minilzo 0.2.0

A wrapper around the portable lossless data compression library

minilzo-rs - A wrapper around minilzo, the lightweight subset of the LZO library

Build Status

LZO is a compression library with focus on decompression speed. originally implemented by Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer. minilzo is a lightweight subset of the full LZO library.

It is available online as a C library.

This rust library is a wrapper around the minilzo library and is fully compatible with LZO/minilzo compressed data.


cargo build --release


use minilzo;

fn main() {
    let data = b"foobar";

    let compressed = minilzo::compress(&data[..]).unwrap();

    let decompressed = minilzo::decompress(&compressed, data.len()).unwrap();


Run tests with:

cargo test

Run benchmarks with:

cargo bench


The minilzo-rs wrapper library is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
LZO itself is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL v2+).