mockiato 0.9.5

A strict, yet friendly mocking library for Rust 2018
# Changelog

## 0.2.0
- Mocks now have a lifetime (`'mock`) which allows mocks to contain
  non-static references.
- To revert to the old behaviour (only static references) there is a new attribute for that:

## 0.3.0
- `ExpectedCalls::any()` has been removed. Use the range `0..` instead.
- Support for nearly equals expectations has been added. (`nearly_eq` and `nearly_eq_with_accuracy`)

## 0.4.0
- Ordered expectations are now available using `mock.expect_<method_name>_calls_in_order()`

## 0.4.1
- The `Debug` implementation of an argument's type is now correctly used when printing the expected calls for a method.
- Internal types now have separate `Debug` and `Display` implementations.
- Some unused exports have been removed from `mockiato::internal`. This is treated as a non-breaking change as no consumer should directly depend on these types.

## 0.4.2
- Fix error with `parse_quote!` macro when patch version of syn is too low in consumers `Cargo.lock`. 

## 0.5.0
- Generic type parameters on traits are now supported. Parameters with references that contain generic type parameters are explicitly disallowed.
- Full ranges (`..`) can be passed to `.times()`

## 0.5.1
- The `Debug` impl for mocks of traits with generic type params no longer require that the generic types implements `Debug`.

## 0.6.0
- **Breaking:** The `expect_*` methods now require passing a closure for each argument that receives a factory to create argument matchers. This has been changed so that crates using mocks from another crate no longer need to depend on the same version of mockiato.
- **Breaking:** It is now a hard error when `name` is specified more than once in the `#[mockable]` attribute.
- The `Display` implementation of some argument matchers has been improved.
- A lot of documentation has been added.

## 0.6.1
- Added nightly notice to readme.
- Updated crate description, keywords, categories and badges.

## 0.6.2
- Quickstart example in the readme has been fixed.

## 0.6.3
- A typo in the documentation has been fixed.

## 0.7.0
- Support for stable rust has been added. (See [disclaimer in readme]
- Dependencies have been updated.

## 0.8.0
- Allow specifying one-time return values (that do not need to be `Clone`) by using `.returns_once(value)`.

## 0.9.0
- Foreign-defined traits can be mocked using `#[mockable(remote = "...")]`.

## 0.9.1
- Update syn to version 1.0
- Update quote to version 1.0
- Update proc-macro2 to version 1.0
- Links to the repository have been updated to point to [mockiato/mockiato]

## 0.9.2 (yanked)
No changes.

## 0.9.3 (yanked)
No changes.

## 0.9.4
No changes.

## 0.9.5
- Fix uses of specialization for latest nightly.