mockable 3.0.0

Usefull components to make easier to mock your code
# mockable

This crate provides usefull traits to make easier to mock your code using [`mockall`]( crate.

## Getting Started

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

mockable = { version = "2", features = [ ... ] }

mockable = { version = "2", features = ["mock"] }

## Documentation


## Clock

The [`Clock`]( trait provides a way to mock the current time.

**Note:** This trait is only available when the `clock` feature is enabled.


## Command Runner

The [`CommandRunner`]( trait provides a way to mock the execution of commands.

**Note:** This trait is only available when the `cmd` feature is enabled.


## Env

The [`Env`]( trait provides a way to mock the environment variables.


## HTTP Server

The [`HttpServer`]( trait provides a way to mock a HTTP server.

**Note:** This trait is only available when the `http` feature is enabled.


## Mock

The [`Mock`]( trait provides a way to mock a function.


## System

The [`System`]( trait provides a way to mock the system.


## UUID Generator

The [`UuidGenerator`]( trait provides a way to mock the UUID generator.

**Note:** This trait is only available when the `uuid` feature is enabled.
