minimax-alpha-beta 0.1.2

An implementation of Alpha-Beta Pruning + Minimax Algorithm for arbitrary two player minimax style games like Chess, Go, TicTacToe, etc.
//! Solve any Two-player Minimax game using the
//! Minimax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning.
//! Also, where possible, a parallel processing
//! implementation is provided.

mod drivers;
/// Contains sruct and necessary implementations
/// for `TicTacToe`: a popular two-player game
/// where one player places a symbol - 'X' and another
/// player places a symbol - 'O' on a square grid
/// with the objective of creating a streak of same
/// symbols of length the size of the grid in any direction.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use minimax_alpha_beta::tictactoe::TicTacToe;
/// let mut tic_tac_toe = TicTacToe::create_game(3, None, None, None);
/// tic_tac_toe.print_board();
/// assert_eq!(tic_tac_toe.size, 3);
/// assert_eq!(tic_tac_toe.default_char, '-');
/// ```
mod tests;
/// Contains the concrete implementation of
/// a TicTacToe game.
pub mod tictactoe {

    /// Contains basic data about a
    /// TicTacToe game.
    pub struct TicTacToe {
        pub board: Vec<char>,
        pub size: usize,
        pub default_char: char,
        pub maximizer: char,
        pub minimizer: char,

    /// Implements all necessary
    /// methods to operate a TicTacToe
    /// game.
    impl TicTacToe {
        /// Create a new game of TicTacToe
        /// with a fresh board.
        pub fn create_game(
            size: usize,
            default_char: Option<char>,
            maximizer: Option<char>,
            minimizer: Option<char>,
        ) -> TicTacToe {
            let board: Vec<char> = vec![default_char.unwrap_or('-'); (size * size) as usize];

            TicTacToe {
                maximizer: maximizer.unwrap_or('o'),
                minimizer: minimizer.unwrap_or('x'),
                default_char: default_char.unwrap_or('-'),

        /// Pretty print a TicTacToe board
        /// for visualizing a game state.
        pub fn print_board(&self) {
            for idx in 0..self.size {
                let start = self.size * idx;
                let end = self.size * (idx + 1);
                let sub: &[char] = &self.board[start as usize..end as usize];

                for &x in sub.iter() {
                    print!("{}", x);

        /// Check the main and anti-diagonals
        /// for a winner.
        pub fn check_diagonals(&self) -> char {
            let mut winner = self.default_char;
            if self.check_diagonal(self.maximizer, true)
                || self.check_diagonal(self.maximizer, false)
                winner = self.maximizer
            } else if self.check_diagonal(self.minimizer, true)
                || self.check_diagonal(self.minimizer, false)
                winner = self.minimizer

        /// Check the rows of the grid for a winner.
        pub fn check_rows(&self) -> char {
            let mut winner = self.default_char;

            for row in 0..self.size as usize {
                if self.check_row(self.maximizer, row) {
                    winner = self.maximizer;
                } else if self.check_row(self.minimizer, row) {
                    winner = self.minimizer;

        /// Check the columns of the grid for a winner.
        pub fn check_cols(&self) -> char {
            let mut winner = self.default_char;

            for col in 0..self.size as usize {
                if self.check_col(self.maximizer, col) {
                    winner = self.maximizer;
                } else if self.check_col(self.minimizer, col) {
                    winner = self.minimizer;

        /// Check a given column if a given player has won.
        fn check_col(&self, ch: char, col_num: usize) -> bool {
            for row in 0..self.size as usize {
                if self.board[self.size as usize * row + col_num] != ch {
                    return false;

        /// Check a given row if a given player has won.
        fn check_row(&self, ch: char, row_num: usize) -> bool {
            for col in 0..self.size as usize {
                if self.board[self.size as usize * row_num + col] != ch {
                    return false;

        /// Check the main and anti diagonals if a
        /// given player has won.
        fn check_diagonal(&self, ch: char, diag: bool) -> bool {
            // main diagonal is represented by true.
            if diag {
                for idx in 0..self.size as usize {
                    if self.board[(self.size as usize * idx as usize) + idx] != ch {
                        return false;
            } else {
                for idx in 0..self.size as usize {
                    if self.board
                        [(self.size as usize * (self.size as usize - 1 - idx as usize)) + idx]
                        != ch
                        return false;

/// Contains the necessary behaviours for
/// two-player Minimax games.
pub mod strategy {

    /// Any two-player Minimax game must
    /// have this behavior. In other words,
    /// these functions should yield meaningful outputs
    /// for any two-player games.
    pub trait Strategy {
        type Player;
        type Move;
        type Board;

        /// Ability to statically evaluate the current game state.
        fn evaluate(&self) -> f64;
        /// Identify a winner, if exists.
        fn get_winner(&self) -> Self::Player;
        /// Identify if the game is tied.
        fn is_game_tied(&self) -> bool;
        /// Identify if the game is in a completed state.
        fn is_game_complete(&self) -> bool;
        /// Ability to produce a collection of playable legal moves
        /// in the current position.
        fn get_available_moves(&self) -> Vec<Self::Move>;
        /// Modify the game state by playing a given move.
        fn play(&mut self, mv: &Self::Move, maximizer: bool);
        /// Modify the game state by resetting a given move.
        fn clear(&mut self, mv: &Self::Move);
        /// Get the current state of the board.
        fn get_board(&self) -> &Self::Board;
        /// Determine if a given move is valid.
        fn is_a_valid_move(&self, mv: &Self::Move) -> bool;
        /// Ability to produce a sentinel (not-playable) move.
        fn get_a_sentinel_move(&self) -> Self::Move;

    /// The behaviour required of any
    /// minimax game engine.
    pub trait AlphaBetaMiniMaxStrategy: Strategy {
        /// The ability to get the best move
        /// in the current state and for the
        /// current player.
        fn get_best_move(
            &mut self,
            max_depth: i64,
            is_maximizing: bool,
        ) -> <Self as Strategy>::Move;

        /// The ability to produce a best (good enough, sometimes)
        /// evaluation score possible over all
        /// possible moves at the current game state.
        fn minimax_score(
            &mut self,
            depth: i64,
            is_maximizing: bool,
            alpha: f64,
            beta: f64,
            max_depth: i64,
        ) -> f64;

/// Contains the concrete implementations
/// for the game-playing strategic behaviour
/// of TicTacToe.
pub mod games {

    use crate::strategy::*;
    use crate::tictactoe::*;

    /// Endow upon TicTacToe the ability to
    /// play games.
    impl Strategy for TicTacToe {
        /// The Player is a char.
        /// Usually one of 'o', 'O', 'x', 'X', '-'.
        type Player = char;

        /// The Move is a single number representing an
        /// index of the Board vector, i.e. in range
        /// `[0, (size * size) - 1]`.
        type Move = usize;

        /// The Board is a single vector of length `size * size`.
        type Board = Vec<char>;

        fn evaluate(&self) -> f64 {
            if self.is_game_tied() {
            } else {
                let _winner = self.get_winner();
                if _winner == self.maximizer {
                } else {

        fn get_winner(&self) -> Self::Player {
            let mut winner = self.check_diagonals();

            if winner == self.default_char {
                winner = self.check_rows();
            if winner == self.default_char {
                winner = self.check_cols();

        fn is_game_tied(&self) -> bool {
            let _winner = self.get_winner();

            _winner == self.default_char && self.get_available_moves().is_empty()

        fn is_game_complete(&self) -> bool {
            let _winner = self.get_winner();

            self.get_available_moves().is_empty() || _winner != '-'

        fn get_available_moves(&self) -> Vec<Self::Move> {
            let mut moves: Vec<usize> = vec![];
            for idx in 0..(self.size * self.size) as usize {
                if self.board[idx] == '-' {

        fn play(&mut self, &mv: &Self::Move, maximizer: bool) {
            // player: true means the maximizer's turn.

            if maximizer {
                self.board[mv] = self.maximizer;
            } else {
                self.board[mv] = self.minimizer;

        fn clear(&mut self, &mv: &Self::Move) {
            self.board[mv] = self.default_char

        fn get_board(&self) -> &Self::Board {

        fn is_a_valid_move(&self, &mv: &Self::Move) -> bool {
            self.board[mv] == self.default_char

        fn get_a_sentinel_move(&self) -> Self::Move {
            self.size * self.size + 1

    pub const INF: f64 = f64::INFINITY;
    pub const NEG_INF: f64 = f64::NEG_INFINITY;

    /// Endow upon anything the ability to
    /// use the AlphaBetaMiniMaxStrategy implementation
    /// of the game engine as long as it understands
    /// how to behave as Strategy.
    impl<T: Strategy> AlphaBetaMiniMaxStrategy for T {
        fn get_best_move(
            &mut self,
            max_depth: i64,
            is_maximizing: bool,
        ) -> <Self as Strategy>::Move {
            let mut best_move: <Self as Strategy>::Move = self.get_a_sentinel_move();

            if self.is_game_complete() {
                return best_move;

            let alpha = NEG_INF;
            let beta = INF;

            if is_maximizing {
                let mut best_move_val: f64 = INF;

                for mv in self.get_available_moves() {
          , false);
                    let value = self.minimax_score(max_depth, true, alpha, beta, max_depth);
                    if value <= best_move_val {
                        best_move_val = value;
                        best_move = mv;

            } else {
                let mut best_move_val: f64 = NEG_INF;

                for mv in self.get_available_moves() {
          , false);
                    let value = self.minimax_score(max_depth, false, alpha, beta, max_depth);
                    if value >= best_move_val {
                        best_move_val = value;
                        best_move = mv;

        fn minimax_score(
            &mut self,
            depth: i64,
            is_maximizing: bool,
            mut alpha: f64,
            mut beta: f64,
            max_depth: i64,
        ) -> f64 {
            let avail: Vec<<T as Strategy>::Move> = self.get_available_moves();
            if depth == 0 || self.is_game_complete() || avail.is_empty() {
                return self.evaluate();

            if is_maximizing {
                let mut value = NEG_INF;
                for idx in avail {
          , true);
                    let score = self.minimax_score(depth - 1, false, alpha, beta, max_depth);
                    if score >= value {
                        value = score;
                    if score >= alpha {
                        alpha = score;
                    if beta <= alpha {
                if value != 0. {
                    return value - (max_depth - depth) as f64;
            } else {
                let mut value = INF;
                for idx in avail {
          , false);
                    let score = self.minimax_score(depth - 1, true, alpha, beta, max_depth);
                    if score <= value {
                        value = score;
                    if score <= beta {
                        beta = score;
                    if beta <= alpha {

                if value != 0. {
                    return value + (max_depth - depth) as f64;