mockito 0.18.0

HTTP mocking for Rust.
extern crate rand;
extern crate mockito;
#[macro_use] extern crate serde_json;

use std::net::{TcpStream, Shutdown};
use std::io::{Read, Write, BufRead, BufReader};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::mem;
use std::thread;
use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
use rand::Rng;
use mockito::{server_address, mock, Matcher};

fn request_stream(version: &str, route: &str, headers: &str, body: &str) -> TcpStream {
    let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(server_address()).unwrap();
    let message = [route, " HTTP/", version, "\r\n", headers, "\r\n", body].join("");


fn parse_stream(stream: TcpStream, skip_body: bool) -> (String, Vec<String>, String) {
    let mut reader = BufReader::new(stream);

    let mut status_line = String::new();
    reader.read_line(&mut status_line).unwrap();

    let mut headers = vec![];
    let mut content_length: u64 = 0;
    loop {
        let mut header_line = String::new();
        reader.read_line(&mut header_line).unwrap();

        if header_line == "\r\n" { break }

        if header_line.starts_with("content-length:") {
            let mut parts = header_line.split(':');
            content_length = u64::from_str(parts.nth(1).unwrap().trim()).unwrap();


    let mut body = String::new();
    if !skip_body {
        reader.take(content_length).read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap();

    (status_line, headers, body)

fn request(route: &str, headers: &str) -> (String, Vec<String>, String) {
    parse_stream(request_stream("1.1", route, headers, ""), route.starts_with("HEAD"))

fn request_with_body(route: &str, headers: &str, body: &str) -> (String, Vec<String>, String) {
    let headers = format!("{}content-length: {}\r\n", headers, body.len());
    parse_stream(request_stream("1.1", route, &headers, body), false)

fn test_create_starts_the_server() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/").with_body("hello").create();

    let stream = TcpStream::connect(server_address());

fn test_simple_route_mock() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/hello").with_body("world").create();

    let (status_line, _, body) = request("GET /hello", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);
    assert_eq!("world", body);

fn test_two_route_mocks() {
    let _m1 = mock("GET", "/a").with_body("aaa").create();
    let _m2 = mock("GET", "/b").with_body("bbb").create();

    let (_, _, body_a) = request("GET /a", "");

    assert_eq!("aaa", body_a);
    let (_, _, body_b) = request("GET /b", "");
    assert_eq!("bbb", body_b);

fn test_no_match_returns_501() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/").with_body("matched").create();

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /nope", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);

fn test_match_header() {
    let _m1 = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("content-type", "application/json")

    let _m2 = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("content-type", "text/plain")

    let (_, _, body_json) = request("GET /", "content-type: application/json\r\n");
    assert_eq!("{}", body_json);

    let (_, _, body_text) = request("GET /", "content-type: text/plain\r\n");
    assert_eq!("hello", body_text);

fn test_match_header_is_case_insensitive_on_the_field_name() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/").match_header("content-type", "text/plain").create();

    let (uppercase_status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", uppercase_status_line);

    let (lowercase_status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "content-type: text/plain\r\n");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", lowercase_status_line);

fn test_match_multiple_headers() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
        .match_header("Authorization", "secret")

    let (_, _, body_matching) = request("GET /", "content-type: text/plain\r\nauthorization: secret\r\n");
    assert_eq!("matched", body_matching);

    let (status_not_matching, _, _) = request("GET /", "content-type: text/plain\r\nauthorization: meh\r\n");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_not_matching);

fn test_match_header_any_matching() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Content-Type", Matcher::Any)

    let (_, _, body) = request("GET /", "content-type: something\r\n");
    assert_eq!("matched", body);

fn test_match_header_any_not_matching() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Content-Type", Matcher::Any)

    let (status, _, _) = request("GET /", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status);

fn test_match_header_missing_matching() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Authorization", Matcher::Missing)

    let (status, _, _) = request("GET /", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_header_missing_not_matching() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Authorization", Matcher::Missing)

    let (status, _, _) = request("GET /", "Authorization: something\r\n");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status);

fn test_match_header_missing_not_matching_even_when_empty() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Authorization", Matcher::Missing)

    let (status, _, _) = request("GET /", "Authorization:\r\n");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status);

fn test_match_multiple_header_conditions_matching() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Hello", "World")
        .match_header("Content-Type", Matcher::Any)
        .match_header("Authorization", Matcher::Missing)

    let (status, _, _) = request("GET /", "Hello: World\r\nContent-Type: something\r\n");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_multiple_header_conditions_not_matching() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("hello", "world")
        .match_header("Content-Type", Matcher::Any)
        .match_header("Authorization", Matcher::Missing)

    let (status, _, _) = request("GET /", "Hello: World\r\n");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status);

fn test_match_any_body_by_default() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/").create();

    let (status, _, _) = request_with_body("POST /", "", "hello");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_body() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/")

    let (status, _, _) = request_with_body("POST /", "", "hello");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_body_not_matching() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/")

    let (status, _, _) = request_with_body("POST /", "", "bye");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status);

fn test_match_body_with_regex() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/")

    let (status, _, _) = request_with_body("POST /", "", "test hello test");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_body_with_regex_not_matching() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/")

    let (status, _, _) = request_with_body("POST /", "", "bye");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status);

fn test_match_body_with_json() {
   let _m = mock("POST", "/")
       .match_body(Matcher::Json(json!({"hello":"world", "foo": "bar"})))

   let (status, _, _) = request_with_body("POST /", "", r#"{"hello":"world", "foo": "bar"}"#);
   assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_body_with_more_headers_with_json() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/")
        .match_body(Matcher::Json(json!({"hello":"world", "foo": "bar"})))

    let headers = (0..15)
        .map(|n| {
                "x-header-{}: foo-bar-value-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz\r\n",

    let (status, _, _) =
        request_with_body("POST /", &headers, r#"{"hello":"world", "foo": "bar"}"#);
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_body_with_json_order() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/")
        .match_body(Matcher::Json(json!({"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"})))

    let (status, _, _) = request_with_body("POST /", "", r#"{"hello":"world", "foo": "bar"}"#);
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_body_with_json_string() {
   let _m = mock("POST", "/")
       .match_body(Matcher::JsonString("{\"hello\":\"world\", \"foo\": \"bar\"}".to_string()))

   let (status, _, _) = request_with_body("POST /", "", r#"{"hello":"world", "foo": "bar"}"#);
   assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_body_with_json_string_order() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/")
        .match_body(Matcher::JsonString("{\"foo\": \"bar\", \"hello\": \"world\"}".to_string()))

    let (status, _, _) = request_with_body("POST /", "", r#"{"hello":"world", "foo": "bar"}"#);
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_mock_with_status() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content\r\n", status_line);

fn test_mock_with_custom_status() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 333 Custom\r\n", status_line);

fn test_mock_with_header() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .with_header("content-type", "application/json")

    let (_, headers, _) = request("GET /", "");
    assert!(headers.contains(&"content-type: application/json".to_string()));

fn test_mock_with_multiple_headers() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .with_header("content-type", "application/json")
        .with_header("x-api-key", "1234")

    let (_, headers, _) = request("GET /", "");
    assert!(headers.contains(&"content-type: application/json".to_string()));
    assert!(headers.contains(&"x-api-key: 1234".to_string()));

fn test_mock_preserves_header_order() {
    let mut expected_headers = Vec::new();
    let mut mock = mock("GET", "/");

    // Add a large number of headers so getting the same order accidentally is unlikely.
    for i in 0..100 {
        let field = format!("x-custom-header-{}", i);
        let value = "test";
        mock = mock.with_header(&field, value);
        expected_headers.push(format!("{}: {}", field, value));

    let _m = mock.create();

    let (_, headers, _) = request("GET /", "");
    let custom_headers: Vec<_> = headers.into_iter()
        .filter(|header| header.starts_with("x-custom-header"))

    assert_eq!(custom_headers, expected_headers);

fn test_going_out_of_context_removes_mock() {
        let _m = mock("GET", "/reset").create();

        let (working_status_line, _, _) = request("GET /reset", "");
        assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", working_status_line);

    let (reset_status_line, _, _) = request("GET /reset", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", reset_status_line);

fn test_going_out_of_context_doesnt_remove_other_mocks() {
    let _m1 = mock("GET", "/long").create();

        let _m2 = mock("GET", "/short").create();

        let (short_status_line, _, _) = request("GET /short", "");
        assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", short_status_line);

    let (long_status_line, _, _) = request("GET /long", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", long_status_line);

fn test_explicitly_calling_drop_removes_the_mock() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/").create();

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);


    let (dropped_status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", dropped_status_line);

fn test_regex_match_path() {
    let _m1 = mock("GET", Matcher::Regex(r"^/a/\d{1}$".to_string())).with_body("aaa").create();
    let _m2 = mock("GET", Matcher::Regex(r"^/b/\d{1}$".to_string())).with_body("bbb").create();

    let (_, _, body_a) = request("GET /a/1", "");
    assert_eq!("aaa", body_a);

    let (_, _, body_b) = request("GET /b/2", "");
    assert_eq!("bbb", body_b);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /a/11", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /c/2", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);

fn test_regex_match_header() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Authorization", Matcher::Regex(r"^Bearer token\.\w+$".to_string()))

    let (_, _, body_json) = request("GET /", "Authorization: Bearer token.payload\r\n");
    assert_eq!("{}", body_json);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "authorization: Beare none\r\n");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);

fn test_any_of_match_header() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Via", Matcher::AnyOf(vec![

    let (_, _, body_json) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\n");
    assert_eq!("{}", body_json);

    let (_, _, body_json) = request("GET /", "Via: two\r\n");
    assert_eq!("{}", body_json);

    let (_, _, body_json) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\nVia: two\r\n");
    assert_eq!("{}", body_json);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\nVia: two\r\nVia: wrong\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: wrong\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

fn test_any_of_match_body() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")

    let (status_line, _, _) = request_with_body("GET /", "", "one");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 200 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request_with_body("GET /", "", "two");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 200 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request_with_body("GET /", "", "one two");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 200 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request_with_body("GET /", "", "three");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

fn test_any_of_missing_match_header() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Via", Matcher::AnyOf(vec![

    let (_, _, body_json) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\n");
    assert_eq!("{}", body_json);

    let (_, _, body_json) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\nVia: one\r\nVia: one\r\n");
    assert_eq!("{}", body_json);

    let (_, _, body_json) = request("GET /", "NotVia: one\r\n");
    assert_eq!("{}", body_json);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: wrong\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: wrong\r\nVia: one\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\nVia: wrong\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

fn test_all_of_match_header() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Via", Matcher::AllOf(vec![

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: two\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: one two\r\nVia: one two three\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 200 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\nVia: two\r\nVia: wrong\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: wrong\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

fn test_all_of_match_body() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")

    let (status_line, _, _) = request_with_body("GET /", "", "one");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request_with_body("GET /", "", "two");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request_with_body("GET /", "", "one two");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 200 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request_with_body("GET /", "", "three");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

fn test_all_of_missing_match_header() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("Via", Matcher::AllOf(vec![

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\nVia: one\r\nVia: one\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "NotVia: one\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 200 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: wrong\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: wrong\r\nVia: one\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /", "Via: one\r\nVia: wrong\r\n");
    assert!(status_line.starts_with("HTTP/1.1 501 "));

fn test_large_utf8_body() {
    let mock_body: String = rand::thread_rng()
        .take(3 * 1024) // Must be larger than the request read buffer

    let _m = mock("GET", "/").with_body(&mock_body).create();

    let (_, _, body) = request("GET /", "");
    assert_eq!(mock_body, body);

fn test_body_from_file() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/")
    let (status_line, _, body) = request("GET /", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);
    assert_eq!("test body\n", body);

fn test_display_mock_matching_exact_path() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/hello");

    assert_eq!("\r\nGET /hello?(any)\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_regex_path() {
    let mock = mock("GET", Matcher::Regex(r"^/hello/\d+$".to_string()));

    assert_eq!("\r\nGET ^/hello/\\d+$ (regex)?(any)\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_any_path() {
    let mock = mock("GET", Matcher::Any);

    assert_eq!("\r\nGET (any)?(any)\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_exact_query() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/test?hello=world");

    assert_eq!("\r\nGET /test?hello=world\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_regex_query() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/test").match_query(Matcher::Regex("hello=world".to_string()));

    assert_eq!("\r\nGET /test?hello=world (regex)\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_any_query() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/test").match_query(Matcher::Any);

    assert_eq!("\r\nGET /test?(any)\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_exact_header() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/").match_header("content-type", "text").create();

    assert_eq!("\r\nGET /?(any)\r\ncontent-type: text\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_multiple_headers() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/")
        .match_header("content-type", "text")
        .match_header("content-length", Matcher::Regex(r"\d+".to_string()))
        .match_header("authorization", Matcher::Any)
        .match_header("x-request-id", Matcher::Missing)

    assert_eq!("\r\nGET /?(any)\r\ncontent-type: text\r\ncontent-length: \\d+ (regex)\r\nauthorization: (any)\r\nx-request-id: (missing)\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_exact_body() {
    let mock = mock("POST", "/").match_body("hello").create();

    assert_eq!("\r\nPOST /?(any)\r\nhello\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_regex_body() {
    let mock = mock("POST", "/").match_body(Matcher::Regex("hello".to_string())).create();

    assert_eq!("\r\nPOST /?(any)\r\nhello\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_any_body() {
    let mock = mock("POST", "/").match_body(Matcher::Any).create();

    assert_eq!("\r\nPOST /?(any)\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_display_mock_matching_headers_and_body() {
    let mock = mock("POST", "/").match_header("content-type", "text").match_body("hello").create();

    assert_eq!("\r\nPOST /?(any)\r\ncontent-type: text\r\nhello\r\n", format!("{}", mock));

fn test_assert_defaults_to_one_hit() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/hello").create();

    request("GET /hello", "");


fn test_expect() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/hello").expect(3).create();

    request("GET /hello", "");
    request("GET /hello", "");
    request("GET /hello", "");


#[should_panic(expected = "\n> Expected 1 request(s) to:\n\r\nGET /hello?(any)\r\n\n...but received 0\n")]
fn test_assert_panics_if_no_request_was_performed() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/hello").create();


#[should_panic(expected = "\n> Expected 3 request(s) to:\n\r\nGET /hello?(any)\r\n\n...but received 2\n")]
fn test_assert_panics_with_too_few_requests() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/hello").expect(3).create();

    request("GET /hello", "");
    request("GET /hello", "");


#[should_panic(expected = "\n> Expected 3 request(s) to:\n\r\nGET /hello?(any)\r\n\n...but received 4\n")]
fn test_assert_panics_with_too_many_requests() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/hello").expect(3).create();

    request("GET /hello", "");
    request("GET /hello", "");
    request("GET /hello", "");
    request("GET /hello", "");


#[should_panic(expected = "\n> Expected 1 request(s) to:\n\r\nGET /hello?(any)\r\n\n...but received 0\n\n> The last unmatched request was:\n\r\nGET /bye?\r\n\n> Difference:\n\n\u{1b}[31mGET /hello?(any)\u{1b}[0m\n\u{1b}[32mGET\u{1b}[0m \u{1b}[42;37m/bye?\u{1b}[0m\n\n\n")]
fn test_assert_with_last_unmatched_request() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/hello").create();

    request("GET /bye", "");


#[should_panic(expected = "\n> Expected 1 request(s) to:\n\r\nGET /hello?(any)\r\n\n...but received 0\n\n> The last unmatched request was:\n\r\nGET /bye?\r\nauthorization: 1234\r\naccept: text\r\n\n> Difference:\n\n\u{1b}[31mGET /hello?(any)\u{1b}[0m\n\u{1b}[32mGET\u{1b}[0m \u{1b}[42;37m/bye?\nauthorization: 1234\naccept: text\u{1b}[0m\n\n\n")]
fn test_assert_with_last_unmatched_request_and_headers() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/hello").create();

    request("GET /bye", "authorization: 1234\r\naccept: text\r\n");


#[should_panic(expected = "\n> Expected 1 request(s) to:\n\r\nGET /hello?(any)\r\n\n...but received 0\n\n> The last unmatched request was:\n\r\nPOST /bye?\r\ncontent-length: 5\r\nhello\r\n\n")]
fn test_assert_with_last_unmatched_request_and_body() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/hello").create();

    request_with_body("POST /bye", "", "hello");


fn test_request_from_thread() {
    let mock = mock("GET", "/").create();

    let process = thread::spawn(move || {
        request("GET /", "");



// Can't work unless there's a way to apply LOCAL_TEST_MUTEX only to test threads and
// not to any of their sub-threads.
fn test_mock_from_inside_thread_does_not_lock_forever() {
    let _mock_outside_thread = mock("GET", "/").with_body("outside").create();

    let process = thread::spawn(move || {
        let _mock_inside_thread = mock("GET", "/").with_body("inside").create();


    let (_, _, body) = request("GET /", "");

    assert_eq!("outside", body);

fn test_head_request_with_overridden_content_length() {
    let _mock = mock("HEAD", "/").with_header("content-length", "100").create();

    let (_, headers, _) = request("HEAD /", "");

    assert_eq!(vec![String::from("content-length: 100")], headers);

fn test_propagate_protocol_to_response() {
    let _mock = mock("GET", "/").create();

    let stream = request_stream("1.0", "GET /", "", "");

    let (status_line, _, _) = parse_stream(stream, true);
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n", status_line);

fn test_large_body_without_content_length() {
    let body = "123".repeat(2048);

    let _mock = mock("POST", "/")

    let stream = request_stream("1.0", "POST /", "", &body);

    let (status_line, _, _) = parse_stream(stream, false);
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n", status_line);

fn test_transfer_encoding_chunked() {
    let _mock = mock("POST", "/")
        .match_body("Hello, chunked world!")

    let body = "3\r\nHel\r\n5\r\nlo, c\r\nD\r\nhunked world!\r\n0\r\n\r\n";

    let (status, _, _) = parse_stream(
        request_stream("1.1", "POST /", "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n", body),

    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status);

fn test_match_exact_query() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/hello")

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?number=one", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?number=two", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);

fn test_match_exact_query_via_path() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/hello?number=one")

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?number=one", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?number=two", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);

fn test_match_partial_query_by_regex() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/hello")

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?something=else&number=one", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);

fn test_match_partial_query_by_urlencoded() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/hello")
        .match_query(Matcher::UrlEncoded("num ber".into(), "o ne".into()))

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?something=else&num%20ber=o%20ne", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?something=else&number=one", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);

fn test_match_partial_query_by_regex_all_of() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/hello")

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?hello=world&something=else&number=one", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?hello=world&something=else", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);

fn test_match_partial_query_by_urlencoded_all_of() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/hello")
                Matcher::UrlEncoded("num ber".into(), "o ne".into()),
                Matcher::UrlEncoded("hello".into(), "world".into())

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?hello=world&something=else&num%20ber=o%20ne", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?hello=world&something=else", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);

fn test_match_missing_query() {
    let _m = mock("GET", "/hello")

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n", status_line);

    let (status_line, _, _) = request("GET /hello?number=one", "");
    assert_eq!("HTTP/1.1 501 Mock Not Found\r\n", status_line);