minidump 0.1.0

A parser for the minidump format.

Build Status


This Rust crate implements a parser for the minidump file format.

It's fairly heavily modeled after the Google Breakpad library, and much of it was written as a means to learn Rust, so there are some rough edges, but it implements most of the functionality necessary to work with minidumps.



Print the raw details of the exception stream from a minidump:

extern crate minidump;

use minidump::{Error, Minidump, MinidumpException, MinidumpStream};
use std::io::{self, Write};

fn work() -> Result<(), Error> {
  let mut dump = minidump::Minidump::read_path("testdata/test.dmp")?;
  let exception: MinidumpException = dump.get_stream()?;
  drop(exception.print(&mut io::stdout()));

fn main() {


The functionality here has been broken out into several sub-crates:

  • minidump-core contains the definitions of basic minidump structs, and traits that are shared among several crates.
  • breakpad-symbols contains a parser for Breakpad's text format .sym files and interfaces for resolving functions and source line info by address from symbol files.
  • minidump-processor contains the pieces necessary to generate symbolicated stack traces from a minidump. It provides a minidump_stackwalk binary which should function similarly to the one provided in Breakpad.


This software is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE.