Attribute Macro mockall::concretize

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Decorates a method or function to tell Mockall to treat its generic arguments as trait objects when creating expectations.

This allows users to use non-'static generic parameters, which otherwise can’t be mocked. The downsides of using this attribute are:

  • Mockall can’t tell if a parameter isn’t 'static, so you must annotate such methods with the #[mockall::concretize] attribute.
  • Generic methods will share expectations for all argument types. That is, you won’t be able to do my_mock.expect_foo::<i32>(...).
  • It can’t be used on methods with a closure argument (though this may be fixable).
  • Concretized methods’ expectations may only be matched with .withf or .withf_st, not .with.
  • It only works for parameters that can be turned into a trait object. (may be fixable).
  • Mockall needs to know how to turn the function argument into a trait object. Given a generic parameter T, currently supported patterns are:
    • T
    • &T
    • &mut T
    • &[T]


trait Foo {
    fn foo<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, p: P);

let mut mock = MockFoo::new();
    .withf(|p| p.as_ref() == Path::new("/tmp"))

NB: This attribute must be imported with its canonical name. It won’t work otherwise!

use mockall::concretize as something_else;
trait Foo {
    fn foo<T>(&self, t: T);