mio 0.7.1

Lightweight non-blocking IO
mod afd;
mod io_status_block;

pub mod event;
pub use event::{Event, Events};

mod selector;
pub use selector::{Selector, SelectorInner, SockState};

// Macros must be defined before the modules that use them
cfg_net! {
    /// Helper macro to execute a system call that returns an `io::Result`.
    // Macro must be defined before any modules that uses them.
    macro_rules! syscall {
        ($fn: ident ( $($arg: expr),* $(,)* ), $err_test: path, $err_value: expr) => {{
            let res = unsafe { $fn($($arg, )*) };
            if $err_test(&res, &$err_value) {
            } else {

cfg_tcp! {
    pub(crate) mod tcp;

cfg_udp! {
    pub(crate) mod udp;

mod waker;
pub(crate) use waker::Waker;

cfg_net! {
    use std::io;
    use std::os::windows::io::RawSocket;
    use std::pin::Pin;
    use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

    use crate::{poll, Interest, Registry, Token};

    mod net;

    struct InternalState {
        selector: Arc<SelectorInner>,
        token: Token,
        interests: Interest,
        sock_state: Pin<Arc<Mutex<SockState>>>,

    impl Drop for InternalState {
        fn drop(&mut self) {
            let mut sock_state = self.sock_state.lock().unwrap();

    pub struct IoSourceState {
        // This is `None` if the socket has not yet been registered.
        // We box the internal state to not increase the size on the stack as the
        // type might move around a lot.
        inner: Option<Box<InternalState>>,

    impl IoSourceState {
        pub fn new() -> IoSourceState {
            IoSourceState { inner: None }

        pub fn do_io<T, F, R>(&self, f: F, io: &T) -> io::Result<R>
            F: FnOnce(&T) -> io::Result<R>,
            let result = f(io);
            if let Err(ref e) = result {
                if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock {
                    self.inner.as_ref().map_or(Ok(()), |state| {
                            .reregister(state.sock_state.clone(), state.token, state.interests)

        pub fn register(
            &mut self,
            registry: &Registry,
            token: Token,
            interests: Interest,
            socket: RawSocket,
        ) -> io::Result<()> {
            if self.inner.is_some() {
            } else {
                    .register(socket, token, interests)
                    .map(|state| {
                        self.inner = Some(Box::new(state));

        pub fn reregister(
            &mut self,
            registry: &Registry,
            token: Token,
            interests: Interest,
        ) -> io::Result<()> {
            match self.inner.as_mut() {
                Some(state) => {
                        .reregister(state.sock_state.clone(), token, interests)
                        .map(|()| {
                            state.token = token;
                            state.interests = interests;
                None => Err(io::ErrorKind::NotFound.into()),

        pub fn deregister(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
            match self.inner.as_mut() {
                Some(state) => {
                        let mut sock_state = state.sock_state.lock().unwrap();
                    self.inner = None;
                None => Err(io::ErrorKind::NotFound.into()),