miniquad 0.2.32

Cross-platform window context and rendering library.
name = "miniquad"
version = "0.2.32"
authors = ["not-fl3 <>"]
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
description = """
Cross-platform window context and rendering library.

default = []

# Optional log-rs like macros implementation
# disabled by default
log-impl = []

sapp-windows = { path ="./native/sapp-windows", version = "0.2.6" }

[target.'cfg(target_os = "linux")'.dependencies]
sapp-linux = { path ="./native/sapp-linux", version = "0.1.4" }

[target.'cfg(target_os = "macos")'.dependencies]
sapp-darwin = { path = "./native/sapp-darwin", version = "0.1.1" }

sapp-wasm = { path ="./native/sapp-wasm", version = "0.1.12" }

[target.'cfg(not(any(target_os="linux", target_os="macos", target_arch="wasm32", windows)))'.dependencies]
sapp-dummy = { path ="./native/sapp-dummy", version = "0.1.3" }

glam = {version = "0.8", features = ["scalar-math"] }