miratope 0.1.0

A polytope renderer and builder.
pub mod cd;
pub mod convex;
pub mod cox;
pub mod ggb;
pub mod group;
pub mod mesh_builder;
pub mod off;

use std::collections::HashMap;

use self::{group::OrdPoint, mesh_builder::MeshBuilder};
use super::{
        elements::{Element, ElementList, Subelements, Subsupelements},
        flag::{FlagEvent, FlagIter},
        rank::{Rank, RankVec},
use crate::{
    geometry::{Hyperplane, Hypersphere, Matrix, Point, Segment, Subspace},
    lang::name::{Con, ConData, Name, NameData, Regular},
    Consts, Float,

use approx::{abs_diff_eq, abs_diff_ne};
use bevy::prelude::Mesh;

pub struct ElementType {
    multiplicity: usize,
    facet_count: usize,
    volume: Option<Float>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Represents a [concrete polytope](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Polytope),
/// which is an [`Abstract`] together with its corresponding vertices.
pub struct Concrete {
    /// The list of vertices as points in Euclidean space.
    pub vertices: Vec<Point>,

    /// The underlying abstract polytope.
    pub abs: Abstract,

    /// The concrete name of the polytope.
    pub name: Name<Con>,

impl Concrete {
    /// Initializes a new concrete polytope from a set of vertices and an
    /// underlying abstract polytope. Does some debug assertions on the input.
    pub fn new(vertices: Vec<Point>, abs: Abstract) -> Self {
        // There must be as many abstract vertices as concrete ones.
        debug_assert_eq!(vertices.len(), abs.el_count(Rank::new(0)));

        // All vertices must have the same dimension.
        if let Some(vertex0) = vertices.get(0) {
            for vertex1 in &vertices {
                debug_assert_eq!(vertex0.len(), vertex1.len());

        // With no further info, we create a generic name for the polytope.
        let n = abs.facet_count();
        let rank = abs.rank();
        Self {
            name: Name::generic(n, rank),

    /// Returns the rank of the polytope.
    pub fn rank(&self) -> Rank {

    /// Returns the number of dimensions of the space the polytope lives in,
    /// or `None` in the case of the nullitope.
    pub fn dim(&self) -> Option<usize> {

    pub fn dyad_with(height: Float) -> Self {
            vec![vec![-height / 2.0].into(), vec![height / 2.0].into()],

    /// Builds the Grünbaumian star polygon `{n / d}` with unit circumradius,
    /// rotated by an angle.
    fn grunbaum_star_polygon_with_rot(n: usize, d: usize, rot: Float) -> Self {
        assert!(n >= 2);
        assert!(d >= 1);

        let angle = Float::TAU * d as Float / n as Float;

                .map(|k| {
                    let (sin, cos) = (k as Float * angle + rot).sin_cos();
                    vec![sin, cos].into()

    /// Builds the Grünbaumian star polygon `{n / d}` with unit circumradius. If
    /// `n` and `d` have a common factor, the result is a multiply-wound polygon.
    pub fn grunbaum_star_polygon(n: usize, d: usize) -> Self {
        Self::grunbaum_star_polygon_with_rot(n, d, 0.0)

    /// Builds the star polygon `{n / d}`. with unit circumradius. If `n` and `d`
    /// have a common factor, the result is a compound.
    pub fn star_polygon(n: usize, d: usize) -> Self {
        use gcd::Gcd;

        let gcd = n.gcd(d);
        let angle = Float::TAU / n as Float;

            (0..gcd).into_iter().map(|k| {
                Self::grunbaum_star_polygon_with_rot(n / gcd, d / gcd, k as Float * angle)

    /// Scales a polytope by a given factor.
    pub fn scale(&mut self, k: Float) {
        for v in &mut self.vertices {
            *v *= k;

    /// Recenters a polytope so that the gravicenter is at the origin.
    pub fn recenter(&mut self) {
        if let Some(gravicenter) = self.gravicenter() {

    pub fn recenter_with(&mut self, p: &Point) {
        for v in &mut self.vertices {
            *v -= p;

    /// Applies a function to all vertices of a polytope.
    pub fn apply(mut self, m: &Matrix) -> Self {
        for v in &mut self.vertices {
            *v = m * v.clone();


    /// Calculates the circumsphere of a polytope. Returns it if the polytope
    /// has one, and returns `None` otherwise.
    pub fn circumsphere(&self) -> Option<Hypersphere> {
        let mut vertices = self.vertices.iter();

        let v0 = vertices.next().expect("Polytope has no vertices!").clone();
        let mut o: Point = v0.clone();
        let mut h = Subspace::new(v0.clone());

        for v in vertices {
            // If the new vertex does not lie on the hyperplane of the others:
            if let Some(b) = h.add(&v) {
                // Calculates the new circumcenter.
                let k = ((&o - v).norm_squared() - (&o - &v0).norm_squared())
                    / (2.0 * (v - &v0).dot(&b));

                o += k * b;
            // If the new vertex lies on the others' hyperplane, but is not at
            // the correct distance from the first vertex:
            else if abs_diff_ne!((&o - &v0).norm(), (&o - v).norm(), epsilon = Float::EPS) {
                return None;

        Some(Hypersphere {
            squared_radius: (&o - v0).norm(),
            center: o,

    /// Gets the gravicenter of a polytope, or `None` in the case of the
    /// nullitope.
    pub fn gravicenter(&self) -> Option<Point> {
        let mut g: Point = vec![0.0; self.dim()? as usize].into();

        for v in &self.vertices {
            g += v;

        Some(g / (self.vertices.len() as Float))

    /// Gets the least `x` coordinate of a vertex of the polytope.
    pub fn x_min(&self) -> Option<Float> {
        if self.dim()? == 0 {
        } else {
                .map(|v| float_ord::FloatOrd(v[0]))
                .map(|x| x.0)

    /// Gets the greatest `x` coordinate of a vertex of the polytope.
    pub fn x_max(&self) -> Option<Float> {
        if self.dim()? == 0 {
        } else {
                .map(|v| float_ord::FloatOrd(v[0]))
                .map(|x| x.0)

    /// Gets the least and greatest `x` coordinate of a vertex of the polytope.
    pub fn x_minmax(&self) -> Option<(Float, Float)> {
        use itertools::{Itertools, MinMaxResult};

        if self.dim()? == 0 {
        } else {
            match self
                .map(|v| float_ord::FloatOrd(v[0]))
                MinMaxResult::NoElements => None,
                MinMaxResult::OneElement(x) => Some((x.0, x.0)),
                MinMaxResult::MinMax(x, y) => Some((x.0, y.0)),

    /// Gets the edge lengths of all edges in the polytope, in order.
    pub fn edge_lengths(&self) -> Vec<Float> {
        let mut edge_lengths = Vec::new();

        // If there are no edges, we just return the empty vector.
        if let Some(edges) = self.abs.ranks.get(Rank::new(1)) {

            for edge in edges.iter() {
                let sub0 = edge.subs[0];
                let sub1 = edge.subs[1];

                edge_lengths.push((&self.vertices[sub0] - &self.vertices[sub1]).norm());


    /// Checks whether a polytope is equilateral to a fixed precision, and with
    /// a specified edge length.
    pub fn is_equilateral_with_len(&self, len: Float) -> bool {
        let edge_lengths = self.edge_lengths().into_iter();

        // Checks that every other edge length is equal to the first.
        for edge_len in edge_lengths {
            if abs_diff_eq!(edge_len, len, epsilon = Float::EPS) {
                return false;


    /// Checks whether a polytope is equilateral to a fixed precision.
    pub fn is_equilateral(&self) -> bool {
        if let Some(vertices) = self.element_vertices_ref(Rank::new(1), 0) {
            let (v0, v1) = (vertices[0], vertices[1]);

            return self.is_equilateral_with_len((v0 - v1).norm());


    /// I haven't actually implemented this in the general case.
    /// # Todo
    /// Maybe make this work in the general case?
    pub fn midradius(&self) -> Float {
        let vertices = &self.vertices;
        let edges = &self[Rank::new(1)];
        let edge = &edges[0];

        let sub0 = edge.subs[0];
        let sub1 = edge.subs[1];

        (&vertices[sub0] + &vertices[sub1]).norm() / 2.0

    /// Returns the dual of a polytope with a given reciprocation sphere, or
    /// `None` if any facets pass through the reciprocation center.
    pub fn try_dual_with(&self, sphere: &Hypersphere) -> Result<Self, usize> {
        let mut clone = self.clone();
        clone.try_dual_mut_with(sphere).map(|_| clone)

    pub fn dual_with(&self, sphere: &Hypersphere) -> Self {

    /// Builds the dual of a polytope with a given reciprocation sphere in
    /// place, or does nothing in case any facets go through the reciprocation
    /// center. In case of failure, returns the index of the facet through the
    /// projection center.
    pub fn try_dual_mut_with(&mut self, sphere: &Hypersphere) -> Result<(), usize> {
        // If we're dealing with a nullitope, the dual is itself.
        let rank = self.rank();
        if rank == Rank::new(-1) {
            return Ok(());
        // In the case of points, we reciprocate them.
        else if rank == Rank::new(0) {
            for (idx, v) in self.vertices.iter_mut().enumerate() {
                sphere.reciprocate_mut(v).map_err(|_| idx)?;

        // We project the sphere's center onto the polytope's hyperplane to
        // avoid skew weirdness.
        let h = Subspace::from_points(&self.vertices);
        let o = h.project(&sphere.center);

        let mut projections;

        // We project our inversion center onto each of the facets.
        if rank >= Rank::new(2) {
            let facet_count = self.el_count(rank.minus_one());
            projections = Vec::with_capacity(facet_count);

            for idx in 0..facet_count {
                        &self.element_vertices_ref(rank.minus_one(), idx).unwrap(),
        // If our polytope is 1D, the vertices themselves are the facets.
        else {
            projections = self.vertices.clone();

        // Reciprocates the projected points.
        for (idx, v) in projections.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            sphere.reciprocate_mut(v).map_err(|_| idx)?;

        self.vertices = projections;

        // Takes the abstract dual.
        *self.name_mut() = self


    pub fn dual_mut_with(&mut self, sphere: &Hypersphere) {

    pub fn prism_with(&self, height: Float) -> Self {
        Self::duoprism(self, &Self::dyad_with(height)).with_name(Name::prism(self.name().clone()))

    pub fn uniform_prism(n: usize, d: usize) -> Self {
        Concrete::star_polygon(n, d).prism_with(2.0 * (Float::PI * d as Float / n as Float).sin())

    fn antiprism_with_vertices<T: Iterator<Item = Point>, U: Iterator<Item = Point>>(
        vertices: T,
        dual_vertices: U,
    ) -> Self {
        let (abs, vertex_indices, dual_vertex_indices) = self.abs.antiprism_and_vertices();
        let vertex_count = abs.vertex_count();
        let mut new_vertices = Vec::with_capacity(vertex_count);
        new_vertices.resize(vertex_count, vec![].into());

        for (idx, v) in vertices.enumerate() {
            new_vertices[vertex_indices[idx]] = v;
        for (idx, v) in dual_vertices.enumerate() {
            new_vertices[dual_vertex_indices[idx]] = v;

        Self::new(new_vertices, abs)

    /// Builds an [antiprism](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Antiprism)
    /// based on a given polytope.
    pub fn try_antiprism_with(&self, sphere: &Hypersphere, height: Float) -> Result<Self, usize> {
        let vertices = self.vertices.iter().map(|v| v.push(height / 2.0));
        let dual = self.try_dual_with(sphere)?;
        let dual_vertices = dual.vertices.iter().map(|v| v.push(-height / 2.0));

        Ok(self.antiprism_with_vertices(vertices, dual_vertices))

    pub fn antiprism_with(&self, sphere: &Hypersphere, height: Float) -> Self {
        self.try_antiprism_with(sphere, height).unwrap()

    pub fn uniform_antiprism(n: usize, d: usize) -> Self {
        let polygon = Concrete::star_polygon(n, d);

        // Appropriately scaled antiprism.
        if n != 2 * d {
            let angle = Float::PI * d as Float / n as Float;
            let cos = angle.cos();
            let height = ((cos - (2.0 * angle).cos()) * 2.0).sqrt();

            polygon.antiprism_with(&Hypersphere::with_squared_radius(2, cos), height)
        // Digon compounds are a special case.
        else {
            let height = Float::SQRT_2;
            let vertices = polygon.vertices.iter().map(|v| v.push(height / 2.0));
            let dual_vertices = polygon
                .map(|v| vec![v[1], -v[0], -height / 2.0].into());

            polygon.antiprism_with_vertices(vertices, dual_vertices)

    /// Gets the references to the (geometric) vertices of an element on the
    /// polytope.
    pub fn element_vertices_ref(&self, rank: Rank, idx: usize) -> Option<Vec<&Point>> {
                .element_vertices(rank, idx)?
                .map(|&v| &self.vertices[v])

    /// Gets the (geometric) vertices of an element on the polytope.
    pub fn element_vertices(&self, rank: Rank, idx: usize) -> Option<Vec<Point>> {
            self.element_vertices_ref(rank, idx)?

    /// Generates the vertices for either a tegum or a pyramid product with two
    /// given vertex sets and a given height.
    fn duopyramid_vertices(p: &[Point], q: &[Point], height: Float, tegum: bool) -> Vec<Point> {
        let p_dim = if let Some(p0) = p.get(0) {
        } else {
            return vec![vec![].into()];
        let q_dim = if let Some(q0) = q.get(0) {
        } else {
            return vec![vec![].into()];

        let dim = p_dim + q_dim + tegum as usize;

        let mut vertices = Vec::with_capacity(p.len() + q.len());

        // The vertices corresponding to products of p's nullitope with q's
        // vertices.
        for q_vertex in q {
            let mut prod_vertex = Vec::with_capacity(dim);
            let pad = p_dim;

            // Pads prod_vertex to the left.
            prod_vertex.resize(pad, 0.0);

            // Copies q_vertex into prod_vertex.
            for &c in q_vertex.iter() {

            // Adds the height, in case of a pyramid product.
            if !tegum {
                prod_vertex.push(height / 2.0);


        // The vertices corresponding to products of q's nullitope with p's
        // vertices.
        for p_vertex in p {
            let mut prod_vertex = Vec::with_capacity(dim);

            // Copies p_vertex into prod_vertex.
            for &c in p_vertex.iter() {

            // Pads prod_vertex to the right.
            prod_vertex.resize(p_dim + q_dim, 0.0);

            // Adds the height, in case of a pyramid product.
            if !tegum {
                prod_vertex.push(-height / 2.0);



    /// Generates the vertices for a duoprism with two given vertex sets.
    fn duoprism_vertices(p: &[Point], q: &[Point]) -> Vec<Point> {
        let mut vertices = Vec::with_capacity(p.len() * q.len());

        // Concatenates all pairs of vertices in order.
        for p_vertex in p {
            for q_vertex in q {
                let p_vertex = p_vertex.into_iter();
                let q_vertex = q_vertex.into_iter();



    /// Generates a duopyramid from two given polytopes with a given height.
    pub fn duopyramid_with_height(p: &Self, q: &Self, height: Float) -> Self {
            Self::duopyramid_vertices(&p.vertices, &q.vertices, height, false),
            Abstract::duopyramid(&p.abs, &q.abs),
        .with_name(Name::Multipyramid(vec![p.name().clone(), q.name().clone()]))

    pub fn volume(&self) -> Option<Float> {
        use factorial::Factorial;

        let rank = self.rank();

        // We leave the nullitope's volume undefined.
        if rank == Rank::new(-1) {
            return None;

        // The vertices, flattened if necessary.
        let flat_vertices = self.flat_vertices();
        let flat_vertices = flat_vertices.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.vertices);

        if flat_vertices.get(0)?.len() != rank.usize() {
            return None;

        // Maps every element of the polytope to one of its vertices.
        let mut vertex_map = Vec::new();

        // Vertices map to themselves.
        let mut vertex_list = Vec::new();
        for v in 0..self[Rank::new(0)].len() {

        // Every other element maps to the vertex of any subelement.
        for r in Rank::range_inclusive_iter(Rank::new(1), self.rank()) {
            let mut element_list = Vec::new();

            for el in self[r].iter() {
                element_list.push(vertex_map[r.usize() - 1][el.subs[0]]);


        let mut volume = 0.0;

        // For each flag, there's a simplex defined by any vertices in its
        // elements and the origin. We add up the volumes of all of these
        // simplices times the sign of the flag that generated them.
        for flag_event in self.flag_events() {
            if let FlagEvent::Flag(flag) = flag_event {
                volume += flag.orientation.sign()
                    * Matrix::from_iterator(
                            .map(|(rank, idx)| &flat_vertices[vertex_map[rank][idx]])
            } else {
                return None;

        Some(volume.abs() / (rank.usize()).factorial() as Float)

    pub fn flat_vertices(&self) -> Option<Vec<Point>> {
        let subspace = Subspace::from_points(&self.vertices);

        if subspace.is_full_rank() {
        } else {
            let mut flat_vertices = Vec::new();
            for v in self.vertices.iter() {

    /// Projects the vertices of the polytope into the lowest dimension possible.
    /// If the polytope's subspace is already of full rank, this is a no-op.
    pub fn flatten(&mut self) {
        if !self.vertices.is_empty() {

    pub fn flatten_into(&mut self, subspace: &Subspace) {
        if !subspace.is_full_rank() {
            for v in self.vertices.iter_mut() {
                *v = subspace.flatten(v);

    /// Takes the cross-section of a polytope through a given hyperplane.
    /// # Todo
    /// We should make this function take a general [`Subspace`] instead.
    pub fn cross_section(&self, slice: &Hyperplane) -> Self {
        let mut vertices = Vec::new();

        let mut abs = Abstract::new();

        // We map all indices of k-elements in the original polytope to the
        // indices of the new (k-1)-elements resulting from taking their
        // intersections with the slicing hyperplane.
        let mut hash_element = HashMap::new();

        // Determines the vertices of the cross-section.
        for (idx, edge) in self[Rank::new(1)].iter().enumerate() {
            let segment = Segment(

            // If we got ourselves a new vertex:
            if let Some(p) = slice.intersect(segment) {
                hash_element.insert(idx, vertices.len());

        let vertex_count = vertices.len();

        // The slice does not intersect the polytope.
        if vertex_count == 0 {
            return Self::nullitope();


        // Takes care of building everything else.
        for r in Rank::range_iter(Rank::new(2), self.rank()) {
            let mut new_hash_element = HashMap::new();
            let mut new_els = ElementList::new();

            for (idx, el) in self[r].iter().enumerate() {
                let mut new_subs = Subelements::new();
                for sub in &el.subs {
                    if let Some(&v) = hash_element.get(sub) {

                // If we got ourselves a new edge:
                if !new_subs.is_empty() {
                    new_hash_element.insert(idx, new_els.len());

            hash_element = new_hash_element;

        // Adds a maximal element manually.
        let facet_count = abs.ranks.last().unwrap().len();

        // Splits compounds of dyads.
        if let Some(mut faces) = abs.ranks.get(Rank::new(2)).cloned() {
            let mut i = abs[Rank::new(1)].len();
            let mut new_edges = ElementList::new();

            for (idx, edge) in abs[Rank::new(1)].0.iter_mut().enumerate() {
                let edge_sub = &mut edge.subs;
                let comps = edge_sub.len() / 2;

                if comps > 1 {
                    edge_sub.sort_unstable_by_key(|&x| OrdPoint::new(vertices[x].clone()));

                for comp in 1..comps {
                    let new_subs =
                        Subelements::from_vec(edge_sub.0[2 * comp..2 * comp + 2].to_vec());

                    for face in faces.0.iter_mut() {
                        if face.subs.contains(&idx) {

                    i += 1;

                let new_subs = Subelements::from_vec(edge_sub.0[..2].to_vec());
                *edge = Element::from_subs(new_subs);

            abs[Rank::new(1)].append(&mut new_edges);
            abs[Rank::new(2)] = faces;

            let mut abs2 = Abstract::new();
            for r in abs {

            Self::new(vertices, abs2)
        } else {
            Self::new(vertices, abs)

    /// Loads a polytope from a file path.
    pub fn from_path(fp: &impl AsRef<std::path::Path>) -> std::io::Result<Self> {
        use std::{ffi::OsStr, fs, io};

        let ext = fp.as_ref().extension();

        if ext == Some(OsStr::new("off")) {
        } else if ext == Some(OsStr::new("ggb")) {
            Self::from_ggb(zip::read::ZipArchive::new(&mut fs::File::open(fp)?)?)
        } else {
                "File extension not recognized.",

    pub fn get_mesh(&self, projection_type: ProjectionType) -> Mesh {

    pub fn get_wireframe(&self, projection_type: ProjectionType) -> Mesh {

    /// Gets the element "types" of a polytope.
    fn get_element_types(&self) -> RankVec<Vec<ElementType>> {
        const EPS: f64 = 1e-9;

        let rank = self.rank();
        let mut element_types = RankVec::with_capacity(rank);
        let el_counts = self.el_counts();

        for &el_count in el_counts.iter() {

        let mut types = RankVec::with_capacity(rank);
        let mut output = RankVec::with_capacity(rank);

        // There's only one type of nullitope.
        output.push(vec![ElementType {
            multiplicity: 1,
            facet_count: 0,
            volume: None,

        // There's only one type of point.
        output.push(vec![ElementType {
            multiplicity: el_counts[Rank::new(0)],
            facet_count: 1,
            volume: Some(1.0),

        // The edge types are the edges of each different length.
        let mut edge_types = Vec::new();
        for &length in &self.edge_lengths() {
            if let Some(index) = edge_types
                .position(|&x| abs_diff_eq!(x, length, epsilon = Float::EPS))
            } else {

        let mut edge_types = Vec::with_capacity(types[Rank::new(1)].len());
        for (idx, &edge_type) in types[Rank::new(1)].iter().enumerate() {
            edge_types.push(ElementType {
                multiplicity: element_types[Rank::new(1)]
                    .filter(|&x| *x == idx)
                facet_count: 2,
                volume: Some(edge_type),

        for d in Rank::range_inclusive_iter(Rank::new(2), rank) {
            for el in self.abs.ranks[d].iter() {
                let count = el.subs.len();
                if let Some(index) = types[d]
                    .position(|&x| abs_diff_eq!(x, count as Float, epsilon = Float::EPS))
                } else {
                    types[d].push(count as Float);
            let mut types_in_rank = Vec::with_capacity(types[d].len());
            for i in 0..types[d].len() {
                types_in_rank.push(ElementType {
                    multiplicity: element_types[d].iter().filter(|&x| *x == i).count(),
                    facet_count: types[d][i] as usize,
                    volume: None,


    fn print_element_types(&self) -> String {
        let types = self.get_element_types();
        let mut output = String::new();
        let el_names = RankVec(vec![
            "Vertices", "Edges", "Faces", "Cells", "Tera", "Peta", "Exa", "Zetta", "Yotta",
            "Xenna", "Daka", "Henda",
        let el_suffixes = RankVec(vec![
            "", "", "gon", "hedron", "choron", "teron", "peton", "exon", "zetton", "yotton",
            "xennon", "dakon",

        for t in &types[Rank::new(0)] {

        for t in &types[Rank::new(1)] {
                "{} of length {}\n",

        for d in Rank::range_iter(Rank::new(2), self.rank()) {
            for t in &types[d] {
                    "{} × {}-{}\n",
                    t.multiplicity, t.facet_count, el_suffixes[d]

        for t in &types[self.rank()] {
                "{} × {}-{}\n",


impl Polytope<Con> for Concrete {
    /// Returns the rank of the polytope.
    fn rank(&self) -> Rank {

    fn name(&self) -> &Name<Con> {

    fn name_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Name<Con> {
        &mut self.name

    /// Gets the number of elements of a given rank.
    fn el_count(&self, rank: Rank) -> usize {

    /// Gets the number of elements of all ranks.
    fn el_counts(&self) -> RankVec<usize> {

    /// Builds the unique polytope of rank −1.
    fn nullitope() -> Self {
        Self::new(Vec::new(), Abstract::nullitope()).with_name(Name::Nullitope)

    /// Builds the unique polytope of rank 0.
    fn point() -> Self {
        Self::new(vec![vec![].into()], Abstract::point()).with_name(Name::Point)

    /// Builds a dyad with unit edge length.
    fn dyad() -> Self {

    /// Builds a convex regular polygon with `n` sides and unit edge length.
    fn polygon(n: usize) -> Self {
        Self::grunbaum_star_polygon(n, 1).with_name(Name::polygon(
            ConData::new(Regular::Yes {
                center: vec![0.0, 0.0].into(),

    /// Returns the dual of a polytope, or `None` if any facets pass through the
    /// origin.
    fn try_dual(&self) -> Result<Self, usize> {
        let mut clone = self.clone();
        clone.try_dual_mut().map(|_| clone)

    /// Builds the dual of a polytope in place, or does nothing in case any
    /// facets go through the origin. Returns the dual if successful, and `None`
    /// otherwise.
    fn try_dual_mut(&mut self) -> Result<(), usize> {

    /// "Appends" a polytope into another, creating a compound polytope. Fails
    /// if the polytopes have different ranks.
    fn append(&mut self, mut p: Self) -> Result<(), ()> {
        if self.abs.append(p.abs).is_err() {
            return Err(());

        self.vertices.append(&mut p.vertices);
        self.name = Name::compound(vec![(1, self.name().clone()), (1, p.name)]);


    fn element(&self, rank: Rank, idx: usize) -> Option<Self> {
        let (vertices, abs) = self.abs.element_and_vertices(rank, idx)?;

                .map(|idx| self.vertices[idx].clone())

    fn flag_events(&self) -> FlagIter {

    /// Builds a [duopyramid](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Pyramid_product)
    /// from two polytopes.
    fn duopyramid(p: &Self, q: &Self) -> Self {
        Self::duopyramid_with_height(p, q, 1.0)

    /// Builds a [duoprism](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Prism_product)
    /// from two polytopes.
    fn duoprism(p: &Self, q: &Self) -> Self {
            Self::duoprism_vertices(&p.vertices, &q.vertices),
            Abstract::duoprism(&p.abs, &q.abs),
        .with_name(Name::Multiprism(vec![p.name().clone(), q.name().clone()]))

    /// Builds a [duotegum](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Tegum_product)
    /// from two polytopes.
    fn duotegum(p: &Self, q: &Self) -> Self {
        // Point-polytope duotegums are special cases.
        if p.rank() == Rank::new(0) {
        } else if q.rank() == Rank::new(0) {
        } else {
                Self::duopyramid_vertices(&p.vertices, &q.vertices, 0.0, true),
                Abstract::duotegum(&p.abs, &q.abs),
            .with_name(Name::Multitegum(vec![p.name().clone(), q.name().clone()]))

    /// Builds a [duocomb](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Honeycomb_product)
    /// from two polytopes.
    fn duocomb(p: &Self, q: &Self) -> Self {
            Self::duoprism_vertices(&p.vertices, &q.vertices),
            Abstract::duocomb(&p.abs, &q.abs),
        .with_name(Name::Multicomb(vec![p.name().clone(), q.name().clone()]))

    /// Builds a [ditope](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Ditope) of a given
    /// polytope.
    fn ditope(&self) -> Self {
        Self::new(self.vertices.clone(), self.abs.ditope())

    /// Builds a [ditope](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Ditope) of a given
    /// polytope in place.
    fn ditope_mut(&mut self) {

    /// Builds a [hosotope](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/hosotope) of a
    /// given polytope.
    fn hosotope(&self) -> Self {
            vec![vec![-0.5].into(), vec![0.5].into()],

    /// Builds a [hosotope](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/hosotope) of a
    /// given polytope in place.
    fn hosotope_mut(&mut self) {
        self.vertices = vec![vec![-0.5].into(), vec![0.5].into()];

    fn try_antiprism(&self) -> Result<Self, usize> {
        Self::try_antiprism_with(&self, &Hypersphere::unit(self.dim().unwrap_or(1)), 1.0)

    /// Determines whether a given polytope is
    /// [orientable](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Orientability).
    fn orientable(&self) -> bool {

    /// Builds a [simplex](https://polytope.miraheze.org/wiki/Simplex) with a
    /// given rank.
    fn simplex(rank: Rank) -> Self {
        if rank == Rank::new(-1) {
        } else {
            let dim = rank.usize();
            let mut vertices = Vec::with_capacity(dim + 1);

            // Adds all points with a single entry equal to √2/2, and all others
            // equal to 0.
            for i in 0..dim {
                let mut v = Point::zeros(dim);
                v[i] = Float::SQRT_2 / 2.0;

            // Adds the remaining vertex, all of whose coordinates are equal.
            let dim_f = dim as Float;
            let a = (1.0 - (dim_f + 1.0).sqrt()) * Float::SQRT_2 / (2.0 * dim_f);
            vertices.push(vec![a; dim].into());

            let mut simplex = Concrete::new(vertices, Abstract::simplex(rank));

impl std::ops::Index<Rank> for Concrete {
    type Output = ElementList;

    /// Gets the list of elements with a given rank.
    fn index(&self, rank: Rank) -> &Self::Output {

impl std::ops::IndexMut<Rank> for Concrete {
    /// Gets the list of elements with a given rank.
    fn index_mut(&mut self, rank: Rank) -> &mut Self::Output {
        &mut self.abs[rank]