modular-bitfield-msb 0.11.2

Allows to easily define bitfield types with modular building blocks. MSB-first version.
// We also want to allow for tuple structs to be accepted by the `#[bitfield]` macro.
// For this we generate getters and setters in a way that refer to the corresponding
// number of the field within the annotated tuple struct.

use modular_bitfield_msb::prelude::*;

struct MyTwoBytes(bool, B7, B8);

fn main() {
    let mut test = MyTwoBytes::new();

    assert_eq!(test.get_0(), false);
    assert_eq!(test.get_1(), 0);
    assert_eq!(test.get_2(), 0);


    assert_eq!(test.get_0(), true);
    assert_eq!(test.get_1(), 42);
    assert_eq!(test.get_2(), 0xFF);