minutiae 0.12.2

Cellular Automata-esque simulation engine involving a 2D universe populated by cells and entities
// Taken from https://blog.fazibear.me/definitive-guide-to-rust-sdl-2-and-emscripten-93d707b22bbb
// Which took it from https://github.com/Gigoteur/PX8/blob/master/src/px8/emscripten.rs

use std::{
    os::raw::{c_float, c_int, c_void},
    ptr::{self, null_mut},

use prelude::*;
use universe::Universe2D;
use util::ColorCalculator;

pub mod driver;

type em_callback_func = unsafe extern "C" fn();

extern "C" {
    pub fn emscripten_set_main_loop(
        func: em_callback_func,
        fps: c_int,
        simulate_infinite_loop: c_int,
    pub fn emscripten_cancel_main_loop();
    pub fn emscripten_get_now() -> c_float;

thread_local!(static MAIN_LOOP_CALLBACK: RefCell<*mut c_void> = RefCell::new(null_mut()));

pub fn set_main_loop_callback<F>(callback: Box<F>)
    F: FnMut(),
    MAIN_LOOP_CALLBACK.with(|log| {
        *log.borrow_mut() = Box::into_raw(callback) as *mut c_void;

    unsafe {
        emscripten_set_main_loop(wrapper::<F>, 0, 1);

    unsafe extern "C" fn wrapper<F>()
        F: FnMut(),
        MAIN_LOOP_CALLBACK.with(|z| {
            let closure = *z.borrow_mut() as *mut F;

/// Driver that integrates with the Emscripten browser event loop API to have the simulation loop
/// automatically managed by the browser.
pub struct EmscriptenDriver;

        C: CellState,
        E: EntityState<C>,
        M: MutEntityState,
        CA: CellAction<C>,
        EA: EntityAction<C, E>,
        U: Universe<C, E, M>,
        N: Engine<C, E, M, CA, EA, U>,
    > Driver<C, E, M, CA, EA, U, N> for EmscriptenDriver
    fn init(
        mut universe: U,
        mut engine: N,
        mut middleware: Vec<Box<Middleware<C, E, M, CA, EA, U, N>>>,
    ) {
        let closure = move || {
            println!("In closure...");
            for m in middleware.iter_mut() {
                m.before_render(&mut universe);

            engine.step(&mut universe);

            for m in middleware.iter_mut() {
                m.after_render(&mut universe);

        // register the driver's core logic to be called by Emscripten automatically

/// Middleware that caculates the color of each pixel in the universe using a provided function and
/// maintains an internal buffer containing that data.  Once all of the data has been calculated, it
/// calls the provided `canvas_render` function with a pointer to that internal pixeldata buffer in
/// rgba format (the same format as is accepted by HTML Canvases).
pub struct CanvasRenderer<C: CellState, E: EntityState<C>, M: MutEntityState> {
    pixbuf: Vec<u8>,
    get_color: ColorCalculator<C, E, M>,
    canvas_render: fn(colors: &[u8]),

        C: CellState,
        E: EntityState<C>,
        M: MutEntityState,
        CA: CellAction<C>,
        EA: EntityAction<C, E>,
        N: Engine<C, E, M, CA, EA, Universe2D<C, E, M>>,
    > Middleware<C, E, M, CA, EA, Universe2D<C, E, M>, N> for CanvasRenderer<C, E, M>
    fn after_render(&mut self, universe: &mut Universe2D<C, E, M>) {
        // check if the universe size has changed since the last render and, if it has, re-size our
        // pixbuf
        let universe_len = universe.cells.len();
        let expected_pixbuf_size = universe_len * 4;
        if expected_pixbuf_size != self.pixbuf.len() && expected_pixbuf_size != 0 {
            self.pixbuf.resize(expected_pixbuf_size, 255u8);

        // update our internal pixel data buffer from the universe
        for universe_index in 0..universe.cells.len() {
            let entities = universe.entities.get_entities_at(universe_index);

            let dst_ptr =
                unsafe { self.pixbuf.as_ptr().offset(universe_index as isize * 4) } as *mut u32;
            unsafe {
                    mem::transmute::<[u8; 4], _>((self.get_color)(

        // pass a pointer to our internal buffer to the canvas render function

impl<C: CellState, E: EntityState<C>, M: MutEntityState> CanvasRenderer<C, E, M> {
    pub fn new(
        universe_size: usize,
        get_color: ColorCalculator<C, E, M>,
        canvas_render: fn(colors: &[u8]),
    ) -> Self {
        CanvasRenderer {
            pixbuf: vec![255u8; universe_size * universe_size * 4],

pub enum KeyPress {

/// Represents an action that the user can take in the web UI.
pub enum UserEvent {
    CanvasClick { x: u32, y: u32 },