mio-st 0.2.2

Single threaded, lightweight non-blocking IO

A fast, low-level IO library for Rust focusing on non-blocking APIs, event notification for building high performance I/O apps.


  • Fast - minimal overhead over the equivalent OS facilities (epoll, kqueue, etc.).
  • Zero allocations at runtime.
  • A scalable readiness-based API.
  • Provide utilities such as a timers.


Using mio starts by creating a Poller, which used to poll events, both from the OS (backed by epoll, kqueue, etc.) and from user space.

For more detail, including supported platforms, see Poller.

Undefined behaviour

It is undefined how Poller will behave after a process is forked, if you need fork a process do it before creating a Poller instance.

As this is the single threaded version of mio, no types implement Sync or Send and sharing these types across threads will result in undefined behaviour.


A simple TCP server.

# fn main() -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>> {
use std::io;
use std::collections::HashMap;

use mio_st::event::{Events, EventedId};
use mio_st::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use mio_st::poll::{Poller, PollOption};

// An unique id to associate an event with a handle, in this case for our
// TCP listener.
const SERVER_ID: EventedId = EventedId(0);

// Create a `Poller` instance.
let mut poller = Poller::new()?;
// Also create a container for all events.
let mut events = Events::new();

// Setup the server listener.
let address = "".parse()?;
let mut server = TcpListener::bind(address)?;

// Register our TCP listener with `Poller`, this allows us to receive
// notifications about incoming connections.
poller.register(&mut server, SERVER_ID, TcpListener::INTERESTS, PollOption::Edge)?;

// A hashmap with `EventedId` -> `TcpStream` connections.
let mut connections = HashMap::with_capacity(512);

// A simple "counter" to create new unique ids for each incoming connection.
let mut current_id = EventedId(10);

// Start the event loop.
# let i = 0;
loop {
#   if i == 0 { break; }
// Check for new events.
poller.poll(&mut events, None)?;

for event in &mut events {
// Depending on the event id we need to take an action.
match event.id() {
// The server is ready to accept one or more connections.
accept_connections(&mut server, &mut poller, &mut connections, &mut current_id)?;
connection_id => {
// A connection is possibly ready, but it might a spurious
// event.
let connection = match connections.get_mut(&connection_id) {
Some(connection) => connection,
// Spurious event, we can safely ignore it.
None => continue,

// Do something with the connection.
# drop(connection)

fn accept_connections(server: &mut TcpListener, poller: &mut Poller, connections: &mut HashMap<EventedId, TcpStream>, current_id: &mut EventedId) -> io::Result<()> {
// Since we registered with edge-triggered events for our server we need
// to accept connections until we hit a would block "error".
loop {
let (mut connection, address) = match server.accept() {
Ok((connection, address)) => (connection, address),
Err(ref err) if would_block(err) => return Ok(()),
Err(err) => return Err(err),

// Generate a new id for the connection.
let id = *current_id;
*current_id = EventedId(current_id.0 + 1);

println!("got a new connection from: {}, id: {:?}", address, id);

// Register the TCP connection so we can handle events for it as
// well.
poller.register(&mut connection, id, TcpStream::INTERESTS, PollOption::Edge)?;

// Store our connection so we can access it later.
connections.insert(id, connection);

fn would_block(err: &io::Error) -> bool {
err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock
#     Ok(())
# }