moka 0.9.6

A fast and concurrent cache library inspired by Java Caffeine
/// The error type for the functionalities around
/// [`Cache::invalidate_entries_if`][invalidate-if] method.
/// [invalidate-if]: ./sync/struct.Cache.html#method.invalidate_entries_if
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum PredicateError {
    /// This cache does not have a necessary configuration enabled to support
    /// invalidating entries with a closure.
    /// To enable the configuration, call
    /// [`CacheBuilder::support_invalidation_closures`][support-invalidation-closures]
    /// method at the cache creation time.
    /// [support-invalidation-closures]: ./sync/struct.CacheBuilder.html#method.support_invalidation_closures
        "Support for invalidation closures is disabled in this cache. \
    Please enable it by calling the support_invalidation_closures method \
    of the builder at the cache creation time"