minijinja 0.30.2

a powerful template engine for Rust with minimal dependencies
//! <div align=center>
//!   <img src="" alt="" width=320>
//!   <p><strong>MiniJinja: a powerful template engine for Rust with minimal dependencies</strong></p>
//! </div>
//! MiniJinja is a powerful but minimal dependency template engine for Rust which
//! is based on the syntax and behavior of the
//! [Jinja2]( template engine for Python.  It's
//! implemented on top of [`serde`].  The goal is to be able to render a large
//! chunk of the Jinja2 template ecosystem from Rust with a minimal engine and to
//! leverage an already existing ecosystem of editor integrations.
//! ```jinja
//! {% for user in users %}
//!   <li>{{ }}</li>
//! {% endfor %}
//! ```
//! You can play with MiniJinja online [in the browser
//! playground]( powered by a
//! WASM build of MiniJinja.
//! # Why MiniJinja
//! MiniJinja by its name wants to be a good default choice if you need a little
//! bit of templating with minimal dependencies.  It has the following goals:
//! * Well documented, compact API
//! * Minimal dependencies, reasonable compile times and decent runtime performance
//! * Stay close as possible to Jinja2
//! * Support for expression evaluation
//! * Support for all `serde` compatible types
//! * Excellent test coverage
//! * Support for dynamic runtime objects with methods and dynamic attributes
//! # Template Usage
//! To use MiniJinja one needs to create an [`Environment`] and populate it with
//! templates.  Afterwards templates can be loaded and rendered.  To pass data
//! one can pass any serde serializable value.  The [`context!`] macro can be
//! used to quickly construct a template context:
//! ```
//! use minijinja::{Environment, context};
//! let mut env = Environment::new();
//! env.add_template("hello", "Hello {{ name }}!").unwrap();
//! let tmpl = env.get_template("hello").unwrap();
//! println!("{}", tmpl.render(context!(name => "John")).unwrap());
//! ```
//! ```plain
//! Hello John!
//! ```
//! For super trivial cases where you need to render a string once, you can
//! also use the [`render!`] macro which acts a bit like a replacement
//! for the [`format!`] macro.
//! # Expression Usage
//! MiniJinja — like Jinja2 — allows to be used as expression language.  This can be
//! useful to express logic in configuration files or similar things.  For this
//! purpose the [`Environment::compile_expression`] method can be used.  It returns
//! an expression object that can then be evaluated, returning the result:
//! ```
//! use minijinja::{Environment, context};
//! let env = Environment::new();
//! let expr = env.compile_expression("number < 42").unwrap();
//! let result = expr.eval(context!(number => 23)).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(result.is_true(), true);
//! ```
//! This becomes particularly powerful when [dynamic objects](crate::value::Object) are
//! exposed to templates.
//! # Custom Filters
//! MiniJinja lets you register functions as filter functions (see
//! [`Filter`](crate::filters::Filter)) with the engine.  These can then be
//! invoked directly from the template:
//! ```
//! use minijinja::{Environment, context};
//! let mut env = Environment::new();
//! env.add_filter("repeat", str::repeat);
//! env.add_template("hello", "{{ 'Na '|repeat(3) }} {{ name }}!").unwrap();
//! let tmpl = env.get_template("hello").unwrap();
//! println!("{}", tmpl.render(context!(name => "Batman")).unwrap());
//! ```
//! ```plain
//! Na Na Na Batman!
//! ```
//! # Learn more
//! - [`Environment`]: the main API entry point.  Teaches you how to configure the environment.
//! - [`Template`]: the template object API.  Shows you how templates can be rendered.
//! - [`syntax`]: provides documentation of the template engine syntax.
//! - [`filters`]: teaches you how to write custom filters and to see the list of built-in filters.
//! - [`tests`]: teaches you how to write custom test functions and to see the list of built-in tests.
//! - [`functions`]: teaches how to write custom functions and to see the list of built-in functions.
//! - For auto reloading use the [`minijinja-autoreload`]( crate.
//! Additionally there is an [list of examples](
//! with many different small example programs on GitHub to explore.
//! # Error Handling
//! MiniJinja tries to give you good errors out of the box.  However if you use includes or
//! template inheritance your experience will improve greatly if you ensure to render chained
//! errors.  For more information see [`Error`] with an example.
//! # Size and Compile Times
//! MiniJinja attempts to compile fast so it can be used as a sensible template engine choice
//! when compile times matter.  Because of this it's internally modular so unnecessary bits and
//! pieces can be removed.  The default set of features tries to strike a balance but in
//! situations where only a subset is needed (eg: ``) all default features can be
//! be disabled.
//! # Optional Features
//! MiniJinja comes with a lot of optional features, some of which are turned on by
//! default.  If you plan on using MiniJinja in a library, please consider turning
//! off all default features and to opt-in explicitly into the ones you actually
//! need.
//! <details><summary><strong style="cursor: pointer">Configurable Features</strong></summary>
//! To cut down on size of the engine some default functionality can be removed:
//! - **Engine Features:**
//!   - `builtins`: if this feature is removed the default filters, tests and
//!     functions are not implemented.
//!   - `macros`: when removed the `{% macro %}` tag is not included.
//!   - `multi-template`: when removed the templates related to imports and extends
//!     are removed (`{% from %}`, `{% import %}`, `{% include %}`, and `{% extends %}`
//!     as well as `{% block %}`).
//!   - `adjacent-loop-items`: when removed the `previtem` and `nextitem` attributes of
//!     the `loop` object no longer exist.  Removing this feature can provide faster
//!     template execution when a lot of loops are involved.
//!   - `unicode`: when added unicode identifiers are supported.  Without this features
//!     only ASCII identifiers can be used for variable names and attributes.
//! - **Rust Functionality:**
//!   - `debug`: if this feature is removed some debug functionality of the engine is
//!     removed as well.  This mainly affects the quality of error reporting.
//!   - `key_interning`: if this feature is removed the automatic string interning in
//!     the value type is disabled.  The default behavior can cut down on the memory
//!     consumption of the value type by interning all string keys used in values.
//!   - `deserialization`: when removed this disables deserialization support for
//!     the [`Value`](crate::value::Value) type.
//! There are some additional features that can be enabled:
//! - `fuel`: enables the `fuel` feature which makes the engine track fuel consumption which
//!   can be used to better protect against expensive templates.
//! - `source`: enables the `Source` type which helps with dynamic loading of templates.
//! - `speedups`: enables all speedups, in particular it turns on the `v_htmlescape` dependency
//!   for faster HTML escapling.  This also turns on `key_interning` automatically.
//! - `json`: When enabled the `tojson` filter is added as builtin filter as well as
//!   the ability to auto escape via `AutoEscape::Json`.
//! - `urlencode`: When enabled the `urlencode` filter is added as builtin filter.
//! - `preserve_order`: When enable the internal value implementation uses an indexmap
//!   which preserves the original order of maps and structs.
//! </details>
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]

mod macros;

mod compiler;
mod defaults;
mod environment;
mod error;
mod expression;
mod key;
mod output;
mod template;
mod utils;
mod vm;

pub mod filters;
pub mod functions;
pub mod syntax;
pub mod tests;
pub mod value;

#[cfg(feature = "source")]
mod source;

#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
mod debug;

pub use self::defaults::{default_auto_escape_callback, escape_formatter};
pub use self::environment::Environment;
pub use self::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
pub use self::expression::Expression;
pub use self::output::Output;
pub use self::template::Template;
pub use self::utils::{AutoEscape, HtmlEscape};

#[cfg(feature = "source")]
pub use self::source::Source;

pub use self::macros::__context;
pub use self::vm::State;

/// This module gives access to the low level machinery.
/// This module is only provided by the `unstable_machinery` feature and does not
/// have a stable interface.  It mostly exists for internal testing purposes and
/// for debugging.
#[cfg(feature = "unstable_machinery")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "unstable_machinery")))]
pub mod machinery {
    pub use crate::compiler::ast;
    pub use crate::compiler::codegen::CodeGenerator;
    pub use crate::compiler::instructions::{Instruction, Instructions};
    pub use crate::compiler::lexer::tokenize;
    pub use crate::compiler::parser::parse;
    pub use crate::compiler::tokens::{Span, Token};
    pub use crate::template::CompiledTemplate;
    pub use crate::vm::Vm;

    use crate::Output;

    /// Creates an [`Output`] that writes into a string.
    pub fn make_string_output(s: &mut String) -> Output<'_> {