minorhacks_chess 0.1.3

Fork of the `chess` crate (github.com/jordanbray/chess). This one has a unique set of bugs useful for certain applications; prefer to use the upstream crate.
// This file generates 3 giant files, magic_gen.rs and zobrist_gen.rs
// The purpose of this file is to create lookup tables that can be used during move generation.
// This file has gotten pretty long and complicated, but hopefully the comments should allow


// it to be easily followed.
extern crate rand;
mod bitboard;
mod color;
mod error;
mod file;
mod gen_tables;
mod piece;
mod rank;
mod square;

use crate::gen_tables::generate_all_tables;
// Generate everything.
fn main() {
    // Uncomment this to regenerate tables.
    // This is disabled and manually inlined so that compilation doesn't take
    // forever.
    // generate_all_tables();