from the closure, this
    /// method does not insert a value and returns `None`.
    /// # Concurrent calls on the same key
    /// This method guarantees that concurrent calls on the same not-existing key are
    /// coalesced into one evaluation of the `init` closure. Only one of the calls
    /// evaluates its closure, and other calls wait for that closure to complete.
    /// See [`Cache::optionally_get_with`][opt-get-with-method] for more details.
    /// [opt-get-with-method]: ./struct.Cache.html#method.optionally_get_with
    pub fn optionally_get_with<F>(&self, key: K, init: F) -> Option<V>
        F: FnOnce() -> Option<V>,
        let hash = self.inner.hash(&key);
        let key = Arc::new(key);
            .get_or_optionally_insert_with_hash_and_fun(key, hash, init)

    /// Similar to [`optionally_get_with`](#method.optionally_get_with), but instead
    /// of passing an owned key, you can pass a reference to the key. If the key does
    /// not exist in the cache, the key will be cloned to create new entry in the
    /// cache.
    pub fn optionally_get_with_by_ref<F, Q>(&self, key: &Q, init: F) -> Option<V>
        F: FnOnce() -> Option<V>,
        K: Borrow<Q>,
        Q: ToOwned<Owned = K> + Hash + Eq + ?Sized,
        let hash = self.inner.hash(key);
            .get_or_optionally_insert_with_hash_by_ref_and_fun(key, hash, init)

    /// Returns a _clone_ of the value corresponding to the key. If the value does
    /// not exist, evaluates the `init` closure, and inserts the value if `Ok(value)`
    /// was returned. If `Err(_)` was returned from the closure, this method does not
    /// insert a value and returns the `Err` wrapped by [`std::sync::Arc`][std-arc].
    /// [std-arc]:
    /// # Concurrent calls on the same key
    /// This method guarantees that concurrent calls on the same not-existing key are
    /// coalesced into one evaluation of the `init` closure (as long as these
    /// closures return the same error type). Only one of the calls evaluates its
    /// closure, and other calls wait for that closure to complete. See
    /// [`Cache::try_get_with`][try-get-with-method] for more details.
    /// [try-get-with-method]: ./struct.Cache.html#method.try_get_with
    pub fn try_get_with<F, E>(&self, key: K, init: F) -> Result<V, Arc<E>>
        F: FnOnce() -> Result<V, E>,
        E: Send + Sync + 'static,
        let hash = self.inner.hash(&key);
        let key = Arc::new(key);
            .get_or_try_insert_with_hash_and_fun(key, hash, init)

    /// Similar to [`try_get_with`](#method.try_get_with), but instead of passing an
    /// owned key, you can pass a reference to the key. If the key does not exist in
    /// the cache, the key will be cloned to create new entry in the cache.
    pub fn try_get_with_by_ref<F, E, Q>(&self, key: &Q, init: F) -> Result<V, Arc<E>>
        F: FnOnce() -> Result<V, E>,
        E: Send + Sync + 'static,
        K: Borrow<Q>,
        Q: ToOwned<Owned = K> + Hash + Eq + ?Sized,
        let hash = self.inner.hash(key);
            .get_or_try_insert_with_hash_by_ref_and_fun(key, hash, init)

    /// Inserts a key-value pair into the cache.
    /// If the cache has this key present, the value is updated.
    pub fn insert(&self, key: K, value: V) {
        let hash = self.inner.hash(&key);
        let key = Arc::new(key);, hash, value);

    /// Discards any cached value for the key.
    /// The key may be any borrowed form of the cache's key type, but `Hash` and `Eq`
    /// on the borrowed form _must_ match those for the key type.
    pub fn invalidate<Q>(&self, key: &Q)
        K: Borrow<Q>,
        Q: Hash + Eq + ?Sized,
        let hash = self.inner.hash(key);, hash);

    /// Discards all cached values.
    /// This method returns immediately and a background thread will evict all the
    /// cached values inserted before the time when this method was called. It is
    /// guaranteed that the `get` method must not return these invalidated values
    /// even if they have not been evicted.
    /// Like the `invalidate` method, this method does not clear the historic
    /// popularity estimator of keys so that it retains the client activities of
    /// trying to retrieve an item.
    pub fn invalidate_all(&self) {
        for segment in self.inner.segments.iter() {

    /// Discards cached values that satisfy a predicate.
    /// `invalidate_entries_if` takes a closure that returns `true` or `false`. This
    /// method returns immediately and a background thread will apply the closure to
    /// each cached value inserted before the time when `invalidate_entries_if` was
    /// called. If the closure returns `true` on a value, that value will be evicted
    /// from the cache.
    /// Also the `get` method will apply the closure to a value to determine if it
    /// should have been invalidated. Therefore, it is guaranteed that the `get`
    /// method must not return invalidated values.
    /// Note that you must call
    /// [`CacheBuilder::support_invalidation_closures`][support-invalidation-closures]
    /// at the cache creation time as the cache needs to maintain additional internal
    /// data structures to support this method. Otherwise, calling this method will
    /// fail with a
    /// [`PredicateError::InvalidationClosuresDisabled`][invalidation-disabled-error].
    /// Like the `invalidate` method, this method does not clear the historic
    /// popularity estimator of keys so that it retains the client activities of
    /// trying to retrieve an item.
    /// [support-invalidation-closures]: ./struct.CacheBuilder.html#method.support_invalidation_closures
    /// [invalidation-disabled-error]: ../enum.PredicateError.html#variant.InvalidationClosuresDisabled
    pub fn invalidate_entries_if<F>(&self, predicate: F) -> Result<(), PredicateError>
        F: Fn(&K, &V) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'static,
        let pred = Arc::new(predicate);
        for segment in self.inner.segments.iter() {

    /// Creates an iterator visiting all key-value pairs in arbitrary order. The
    /// iterator element type is `(Arc<K>, V)`, where `V` is a clone of a stored
    /// value.
    /// Iterators do not block concurrent reads and writes on the cache. An entry can
    /// be inserted to, invalidated or evicted from a cache while iterators are alive
    /// on the same cache.
    /// Unlike the `get` method, visiting entries via an iterator do not update the
    /// historic popularity estimator or reset idle timers for keys.
    /// # Guarantees
    /// In order to allow concurrent access to the cache, iterator's `next` method
    /// does _not_ guarantee the following:
    /// - It does not guarantee to return a key-value pair (an entry) if its key has
    ///   been inserted to the cache _after_ the iterator was created.
    ///   - Such an entry may or may not be returned depending on key's hash and
    ///     timing.
    /// and the `next` method guarantees the followings:
    /// - It guarantees not to return the same entry more than once.
    /// - It guarantees not to return an entry if it has been removed from the cache
    ///   after the iterator was created.
    ///     - Note: An entry can be removed by following reasons:
    ///         - Manually invalidated.
    ///         - Expired (e.g. time-to-live).
    ///         - Evicted as the cache capacity exceeded.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use moka::sync::SegmentedCache;
    /// let cache = SegmentedCache::new(100, 4);
    /// cache.insert("Julia", 14);
    /// let mut iter = cache.iter();
    /// let (k, v) =; // (Arc<K>, V)
    /// assert_eq!(*k, "Julia");
    /// assert_eq!(v, 14);
    /// assert!(;
    /// ```
    pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, K, V> {
        let num_cht_segments = self.inner.segments[0].num_cht_segments();
        let segments = self
            .map(|c| c as &dyn ScanningGet<_, _>)
        Iter::with_multiple_cache_segments(segments, num_cht_segments)

    // /// This is used by unit tests to get consistent result.
    // #[cfg(test)]
    // pub(crate) fn reconfigure_for_testing(&mut self) {
    //     // Stop the housekeeping job that may cause sync() method to return earlier.
    //     for segment in self.inner.segments.iter_mut() {
    //         segment.reconfigure_for_testing()
    //     }
    // }

impl<'a, K, V, S> IntoIterator for &'a SegmentedCache<K, V, S>
    K: Hash + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static,
    V: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: BuildHasher + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    type Item = (Arc<K>, V);

    type IntoIter = Iter<'a, K, V>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

impl<K, V, S> ConcurrentCacheExt<K, V> for SegmentedCache<K, V, S>
    K: Hash + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static,
    V: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: BuildHasher + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    fn sync(&self) {
        for segment in self.inner.segments.iter() {

// For unit tests.
impl<K, V, S> SegmentedCache<K, V, S>
    K: Hash + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static,
    V: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: BuildHasher + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    fn invalidation_predicate_count(&self) -> usize {
            .map(|seg| seg.invalidation_predicate_count())

    fn reconfigure_for_testing(&mut self) {
        let inner = Arc::get_mut(&mut self.inner)
            .expect("There are other strong reference to self.inner Arc");

        for segment in inner.segments.iter_mut() {

    fn create_mock_expiration_clock(&self) -> MockExpirationClock {
        let mut exp_clock = MockExpirationClock::default();

        for segment in self.inner.segments.iter() {
            let (clock, mock) = crate::common::time::Clock::mock();


// For unit tests.
struct MockExpirationClock {
    mocks: Vec<Arc<crate::common::time::Mock>>,

impl MockExpirationClock {
    fn increment(&mut self, duration: Duration) {
        for mock in &mut self.mocks {

struct Inner<K, V, S> {
    desired_capacity: Option<u64>,
    segments: Box<[Cache<K, V, S>]>,
    build_hasher: S,
    segment_shift: u32,

impl<K, V, S> Inner<K, V, S>
    K: Hash + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static,
    V: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    S: BuildHasher + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `num_segments` is 0.
    fn new(
        name: Option<String>,
        max_capacity: Option<u64>,
        initial_capacity: Option<usize>,
        num_segments: usize,
        build_hasher: S,
        weigher: Option<Weigher<K, V>>,
        eviction_listener: Option<EvictionListener<K, V>>,
        eviction_listener_conf: Option<notification::Configuration>,
        time_to_live: Option<Duration>,
        time_to_idle: Option<Duration>,
        invalidator_enabled: bool,
        housekeeper_conf: housekeeper::Configuration,
    ) -> Self {
        assert!(num_segments > 0);

        let actual_num_segments = num_segments.next_power_of_two();
        let segment_shift = 64 - actual_num_segments.trailing_zeros();
        // TODO: Round up.
        let seg_max_capacity =|n| n / actual_num_segments as u64);
        let seg_init_capacity =|cap| cap / actual_num_segments);
        // NOTE: We cannot initialize the segments as `vec![cache; actual_num_segments]`
        // because Cache::clone() does not clone its inner but shares the same inner.
        let segments = (0..actual_num_segments)
            .map(|_| {

        Self {
            desired_capacity: max_capacity,
            segments: segments.into_boxed_slice(),

    fn hash<Q>(&self, key: &Q) -> u64
        K: Borrow<Q>,
        Q: Hash + Eq + ?Sized,
        let mut hasher = self.build_hasher.build_hasher();
        key.hash(&mut hasher);

    fn select(&self, hash: u64) -> &Cache<K, V, S> {
        let index = self.segment_index_from_hash(hash);

    fn segment_index_from_hash(&self, hash: u64) -> usize {
        if self.segment_shift == 64 {
        } else {
            (hash >> self.segment_shift) as usize

mod tests {
    use super::{ConcurrentCacheExt, SegmentedCache};
    use crate::notification::{
        macros::{assert_eq_with_mode, assert_with_mode},
        DeliveryMode, RemovalCause,
    use parking_lot::Mutex;
    use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};

    fn basic_single_thread() {

        fn run_test(delivery_mode: DeliveryMode) {
            // The following `Vec`s will hold actual and expected notifications.
            let actual = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
            let mut expected = Vec::new();

            // Create an eviction listener.
            let a1 = Arc::clone(&actual);
            let listener = move |k, v, cause| a1.lock().push((k, v, cause));
            let listener_conf = notification::Configuration::builder()

            // Create a cache with the eviction listener.
            let mut cache = SegmentedCache::builder(1)
                .eviction_listener_with_conf(listener, listener_conf)

            // Make the cache exterior immutable.
            let cache = cache;

            cache.insert("a", "alice");
            cache.insert("b", "bob");
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"a"), Some("alice"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"a"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), Some("bob"), delivery_mode);
            // counts: a -> 1, b -> 1

            cache.insert("c", "cindy");
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"c"), Some("cindy"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"c"), delivery_mode);
            // counts: a -> 1, b -> 1, c -> 1

            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"a"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"a"), Some("alice"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), Some("bob"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            // counts: a -> 2, b -> 2, c -> 1

            // "d" should not be admitted because its frequency is too low.
            cache.insert("d", "david"); //   count: d -> 0
            expected.push((Arc::new("d"), "david", RemovalCause::Size));
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), None, delivery_mode); //   d -> 1
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);

            cache.insert("d", "david");
            expected.push((Arc::new("d"), "david", RemovalCause::Size));
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), None, delivery_mode); //   d -> 2

            // "d" should be admitted and "c" should be evicted
            // because d's frequency is higher than c's.
            cache.insert("d", "dennis");
            expected.push((Arc::new("c"), "cindy", RemovalCause::Size));
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"a"), Some("alice"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), Some("bob"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"c"), None, delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), Some("dennis"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"a"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"c"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);

            expected.push((Arc::new("b"), "bob", RemovalCause::Explicit));
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), None, delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);

            verify_notification_vec(&cache, actual, &expected, delivery_mode);

    fn non_power_of_two_segments() {
        let mut cache = SegmentedCache::new(100, 5);

        // Make the cache exterior immutable.
        let cache = cache;

        assert_eq!(cache.iter().count(), 0);

        cache.insert("a", "alice");
        cache.insert("b", "bob");
        cache.insert("c", "cindy");

        assert_eq!(cache.iter().count(), 3);
        assert_eq!(cache.iter().count(), 3);

    fn size_aware_eviction() {

        fn run_test(delivery_mode: DeliveryMode) {
            let weigher = |_k: &&str, v: &(&str, u32)| v.1;

            let alice = ("alice", 10);
            let bob = ("bob", 15);
            let bill = ("bill", 20);
            let cindy = ("cindy", 5);
            let david = ("david", 15);
            let dennis = ("dennis", 15);

            // The following `Vec`s will hold actual and expected notifications.
            let actual = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
            let mut expected = Vec::new();

            // Create an eviction listener.
            let a1 = Arc::clone(&actual);
            let listener = move |k, v, cause| a1.lock().push((k, v, cause));
            let listener_conf = notification::Configuration::builder()

            // Create a cache with the eviction listener.
            let mut cache = SegmentedCache::builder(1)
                .eviction_listener_with_conf(listener, listener_conf)

            // Make the cache exterior immutable.
            let cache = cache;

            cache.insert("a", alice);
            cache.insert("b", bob);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"a"), Some(alice), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"a"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), Some(bob), delivery_mode);
            // order (LRU -> MRU) and counts: a -> 1, b -> 1

            cache.insert("c", cindy);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"c"), Some(cindy), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"c"), delivery_mode);
            // order and counts: a -> 1, b -> 1, c -> 1

            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"a"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"a"), Some(alice), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), Some(bob), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            // order and counts: c -> 1, a -> 2, b -> 2

            // To enter "d" (weight: 15), it needs to evict "c" (w: 5) and "a" (w: 10).
            // "d" must have higher count than 3, which is the aggregated count
            // of "a" and "c".
            cache.insert("d", david); //   count: d -> 0
            expected.push((Arc::new("d"), david, RemovalCause::Size));
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), None, delivery_mode); //   d -> 1
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);

            cache.insert("d", david);
            expected.push((Arc::new("d"), david, RemovalCause::Size));
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), None, delivery_mode); //   d -> 2

            cache.insert("d", david);
            expected.push((Arc::new("d"), david, RemovalCause::Size));
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), None, delivery_mode); //   d -> 3
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);

            cache.insert("d", david);
            expected.push((Arc::new("d"), david, RemovalCause::Size));
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), None, delivery_mode); //   d -> 4

            // Finally "d" should be admitted by evicting "c" and "a".
            cache.insert("d", dennis);
            expected.push((Arc::new("c"), cindy, RemovalCause::Size));
            expected.push((Arc::new("a"), alice, RemovalCause::Size));
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"a"), None, delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), Some(bob), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"c"), None, delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), Some(dennis), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"a"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"c"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);

            // Update "b" with "bill" (w: 15 -> 20). This should evict "d" (w: 15).
            cache.insert("b", bill);
            expected.push((Arc::new("b"), bob, RemovalCause::Replaced));
            expected.push((Arc::new("d"), dennis, RemovalCause::Size));
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), Some(bill), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), None, delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);

            // Re-add "a" (w: 10) and update "b" with "bob" (w: 20 -> 15).
            cache.insert("a", alice);
            cache.insert("b", bob);
            expected.push((Arc::new("b"), bill, RemovalCause::Replaced));
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"a"), Some(alice), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), Some(bob), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), None, delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"a"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);

            // Verify the sizes.
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.entry_count(), 2, delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.weighted_size(), 25, delivery_mode);

            verify_notification_vec(&cache, actual, &expected, delivery_mode);

    fn basic_multi_threads() {
        let num_threads = 4;

        let mut cache = SegmentedCache::new(100, num_threads);

        // Make the cache exterior immutable.
        let cache = cache;

        let handles = (0..num_threads)
            .map(|id| {
                let cache = cache.clone();
                std::thread::spawn(move || {
                    cache.insert(10, format!("{}-100", id));
                    cache.insert(20, format!("{}-200", id));

        handles.into_iter().for_each(|h| h.join().expect("Failed"));



    fn invalidate_all() {

        fn run_test(delivery_mode: DeliveryMode) {
            use std::collections::HashMap;

            // The following `HashMap`s will hold actual and expected notifications.
            // Note: We use `HashMap` here as the order of invalidations is non-deterministic.
            let actual = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
            let mut expected = HashMap::new();

            // Create an eviction listener.
            let a1 = Arc::clone(&actual);
            let listener = move |k, v, cause| {
                a1.lock().insert(k, (v, cause));
            let listener_conf = notification::Configuration::builder()

            // Create a cache with the eviction listener.
            let mut cache = SegmentedCache::builder(4)
                .eviction_listener_with_conf(listener, listener_conf)

            // Make the cache exterior immutable.
            let cache = cache;

            cache.insert("a", "alice");
            cache.insert("b", "bob");
            cache.insert("c", "cindy");
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"a"), Some("alice"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b"), Some("bob"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"c"), Some("cindy"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"a"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"c"), delivery_mode);

            // `cache.sync()` is no longer needed here before invalidating. The last
            // modified timestamp of the entries were updated when they were inserted.

            expected.insert(Arc::new("a"), ("alice", RemovalCause::Explicit));
            expected.insert(Arc::new("b"), ("bob", RemovalCause::Explicit));
            expected.insert(Arc::new("c"), ("cindy", RemovalCause::Explicit));

            cache.insert("d", "david");

            assert_with_mode!(cache.get(&"a").is_none(), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.get(&"b").is_none(), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.get(&"c").is_none(), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&"d"), Some("david"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"a"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"b"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&"c"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&"d"), delivery_mode);

            verify_notification_map(&cache, actual, &expected, delivery_mode);

    fn invalidate_entries_if() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

        fn run_test(delivery_mode: DeliveryMode) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
            use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};

            const SEGMENTS: usize = 4;

            // The following `HashMap`s will hold actual and expected notifications.
            // Note: We use `HashMap` here as the order of invalidations is non-deterministic.
            let actual = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
            let mut expected = HashMap::new();

            // Create an eviction listener.
            let a1 = Arc::clone(&actual);
            let listener = move |k, v, cause| {
                a1.lock().insert(k, (v, cause));
            let listener_conf = notification::Configuration::builder()

            // Create a cache with the eviction listener.
            let mut cache = SegmentedCache::builder(SEGMENTS)
                .eviction_listener_with_conf(listener, listener_conf)

            let mut mock = cache.create_mock_expiration_clock();

            // Make the cache exterior immutable.
            let cache = cache;

            cache.insert(0, "alice");
            cache.insert(1, "bob");
            cache.insert(2, "alex");
            mock.increment(Duration::from_secs(5)); // 5 secs from the start.

            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&0), Some("alice"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&1), Some("bob"), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&2), Some("alex"), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&0), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&1), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&2), delivery_mode);

            let names = ["alice", "alex"].iter().cloned().collect::<HashSet<_>>();
            cache.invalidate_entries_if(move |_k, &v| names.contains(v))?;
            expected.insert(Arc::new(0), ("alice", RemovalCause::Explicit));
            expected.insert(Arc::new(2), ("alex", RemovalCause::Explicit));

            mock.increment(Duration::from_secs(5)); // 10 secs from the start.

            cache.insert(3, "alice");

            // Run the invalidation task and wait for it to finish. (TODO: Need a better way than sleeping)
            cache.sync(); // To submit the invalidation task.
            cache.sync(); // To process the task result.

            assert_with_mode!(cache.get(&0).is_none(), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.get(&2).is_none(), delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&1), Some("bob"), delivery_mode);
            // This should survive as it was inserted after calling invalidate_entries_if.
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.get(&3), Some("alice"), delivery_mode);

            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&0), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&1), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&2), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.contains_key(&3), delivery_mode);

            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.entry_count(), 2, delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.invalidation_predicate_count(), 0, delivery_mode);

            mock.increment(Duration::from_secs(5)); // 15 secs from the start.

            cache.invalidate_entries_if(|_k, &v| v == "alice")?;
            cache.invalidate_entries_if(|_k, &v| v == "bob")?;
                SEGMENTS * 2,
            expected.insert(Arc::new(1), ("bob", RemovalCause::Explicit));
            expected.insert(Arc::new(3), ("alice", RemovalCause::Explicit));

            // Run the invalidation task and wait for it to finish. (TODO: Need a better way than sleeping)
            cache.sync(); // To submit the invalidation task.
            cache.sync(); // To process the task result.

            assert_with_mode!(cache.get(&1).is_none(), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(cache.get(&3).is_none(), delivery_mode);

            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&1), delivery_mode);
            assert_with_mode!(!cache.contains_key(&3), delivery_mode);

            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.entry_count(), 0, delivery_mode);
            assert_eq_with_mode!(cache.invalidation_predicate_count(), 0, delivery_mode);

            verify_notification_map(&cache, actual, &expected, delivery_mode);



    fn test_iter() {
        const NUM_KEYS: usize = 50;

        fn make_value(key: usize) -> String {
            format!("val: {}", key)

        // let cache = SegmentedCache::builder(5)
        let cache = SegmentedCache::builder(4)

        for key in 0..NUM_KEYS {
            cache.insert(key, make_value(key));

        let mut key_set = std::collections::HashSet::new();

        for (key, value) in &cache {
            assert_eq!(value, make_value(*key));


        // Ensure there are no missing or duplicate keys in the iteration.
        assert_eq!(key_set.len(), NUM_KEYS);

    /// Runs 16 threads at the same time and ensures no deadlock occurs.
    /// - Eight of the threads will update key-values in the cache.
    /// - Eight others will iterate the cache.
    fn test_iter_multi_threads() {
        use std::collections::HashSet;

        const NUM_KEYS: usize = 1024;
        const NUM_THREADS: usize = 16;

        fn make_value(key: usize) -> String {
            format!("val: {}", key)

        let cache = SegmentedCache::builder(4)

        // Initialize the cache.
        for key in 0..NUM_KEYS {
            cache.insert(key, make_value(key));

        let rw_lock = Arc::new(std::sync::RwLock::<()>::default());
        let write_lock = rw_lock.write().unwrap();

        let handles = (0..NUM_THREADS)
            .map(|n| {
                let cache = cache.clone();
                let rw_lock = Arc::clone(&rw_lock);

                if n % 2 == 0 {
                    // This thread will update the cache.
                    std::thread::spawn(move || {
                        let read_lock =;
                        for key in 0..NUM_KEYS {
                            // TODO: Update keys in a random order?
                            cache.insert(key, make_value(key));
                } else {
                    // This thread will iterate the cache.
                    std::thread::spawn(move || {
                        let read_lock =;
                        let mut key_set = HashSet::new();
                        for (key, value) in &cache {
                            assert_eq!(value, make_value(*key));
                        // Ensure there are no missing or duplicate keys in the iteration.
                        assert_eq!(key_set.len(), NUM_KEYS);

        // Let these threads to run by releasing the write lock.

        handles.into_iter().for_each(|h| h.join().expect("Failed"));

        // Ensure there are no missing or duplicate keys in the iteration.
        let key_set = cache.iter().map(|(k, _v)| *k).collect::<HashSet<_>>();
        assert_eq!(key_set.len(), NUM_KEYS);

    fn get_with() {
        use std::thread::{sleep, spawn};

        let cache = SegmentedCache::new(100, 4);
        const KEY: u32 = 0;

        // This test will run five threads:
        // Thread1 will be the first thread to call `get_with` for a key, so its init
        // closure will be evaluated and then a &str value "thread1" will be inserted
        // to the cache.
        let thread1 = {
            let cache1 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Call `get_with` immediately.
                let v = cache1.get_with(KEY, || {
                    // Wait for 300 ms and return a &str value.
                assert_eq!(v, "thread1");

        // Thread2 will be the second thread to call `get_with` for the same key, so
        // its init closure will not be evaluated. Once thread1's init closure
        // finishes, it will get the value inserted by thread1's init closure.
        let thread2 = {
            let cache2 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 100 ms before calling `get_with`.
                let v = cache2.get_with(KEY, || unreachable!());
                assert_eq!(v, "thread1");

        // Thread3 will be the third thread to call `get_with` for the same key. By
        // the time it calls, thread1's init closure should have finished already and
        // the value should be already inserted to the cache. So its init closure
        // will not be evaluated and will get the value insert by thread1's init
        // closure immediately.
        let thread3 = {
            let cache3 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 400 ms before calling `get_with`.
                let v = cache3.get_with(KEY, || unreachable!());
                assert_eq!(v, "thread1");

        // Thread4 will call `get` for the same key. It will call when thread1's init
        // closure is still running, so it will get none for the key.
        let thread4 = {
            let cache4 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 200 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache4.get(&KEY);

        // Thread5 will call `get` for the same key. It will call after thread1's init
        // closure finished, so it will get the value insert by thread1's init closure.
        let thread5 = {
            let cache5 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 400 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache5.get(&KEY);
                assert_eq!(maybe_v, Some("thread1"));

        for t in vec![thread1, thread2, thread3, thread4, thread5] {
            t.join().expect("Failed to join");

    fn get_with_if() {
        use std::thread::{sleep, spawn};

        let cache = SegmentedCache::new(100, 4);
        const KEY: u32 = 0;

        // This test will run seven threads:
        // Thread1 will be the first thread to call `get_with_if` for a key, so its
        // init closure will be evaluated and then a &str value "thread1" will be
        // inserted to the cache.
        let thread1 = {
            let cache1 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Call `get_with` immediately.
                let v = cache1.get_with_if(
                    || {
                        // Wait for 300 ms and return a &str value.
                    |_v| unreachable!(),
                assert_eq!(v, "thread1");

        // Thread2 will be the second thread to call `get_with_if` for the same key,
        // so its init closure will not be evaluated. Once thread1's init closure
        // finishes, it will get the value inserted by thread1's init closure.
        let thread2 = {
            let cache2 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 100 ms before calling `get_with`.
                let v = cache2.get_with_if(KEY, || unreachable!(), |_v| unreachable!());
                assert_eq!(v, "thread1");

        // Thread3 will be the third thread to call `get_with_if` for the same
        // key. By the time it calls, thread1's init closure should have finished
        // already and the value should be already inserted to the cache. Also
        // thread3's `replace_if` closure returns `false`. So its init closure will
        // not be evaluated and will get the value inserted by thread1's init closure
        // immediately.
        let thread3 = {
            let cache3 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 350 ms before calling `get_with_if`.
                let v = cache3.get_with_if(
                    || unreachable!(),
                    |v| {
                        assert_eq!(v, &"thread1");
                assert_eq!(v, "thread1");

        // Thread4 will be the fourth thread to call `get_with_if` for the same
        // key. The value should have been already inserted to the cache by
        // thread1. However thread4's `replace_if` closure returns `true`. So its
        // init closure will be evaluated to replace the current value.
        let thread4 = {
            let cache4 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 400 ms before calling `get_with_if`.
                let v = cache4.get_with_if(
                    || "thread4",
                    |v| {
                        assert_eq!(v, &"thread1");
                assert_eq!(v, "thread4");

        // Thread5 will call `get` for the same key. It will call when thread1's init
        // closure is still running, so it will get none for the key.
        let thread5 = {
            let cache5 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 200 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache5.get(&KEY);

        // Thread6 will call `get` for the same key. It will call when thread1's init
        // closure is still running, so it will get none for the key.
        let thread6 = {
            let cache6 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 200 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache6.get(&KEY);
                assert_eq!(maybe_v, Some("thread1"));

        // Thread7 will call `get` for the same key. It will call after thread1's init
        // closure finished, so it will get the value insert by thread1's init closure.
        let thread7 = {
            let cache7 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 400 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache7.get(&KEY);
                assert_eq!(maybe_v, Some("thread4"));

        for t in vec![
            thread1, thread2, thread3, thread4, thread5, thread6, thread7,
        ] {
            t.join().expect("Failed to join");

    fn try_get_with() {
        use std::{
            thread::{sleep, spawn},

        #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
        #[error("{}", _0)]
        pub struct MyError(String);

        type MyResult<T> = Result<T, Arc<MyError>>;

        let cache = SegmentedCache::new(100, 4);
        const KEY: u32 = 0;

        // This test will run eight threads:
        // Thread1 will be the first thread to call `try_get_with` for a key, so its
        // init closure will be evaluated and then an error will be returned. Nothing
        // will be inserted to the cache.
        let thread1 = {
            let cache1 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Call `try_get_with` immediately.
                let v = cache1.try_get_with(KEY, || {
                    // Wait for 300 ms and return an error.
                    Err(MyError("thread1 error".into()))

        // Thread2 will be the second thread to call `try_get_with` for the same key,
        // so its init closure will not be evaluated. Once thread1's init closure
        // finishes, it will get the same error value returned by thread1's init
        // closure.
        let thread2 = {
            let cache2 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 100 ms before calling `try_get_with`.
                let v: MyResult<_> = cache2.try_get_with(KEY, || unreachable!());

        // Thread3 will be the third thread to call `get_with` for the same key. By
        // the time it calls, thread1's init closure should have finished already,
        // but the key still does not exist in the cache. So its init closure will be
        // evaluated and then an okay &str value will be returned. That value will be
        // inserted to the cache.
        let thread3 = {
            let cache3 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 400 ms before calling `try_get_with`.
                let v: MyResult<_> = cache3.try_get_with(KEY, || {
                    // Wait for 300 ms and return an Ok(&str) value.
                assert_eq!(v.unwrap(), "thread3");

        // thread4 will be the fourth thread to call `try_get_with` for the same
        // key. So its init closure will not be evaluated. Once thread3's init
        // closure finishes, it will get the same okay &str value.
        let thread4 = {
            let cache4 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 500 ms before calling `try_get_with`.
                let v: MyResult<_> = cache4.try_get_with(KEY, || unreachable!());
                assert_eq!(v.unwrap(), "thread3");

        // Thread5 will be the fifth thread to call `try_get_with` for the same
        // key. So its init closure will not be evaluated. By the time it calls,
        // thread3's init closure should have finished already, so its init closure
        // will not be evaluated and will get the value insert by thread3's init
        // closure immediately.
        let thread5 = {
            let cache5 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 800 ms before calling `try_get_with`.
                let v: MyResult<_> = cache5.try_get_with(KEY, || unreachable!());
                assert_eq!(v.unwrap(), "thread3");

        // Thread6 will call `get` for the same key. It will call when thread1's init
        // closure is still running, so it will get none for the key.
        let thread6 = {
            let cache6 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 200 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache6.get(&KEY);

        // Thread7 will call `get` for the same key. It will call after thread1's init
        // closure finished with an error. So it will get none for the key.
        let thread7 = {
            let cache7 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 400 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache7.get(&KEY);

        // Thread8 will call `get` for the same key. It will call after thread3's init
        // closure finished, so it will get the value insert by thread3's init closure.
        let thread8 = {
            let cache8 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 800 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache8.get(&KEY);
                assert_eq!(maybe_v, Some("thread3"));

        for t in vec![
            thread1, thread2, thread3, thread4, thread5, thread6, thread7, thread8,
        ] {
            t.join().expect("Failed to join");

    fn optionally_get_with() {
        use std::thread::{sleep, spawn};

        let cache = SegmentedCache::new(100, 4);
        const KEY: u32 = 0;

        // This test will run eight threads:
        // Thread1 will be the first thread to call `optionally_get_with` for a key, so its
        // init closure will be evaluated and then an error will be returned. Nothing
        // will be inserted to the cache.
        let thread1 = {
            let cache1 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Call `optionally_get_with` immediately.
                let v = cache1.optionally_get_with(KEY, || {
                    // Wait for 300 ms and return an error.

        // Thread2 will be the second thread to call `optionally_get_with` for the same key,
        // so its init closure will not be evaluated. Once thread1's init closure
        // finishes, it will get the same error value returned by thread1's init
        // closure.
        let thread2 = {
            let cache2 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 100 ms before calling `optionally_get_with`.
                let v = cache2.optionally_get_with(KEY, || unreachable!());

        // Thread3 will be the third thread to call `get_with` for the same key. By
        // the time it calls, thread1's init closure should have finished already,
        // but the key still does not exist in the cache. So its init closure will be
        // evaluated and then an okay &str value will be returned. That value will be
        // inserted to the cache.
        let thread3 = {
            let cache3 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 400 ms before calling `optionally_get_with`.
                let v = cache3.optionally_get_with(KEY, || {
                    // Wait for 300 ms and return an Ok(&str) value.
                assert_eq!(v.unwrap(), "thread3");

        // thread4 will be the fourth thread to call `optionally_get_with` for the same
        // key. So its init closure will not be evaluated. Once thread3's init
        // closure finishes, it will get the same okay &str value.
        let thread4 = {
            let cache4 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 500 ms before calling `optionally_get_with`.
                let v = cache4.optionally_get_with(KEY, || unreachable!());
                assert_eq!(v.unwrap(), "thread3");

        // Thread5 will be the fifth thread to call `optionally_get_with` for the same
        // key. So its init closure will not be evaluated. By the time it calls,
        // thread3's init closure should have finished already, so its init closure
        // will not be evaluated and will get the value insert by thread3's init
        // closure immediately.
        let thread5 = {
            let cache5 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 800 ms before calling `optionally_get_with`.
                let v = cache5.optionally_get_with(KEY, || unreachable!());
                assert_eq!(v.unwrap(), "thread3");

        // Thread6 will call `get` for the same key. It will call when thread1's init
        // closure is still running, so it will get none for the key.
        let thread6 = {
            let cache6 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 200 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache6.get(&KEY);

        // Thread7 will call `get` for the same key. It will call after thread1's init
        // closure finished with an error. So it will get none for the key.
        let thread7 = {
            let cache7 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 400 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache7.get(&KEY);

        // Thread8 will call `get` for the same key. It will call after thread3's init
        // closure finished, so it will get the value insert by thread3's init closure.
        let thread8 = {
            let cache8 = cache.clone();
            spawn(move || {
                // Wait for 800 ms before calling `get`.
                let maybe_v = cache8.get(&KEY);
                assert_eq!(maybe_v, Some("thread3"));

        for t in vec![
            thread1, thread2, thread3, thread4, thread5, thread6, thread7, thread8,
        ] {
            t.join().expect("Failed to join");

    // This test ensures that the `contains_key`, `get` and `invalidate` can use
    // borrowed form `&[u8]` for key with type `Vec<u8>`.
    fn borrowed_forms_of_key() {
        let cache: SegmentedCache<Vec<u8>, ()> = SegmentedCache::new(1, 2);

        let key = vec![1_u8];
        cache.insert(key.clone(), ());

        // key as &Vec<u8>
        let key_v: &Vec<u8> = &key;
        assert_eq!(cache.get(key_v), Some(()));

        cache.insert(key, ());

        // key as &[u8]
        let key_s: &[u8] = &[1_u8];
        assert_eq!(cache.get(key_s), Some(()));

    fn drop_value_immediately_after_eviction() {
        use crate::common::test_utils::{Counters, Value};

        const NUM_SEGMENTS: usize = 1;
        const MAX_CAPACITY: u32 = 500;
        const KEYS: u32 = ((MAX_CAPACITY as f64) * 1.2) as u32;

        let counters = Arc::new(Counters::default());
        let counters1 = Arc::clone(&counters);

        let listener = move |_k, _v, cause| match cause {
            RemovalCause::Size => counters1.incl_evicted(),
            RemovalCause::Explicit => counters1.incl_invalidated(),
            _ => (),

        let mut cache = SegmentedCache::builder(NUM_SEGMENTS)
            .max_capacity(MAX_CAPACITY as u64)

        // Make the cache exterior immutable.
        let cache = cache;

        for key in 0..KEYS {
            let value = Arc::new(Value::new(vec![0u8; 1024], &counters));
            cache.insert(key, value);

        let eviction_count = KEYS - MAX_CAPACITY;

        assert_eq!(counters.inserted(), KEYS, "inserted");
        assert_eq!(counters.value_created(), KEYS, "value_created");
        assert_eq!(counters.evicted(), eviction_count, "evicted");
        assert_eq!(counters.invalidated(), 0, "invalidated");
        assert_eq!(counters.value_dropped(), eviction_count, "value_dropped");

        for key in 0..KEYS {

        assert_eq!(counters.inserted(), KEYS, "inserted");
        assert_eq!(counters.value_created(), KEYS, "value_created");
        assert_eq!(counters.evicted(), eviction_count, "evicted");
        assert_eq!(counters.invalidated(), MAX_CAPACITY, "invalidated");
        assert_eq!(counters.value_dropped(), KEYS, "value_dropped");

        assert_eq!(counters.value_dropped(), KEYS, "value_dropped");

    // Ignored by default. This test cannot run in parallel with other tests.
    fn enabling_and_disabling_thread_pools() {
        use crate::common::concurrent::thread_pool::{PoolName::*, ThreadPoolRegistry};

        const NUM_SEGMENTS: usize = 4;

        // Enable the housekeeper pool.
            let cache = SegmentedCache::builder(NUM_SEGMENTS)
            cache.insert('a', "a");
            let enabled_pools = ThreadPoolRegistry::enabled_pools();
            assert_eq!(enabled_pools, &[Housekeeper]);

        // Enable the housekeeper and invalidator pools.
            let cache = SegmentedCache::builder(NUM_SEGMENTS)
            cache.insert('a', "a");
            let enabled_pools = ThreadPoolRegistry::enabled_pools();
            assert_eq!(enabled_pools, &[Housekeeper, Invalidator]);

        // Queued delivery mode: Enable the housekeeper and removal notifier pools.
            let listener = |_k, _v, _cause| {};
            let listener_conf = notification::Configuration::builder()
            let cache = SegmentedCache::builder(NUM_SEGMENTS)
                .eviction_listener_with_conf(listener, listener_conf)
            cache.insert('a', "a");
            let enabled_pools = ThreadPoolRegistry::enabled_pools();
            assert_eq!(enabled_pools, &[Housekeeper, RemovalNotifier]);

        // Immediate delivery mode: Enable only the housekeeper pool.
            let listener = |_k, _v, _cause| {};
            let listener_conf = notification::Configuration::builder()
            let cache = SegmentedCache::builder(NUM_SEGMENTS)
                .eviction_listener_with_conf(listener, listener_conf)
            cache.insert('a', "a");
            let enabled_pools = ThreadPoolRegistry::enabled_pools();
            assert_eq!(enabled_pools, &[Housekeeper]);

        // Disable all pools.
            let cache = SegmentedCache::builder(NUM_SEGMENTS)
            cache.insert('a', "a");
            let enabled_pools = ThreadPoolRegistry::enabled_pools();

    fn test_debug_format() {
        let cache = SegmentedCache::new(10, 4);
        cache.insert('a', "alice");
        cache.insert('b', "bob");
        cache.insert('c', "cindy");

        let debug_str = format!("{:?}", cache);
        assert!(debug_str.contains(r#"'a': "alice""#));
        assert!(debug_str.contains(r#"'b': "bob""#));
        assert!(debug_str.contains(r#"'c': "cindy""#));

    type NotificationPair<V> = (V, RemovalCause);
    type NotificationTriple<K, V> = (Arc<K>, V, RemovalCause);

    fn verify_notification_vec<K, V, S>(
        cache: &SegmentedCache<K, V, S>,
        actual: Arc<Mutex<Vec<NotificationTriple<K, V>>>>,
        expected: &[NotificationTriple<K, V>],
        delivery_mode: DeliveryMode,
    ) where
        K: std::hash::Hash + Eq + std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync + 'static,
        V: Eq + std::fmt::Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
        S: std::hash::BuildHasher + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
        // Retries will be needed when testing in a QEMU VM.
        const MAX_RETRIES: usize = 5;
        let mut retries = 0;
        loop {
            // Ensure all scheduled notifications have been processed.

            let actual = &*actual.lock();
            if actual.len() != expected.len() {
                if retries <= MAX_RETRIES {
                    retries += 1;
                } else {
                        "Retries exhausted (delivery mode: {:?})",

            for (i, (actual, expected)) in actual.iter().zip(expected).enumerate() {
                    actual, expected,
                    "expected[{}] (delivery mode: {:?})",
                    i, delivery_mode


    fn verify_notification_map<K, V, S>(
        cache: &SegmentedCache<K, V, S>,
        actual: Arc<Mutex<std::collections::HashMap<Arc<K>, NotificationPair<V>>>>,
        expected: &std::collections::HashMap<Arc<K>, NotificationPair<V>>,
        delivery_mode: DeliveryMode,
    ) where
        K: std::hash::Hash + Eq + std::fmt::Display + Send + Sync + 'static,
        V: Eq + std::fmt::Debug + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
        S: std::hash::BuildHasher + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
        // Retries will be needed when testing in a QEMU VM.
        const MAX_RETRIES: usize = 5;
        let mut retries = 0;
        loop {
            // Ensure all scheduled notifications have been processed.

            let actual = &*actual.lock();
            if actual.len() != expected.len() {
                if retries <= MAX_RETRIES {
                    retries += 1;
                } else {
                        "Retries exhausted (delivery mode: {:?})",

            for actual_key in actual.keys() {
                    "expected[{}] (delivery mode: {:?})",
