Crate minus[][src]

Expand description

A fast, asynchronous terminal paging library for Rust. minus provides high level functions to easily embed a pager for any terminal application.

minus can be used in asynchronous mode or in a blocking fashion

  • In asynchronous mode, the pager’s data as well as it’s configuration can be updated at any time.minus supports both tokio as well as async-std runtimes. The support for these runtimes are gated on individual features.

  • In blocking mode, the pager stops any other code from being executed. This is good if you want to show some static information but it does not allow you to change the configuration of the pager at runtime.

  • When using minus, you select what features you need and nothing else.


  • async_std_lib: Use this if you use async_std runtime in your application
  • tokio_lib:Use this if you are using tokio runtime for your application
  • static_output: Use this if you only want to use minus for displaying static output
  • search: If you want searching capablities inside the feature


Print numbers 1 through 100 with 100ms delay in asynchronous mode

You can use any async runtime, but we are taking the example of tokio

 use futures::join;
 use minus::{Pager, tokio_updating};
 use std::{fmt::Write, time::Duration};
 use tokio::time::sleep;

 async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
     let mut pager = Pager::new().unwrap();
     pager.set_prompt("An asynchronous example");
     let pager = pager.finish();

     let updater = async {
         for i in 1..=100u8 {
             let mut guard = pager.lock().await;
             writeln!(guard, "{}", i)?;
             // Remember to drop the guard before any await or blocking operation
         let mut guard = pager.lock().await;
         Result::<_, std::fmt::Error>::Ok(())

     let (res1, res2) = join!(tokio_updating(pager.clone()), updater);

Print 1 through 100 in a blocking fashion (static output)

 use std::fmt::Write;
 use minus::page_all;

 fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
      let mut pager = minus::Pager::new().unwrap();
      for i in 1..=100 {
         writeln!(pager, "{}", i)?;


Provides error types that are used in various places

Provides the InputHandler trait, which can be used to customize the default keybindings of minus


A struct containing all configurations for the pager.


Behaviour that happens when the pager is exitted

Enum indicating whether to display the line numbers or not.

Defines modes in which the search can run



Run the pager inside an async_std task.


Outputs static information.

Run the pager inside a tokio task.

Type Definitions

A convenience type for Vec<Box<dyn FnMut() + Send + Sync + 'static>>

PagerMutextokio_lib or async_std_lib

A convenience type for std::sync::Arc<async_mutex::Mutex<Pager>>