mix_link 0.1.0

message oriented noise based cryptographic link layer for mixnets

# mix_link
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This crate provides a Noise Protocol Framework based cryptographic
link layer wire protocol for constructing mix networks.

# warning

This code has not been formally audited. Use it at your own risk!

# details

This wire protocol is designed to construct mix networks.
You can read the design specification document here:

* https://github.com/katzenpost/docs/blob/master/specs/wire-protocol.rst

However note that I've change the prologue value (our protocol version number) to 1
instead of 0 to differentiate it from the older version which used NewHope Simple.
We now use the newer KEM, Kyber.

This cryptographic link layer protocol uses ``Noise_XXhfs_25519+Kyber1024_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2b``.
You can read about the XX handshake pattern here in the Noise Protocol specification document:

* http://noiseprotocol.org/noise.html

However you'll also want to understand our hybrid forward secrecy protocol modification
using the Kyber post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism. Please see "KEM-based Hybrid Forward Secrecy for Noise":

* https://github.com/noiseprotocol/noise_hfs_spec/blob/master/output/noise_hfs.pdf

# Usage

To import `mix_link`, add the following to the dependencies section of
your project's `Cargo.toml`:
mix_link = "^0.1.0"
Then import the crate as:
extern crate mix_link;

# acknowledgments

Thanks to Yawning Angel for the design of this wire protocol.
Thanks to Daan Sprenkels for implementing Kyber1024 HFS for Snow.

# license