moenster 0.1.0

mønster (n) - pattern. simple glob-style pattern matching for strings
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# moenster

## mønster (n) - pattern.

Simple glob-style pattern matching for strings.
Always matches the whole string from beginning to end.

| Wildcard | Description | Note |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- |
| *        | matches any number of any characters including none | |
| ?        | matches any single character | does not handle multi-byte UTF-8 codepoints |
| \[abc]   | matches one character given in the bracket | taken as byte values |
| \[a-z]   | matches one character from the range given in the bracket | range taken from their byte values |
| \[^abc]  | matches one character that is not given in the bracket | taken as byte values |
| \[^a-z]  | matches one character that is not from the range given in the bracket | range taken from their byte values |

_Note: An empty bracket can never match anything._

## Example

assert!(stringmatch("m*nster", "mønster"));

## License

The code is under a MIT license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE).