mmtk 0.16.0

MMTk is a framework for the design and implementation of high-performance and portable memory managers.
//! A general scheduler implementation. MMTk uses it to schedule GC-related work.

pub mod affinity;

mod scheduler;
pub(crate) use scheduler::CoordinatorMessage;
pub(crate) use scheduler::GCWorkScheduler;

mod stat;
pub(self) mod work_counter;

mod work;
pub use work::CoordinatorWork;
pub use work::GCWork;
pub(crate) use work::GCWorkContext;

mod work_bucket;
pub use work_bucket::WorkBucketStage;

mod worker;
pub(crate) use worker::current_worker_ordinal;
pub use worker::GCWorker;

mod controller;
pub use controller::GCController;

pub(crate) mod gc_work;
pub use gc_work::ProcessEdgesWork;
// TODO: We shouldn't need to expose ScanStackRoot. However, OpenJDK uses it.
// We should do some refactoring related to Scanning::SCAN_MUTATORS_IN_SAFEPOINT
// to make sure this type is not exposed to the bindings.
pub use gc_work::ScanStackRoot;