mlx9064x 0.2.1

Library for interfacing with Melexis MLX9064* thermal cameras
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright © 2021 Will Ross
use crate::{mlx90641, MelexisCamera};

/// The size of the EEPROM for the MLX990640 and MLX90641 in bytes.
/// Both cameras (MLX90640 and MLX90641) have the same size EEPROM. 0x273F is the last address in
/// the EEPROM, so add one to that to include it, while 0x2400 is the first address. Each address
/// contains a 16-bit value, so we multiply by two to get the number of 8-bit bytes.
pub(crate) const EEPROM_LENGTH: usize = (0x2740 - 0x2400) * 2;

/// Example MLX90640 EEPROM data from the datasheet (from the worked example).
// Each line is 8 bytes. The first two lines are empty, as that data is ignored for calibration
// purposes. The next six lines are the shared calibration data.
const MLX90640_EEPROM_HEADER: &[u8] = b"\

/// Create a buffer with the example MLX90640 EEPROM data.
pub(crate) fn mlx90640_datasheet_eeprom() -> [u8; EEPROM_LENGTH] {
    // Create the EEPROM data by starting with the header and then filling in the rest with the
    // pixel used in the worked example from the datasheet.
    let pixel_data = b"\x08\xa0";
    let mut eeprom_data = [0u8; EEPROM_LENGTH];
        .for_each(|(eeprom_byte, pixel_byte)| *eeprom_byte = pixel_byte);

/// Example MLX90641 EEPROM data from the datasheet.
// Same structure as MLX90640_EEPROM_HEADER.
const MLX90641_EEPROM_HEADER: &[u8] = b"\

pub(crate) fn mlx90641_datasheet_eeprom() -> [u8; EEPROM_LENGTH] {
    let offset_0 = b"\xf8\x49";
    let k_ta_with_k_v = b"\xb8\xc0";
    let sensitivity = b"\xff\xff";
    // This is different than the datasheet! It looks like they used the subpage 0 data, but wanted
    // it to be slightly different so they changed the last digit, but then didn't recompute the checksum.
    let offset_1 = b"\xd8\x47";
    // The MLX90641 has the header data, then offsets for subpage 0 for each pixel, then the
    // sensitivity for each pixel, then a combined K_ta and K_v for each pixel, then offsets for
    // subpage 1 for each pixel.
    let mut eeprom_data = [0u8; EEPROM_LENGTH];
    let mut offset = MLX90641_EEPROM_HEADER.len();
    // Multiply by two to get number of bytes
    let pixel_data_length = mlx90641::Mlx90641::NUM_PIXELS * 2;
    for single_pixel_data in [offset_0, sensitivity, k_ta_with_k_v, offset_1] {
        eeprom_data[offset..(offset + pixel_data_length)]
            .for_each(|(dest, src)| *dest = src);
        offset += pixel_data_length;

mod test {
    fn smoke_mlx90640_eeprom() {

    fn smoke_mlx90641_eeprom() {