mode 0.1.1

A behavioral state machine library written in Rust


A simple and effective behavioral state machine library, written in in idiomatic, 100% safe, stable Rust code. This library provides three main types, Automaton, Mode, and Transition, that facilitate the creation of behavioral state machines. An Automaton can be used to quickly create a state machine over a set of Modes that implement some Base type. Each struct that implements Mode represents a distinct state in the state machine, and the Automaton allows function calls to be dispatched to the current Mode by providing access to it as a Base reference. A flexible Transition system provides a way for the current Mode to swap in a new state when it is ready. The Transition system is designed such that the current Mode can move data from itself directly into the Mode being created, which can help prevent spikes in memory usage while switching from one state to the next.


Please see for detailed documentation.


use mode::*;

// This trait will be used as the Base type for the Automaton, defining a common interface
// for all states.
trait Activity {
    fn update(&mut self);

// Each state in the state machine implements both Activity (the Base type) and Mode.
struct Working {
    pub hours_worked : u32,

impl Activity for Working {
    fn update(&mut self) { self.hours_worked += 1; }

impl Mode for Working {
    type Base = Activity;
    fn as_base(&self) -> &Self::Base { self }
    fn as_base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Base { self }

    // This function allows the current Mode to swap to another Mode, when ready.
    fn get_transition(&mut self) -> Option<Box<dyn Transition<Self>>> {
        if self.hours_worked == 4 || self.hours_worked >= 8 {
            // To swap to another Mode, a Transition function is returned, which will consume
            // the current Mode and return a new Mode to be swapped in as active.
            Some(Box::new(|previous : Self| {
                Eating { hours_worked: previous.hours_worked, calories_consumed: 0 }
        else { None } // None means don't transition.

struct Eating {
    pub hours_worked : u32,
    pub calories_consumed : u32,

impl Activity for Eating {
    fn update(&mut self) { self.calories_consumed += 100; } // Yum!

impl Mode for Eating {
    type Base = Activity;
    fn as_base(&self) -> &Self::Base { self }
    fn as_base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Base { self }
    fn get_transition(&mut self) -> Option<Box<dyn Transition<Self>>> {
        if self.calories_consumed >= 500 {
            if self.hours_worked >= 8 {
                // Time for bed!
                Some(Box::new(|_ : Self| { Sleeping { hours_rested: 0 } }))
            else {
                // Time to go back to work!
                Some(Box::new(|previous : Self| {
                    Working { hours_worked: previous.hours_worked }
        else { None }

struct Sleeping {
    pub hours_rested : u32,

impl Activity for Sleeping {
    fn update(&mut self) { self.hours_rested += 1; } // ZzZzZzZz...

impl Mode for Sleeping {
    type Base = Activity;
    fn as_base(&self) -> &Self::Base { self }
    fn as_base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Base { self }
    fn get_transition(&mut self) -> Option<Box<dyn Transition<Self>>> {
        if self.hours_rested >= 8 {
            // Time for breakfast!
            Some(Box::new(|_| { Eating { hours_worked: 0, calories_consumed: 0 } }))
        else { None }

fn main() {
    let mut person = Automaton::with_initial_mode(Working { hours_worked: 0 });
    for age in (18..100) {
        // Update the current Mode for the Automaton.

        // Allow the Automaton to switch Modes.


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