Crate mlx9061x

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This is a platform agnostic Rust driver for the MLX90614/MLX90615 infrared thermometers using the embedded-hal traits.

This driver allows you to:

The devices

The MLX90614/MLX90615 are a infrared thermometers for non-contact temperature measurements. Both the IR sensitive thermopile detector chip and the signal conditioning ASSP are integrated in the same TO-39/TO-46 can. Thanks to its low noise amplifier, 17-bit/16-bit ADC and powerful DSP unit, a high accuracy and resolution of the thermometer is achieved.

Depending on the MLX90614 model they feature a single-zone or dual-zone thermopile.

The chips feature an 10-bit PWM and SMBus interface.

The readout resolution is 0.01°C (MLX90614) / 0.02°C (MLX90615).

This driver uses the SMBus interface.


Usage examples (see also examples folder)

To use this driver, import this crate and an embedded_hal implementation, then instantiate the device.

At least when interacting with the EEPROM it is necessary to insert delays. This driver only adds the minimal amount of delays. i.e. only between two consecutive operations inside a method.

IMPORTANT: Users are advised to wait enough time between operations. Otherwise the device will not behave properly.

Please find additional examples using hardware in this repository: driver-examples

Read the object 1 temperature with an MLX90614

Some models feature single-zone or dual-zone thermopiles.

use linux_embedded_hal::I2cdev;
use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr};

let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
let obj_temp = sensor.object1_temperature().unwrap_or(-1.0);
println!("Object temperature: {:.2}ºC", obj_temp);

Read the ambient temperature with an MLX90615

let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90615(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
let temp = sensor.ambient_temperature().unwrap_or(-1.0);
println!("Ambient temperature: {:.2}ºC", temp);

Get the device ID of an MLX90614

let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
let id = sensor.device_id().unwrap_or(0);
println!("ID: 0x{:x?}", id);

Set the emissivity

This change will be permanently stored in the device EEPROM.

use linux_embedded_hal::{I2cdev, Delay};
use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr};

let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
let mut delay = Delay{};
sensor.set_emissivity(0.8, &mut delay).unwrap();

Change the device address

This change will be permanently stored in the device EEPROM.

use linux_embedded_hal::{I2cdev, Delay};
use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr};

let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(dev, addr, 5).unwrap();
let mut delay = Delay{};
sensor.set_address(SlaveAddr::Alternative(0x5C), &mut delay).unwrap();

Put the device to sleep and wake it again

Note that the I2C pin construction/deconstruction depends on the HAL implementation.

use mlx9061x::{Mlx9061x, SlaveAddr, wake_mlx90614};

let i2cdev = I2c1::new(scl, sda); // This depends on your HAL
let addr = SlaveAddr::default();
let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(i2cdev, addr, 5).unwrap();
// ...
// ...
// To wake the device, destroy it and get the SCL/SDA pins back
let i2cdev = sensor.destroy();
let (mut scl, mut sda) =; // This depends on your HAL
let mut delay = Delay{};
wake_mlx90614(&mut scl, &mut sda, &mut delay).unwrap();

// Now recreate the I2C device and sensor
let i2cdev = I2c1::new(scl, sda);
let mut sensor = Mlx9061x::new_mlx90614(i2cdev, addr, 5).unwrap();
// Then you can use the sensor as usual


  • IC marker



  • All possible errors in this crate
  • Possible slave addresses
