mobc-boltrs 0.1.0

A bolt-client adapter for the mobc connection pool


The mobc-boltrs crate provides an adapter from the bolt-client Neo4J client to the the mobc connection pool.


Include the following in Cargo.toml under the dependencies section:

mobc = "0.7.0"
mobc-boltrs = "0.1.0"

Then, in the project's source code, include something like the following:

let manager = BoltConnectionManager::new("localhost:7687", "localdomain", [V4_1, 0, 0, 0],
            ("user_agent", "bolt-client/X.Y.Z"),
            ("scheme", "basic"),
            ("principal", "username"),
            ("credentials", "password"),
let pool = Pool::builder().max_open(20).build(manager);
let client = pool.get().await?;


Contributions are very welcome. See the contribution guidelines for this project for details.


This project is available under the MIT license. See the license file for the full text of the license.

This project reuses a substantial portion of the source code in Luc Street's (bb8-bolt)[] crate. See the license file for the MIT license statement related to the code reuse.