minitt 0.0.6

Mini-TT, a dependently-typed lambda calculus, implementated in Rust
# minitt-rs

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Rust implementation of Mini-TT, a simple dependently-typed lambda calculus.
It can be used as a core language for complicated dependently-typed programming
languages, or used for testing the correctness of translation algorithms.

I'm trying my best to use complete and meaningful namings.
I'm also doing a general clean-up of the Haskell implementation and comment the
functions with their counterparts' names in the Haskell implementation so people
don't get confused when they read the paper while reading this implementation.

[Mini-TT Paper](

### Plan

+ Initial version: just `clone`, `clone`, `clone` and simulate the Haskell implementation
+ Update: use mutable `Vec`/`BTreeMap` for telescopes instead of functional immutable lists to improve efficiency
+ Update: replace the use of `Clone`/`Box` to the use of `Rc`
+ Update: add a parser, enabled with `feature`